Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 45: Loyalty

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When the figure of the five-color dragon disappeared in the middle of the altar, the metal dragons finally appeared. Oh,

“Do you really need us to enter the lower world to help you?”

Silver Dragon Stein is still somewhat worried. He looks at the five people who are ready to go with suspicion: "If you encounter a five-color dragon in the underground temple - not in a nightmare, I think it may be a little troublesome."

Marvin smiled and he had similar concerns in his heart.

After listening to the professor's plan, Ma Wen naturally chose to join.

Anyway, I have already gotten into this piece of fun, and the professor promised to reach the highest jungle with the fastest speed after the event is over - this is much faster than the gryphon of the unreliable butterfly.

Besides, the five-color dragon hatred on your body is second only to evil spirits. Sooner or later, you will become an enemy with these guys. It is better to cooperate with the metal dragons to prevent them from gaining strength and then wait for opportunities to move in the nightmare. Take advantage of your own dragon-shooting guns in the environment, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

With the addition of Marvin, the dragons have no objection.

Obviously, the aura of his body is still very effective: the Dragon Slayer, the Destroyer, the Deaf God... Although the dragons rarely value humans, when there are so many earth-shattering deeds in a human being, They also had to bow their proud heads and pay tribute to them.

With the addition of Marvin, the team naturally became four people.

Knife Master Kang En, a friend of unknown origin, but said to be Conn, is very reliable female spellcaster Louise, Marvin. In addition to the professor who used advanced deformation.

This is a very good combination, because the information that the metal dragons get is. In the nightmare, there may be crystal statues or rainbow springs in about three or four locations. So there must be enough people to grab the five-color dragons before.

However, at this time, a discordant voice appeared.

"Can I join too?"

The butterfly asked naturally.

The rest of the dragon looked at this little elf and widened their eyes.

Silver Dragon Stein, with a bitter smile, looked at the glittering dragon scales in her hand and just wanted to stop it seriously.

This is not an adventure game. The opponents of this trip are all the world's top killers. They have the most terrible body and magic, and they have the most vicious heart. Five heads of the ancient five-color dragon, even if they are the same as the ancient metal dragon will not be underestimated.

A low-powered wood elf. Do you want to sew the dragons?

However, Stein’s blockade has not yet been said, but he heard an unexpected voice saying:

"of course can."

The professor’s voice seemed to be categorical.

The butterfly cheered and the rest of the dragon showed a confused look.


Next to the five-color altar, the professor who turned into a human being looks like a wise old man.

He patted Stein's shoulder gently: "Don't worry, we are all one-of-a-kind in the ranks."

Stein looked at the strength and feared that there was no third-order butterfly, and he secretly shook his head.

The rest of the people did not recognize the professor's decision very much, but the position of the Red Copper Dragon in the hearts of all the dragons was obviously higher, and his decision was unanimously passed.

Ever since, it is under the eyes of the rest of the metal dragons. They began to throw away the abandoned legendary items into the five-color altar - just like the five-color dragons they did.

Every time you consume a legendary item, you have a transfer qualification.

I have to say that the appetite of the five-color altar is really big, and it is necessary to start the legendary items.

Fortunately, Ma Wen is surrounded by a group of Taikoo dragons.

This group of people is not lacking anything. Especially the legendary items that have been used for years but have no use.

Conn first entered the altar.

Then there was Louise, a woman who was covered in black shawls. Marvin couldn't even see her face, only knowing that she was strong. Absolutely not under yourself.

Then there is the butterfly. The wood elves cleverly mixed into the altar and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Marvin is worried. Stepping forward, the fourth entered the five-color altar.


The five-color altar is randomly transmitted. The destination of the transmission is the underground temple below the ruins.

There is a mysterious force field around the underground temple. If you want to forcibly break in, it will only lead to the violent collapse of the temple.

According to the structural diagrams that the metal dragons have tried to find, the underground temples have five floors, each with different structural drawings, and the map is incomplete. It is not easy to find the entrance to the next layer.

Even more troublesome is that in this process, they are very likely to meet the five-color dragon, and also encounter monsters born in the underground temple.

Because of the tomb of the Dragon God, these monsters all come with a divine template!

After learning the news, Marvin had a little regret to let go of the **** dog so early.

If you bring the guy to the underground temple, the latter will definitely have enough to eat and the strength will increase.

Of course, for Marvin, divine creatures are also good.

Although his virtual deity can't accommodate more divinity, Naru's book can engulf divinity.

Recently, Marvin and Naru's book reached a new deal.

Every time Marvin offered him a little divinity, he revealed some secrets that Marvin wanted to know to Marvin.

Marvin knows that this transaction is very dangerous. Medier's foresight has made Marvin full of vigilance against Naru's book, [New Life], but given the effectiveness of the Witch's Tears, Ma Wen asked most of them to suppress Naru. The book, and occasionally asking a few crucial questions is still very helpful.


Darkness is the only tone.

When Marvin's feet stepped on the wet slate, he smelled a burnt smell.

It was as if a poor chef broke a table of barbecue.

There is no light, no flames, only darkness of chaos, and turbid air.

The environment here is simply terrible.

“I know that advanced night walkers are the best choice.”

However, the dark environment is entirely commonplace for Marvin.

“More than three-quarters of the copies of Fernan are dungeons, and most of the dungeons, dark vision are invisible.”

Ma Wen still remembers the time of his previous life. In order to open up a new copy of the underground city, several large guilds have increased the price of [infrared vision] and [light-light vision] equipment.

And dark vision. Obviously something more rare.

He moves quickly, with the sense of smell. Soon I arrived at the place where the smell was stinking.

I saw a large dry area on the wet floor.

There is still temperature in this area, and there is a ash on it. Only at the edge of the area, Marvin caught half of the fat mites.

It is still dead and still dying.

As soon as he touched Marvin's finger, it slammed his weapon—a thin needle.

It can penetrate human skin and absorb human blood.


When Marvin took a little effort, he killed the guy who didn't know how to live.

The system showed that he had received a small amount of poor experience.

"Dragon's breath... the darkness..."

"It seems that Earl or the Taikoo Black Dragon has just passed by..."

Marvin’s judgment is simple.

It used to be a mother's nest of the Darkness. They are active nearby and regard this place as their own site.

Until an uninvited visitor.

And the flames of the dragon, only the red dragon and the black dragon can spit out.

If it is a black dragon, Ma Wen is not afraid. The black dragon in the five-color dragon is the only one who is restrained by him. Otherwise, the ancient black dragon Izaka will not be abused by him.

However, if it is a red dragon, be careful.

Earl's guy was terrible, and Marvin didn't meet him on the first floor.

It’s just that the space in the underground temple is very weird.

Here is a bridge linking the main material world and the nightmare. There is a certain distortion in time and space, and Marvin’s ability to enter the shadow plane at any time is contained.

He did not dare to come. In such a time-space twisted place, accidentally it will be transmitted to a corner of the boundless universe.

The last time I was rescued by Stupid and Jessica, I was lucky. This time, it is estimated that no one can control himself in the black temple.

He calmed down and searched bit by bit.

The structure of the temple is very grand.

The basement is about ten meters high and very empty.

Just don't know why. Most of the floors are very wet. Where the water vapor comes from, Marvin has been very curious.

Maybe the second floor is where a river passes?

He turned a corner. Huo Ran saw a figure.

Ma Wen brows, the figure does not move. Looking at a huge statue with relish.

"I really don't know if it's bad for me, or you are lucky..."

Ma Wen snorted. Going quickly.

Randomly transmitting this kind of thing, I can still hit the butterfly so fast, is this guy's lucky attribute max?

The wood elf held his chin and looked at the huge statue and read the text above.

Ma Wen asked politely: "First, here is the dark space, the wood elf seems to have no dark vision?"

"Second, the above is the dragon language, do you understand the dragon language?"

The butterfly seemed to be shocked. He suddenly turned around and saw that it was Marvin. He took a picture of his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't see it, so I wear a pair of glasses."

She pointed to the cute and playful glass mirror on the bridge of the nose and said: "It can help me to look at things in the dark, otherwise I would not dare to venture into the underground temple."

Ma Wen automatically added a sentence: "You should not come."

Butterfly said from the self:

"As for the Long language... Although I have not studied it, I found it today I seem to have a very talented language!"

"I know all the above texts anyway."

Ma Wen’s heart moved.

He looked at the statue, this is a dragon with wings, the dragon, he seems familiar.

"The above said, the name of this dragon is [Tony of loyalty], how are you interested in listening to his story?"

The butterfly asked very casually.

... (to be continued..)

Ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Because the layout of the story is close to the medium term, the structure is too large, and the coconut was written too urgently, so it has been in a bad state for a while. At present, the outlines of the outline have been sorted out, and each story line has been arranged. Write it a little. The dispute between evil spirits and dragons is only the corner of Fernan's world disputes. In the following episodes, as described in the introduction, the devil, the devil, the gods, etc. will officially debut. Not only are the clues of their disputes between each other complicated, in fact, they are also full of tricks and struggles inside, so they are not as well written as before. If there are any deficiencies, please understand that coconut has been working hard.

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