Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 46: Suspect

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"Teddy of loyalty? Are you sure you are talking about jokes?"

Ma Wen glanced at the butterfly and his eyes condensed on the stone monument below the statue.

It is a pity that he has not yet mastered the dragon language.

There are several ways to master this particular language.

First, the dragons reached a high degree of intimacy and were taught by a dragon.

This method is more difficult, and it is very difficult to brush up to a high degree of intimacy with the dragon. In the past, some players have tried, even if it is the most kindly dragon. In the early stage, you can increase the intimacy by giving gold coins and treasures, but this method will lose its effect in the middle.

Because the dragon language contains a part of the secret of the dragon language magic, the dragon of Feinan has a default rule whether it is evil or kind, that is, it is not easy to teach the other race dragon language.

This is doomed to the hardships of those who want to follow this path.

The second method is more nonsense: blood heritage.

In general, descendants of certain high-order creatures may learn the dragon language through bloodshed. It is a pity that most ordinary people do not have this identity. Even the bloodline of the Dragon Warlocks may not be pure enough to master the complete dragon language.

The third is the most feasible way for ordinary people to learn through books.

Unfortunately, according to Marvin, books that can learn Dragon language can only be found in two places.

The first is the Pearl Tower. Any knowledge in the city of scholars can be learned. Naturally, there is a dragon language. The second is the Vientiane Library of the Southern Wizards Union.

The Vientiane Library is hidden between the top of the Southern Wizarding League. Its place has been erratic and difficult to find, even if Marvin is willing to find it. Without the official key of the league and the pass, I am afraid I can't learn the knowledge I want to learn.

All in all, it is difficult and difficult for other creatures on the Big 6 to master the Dragon language.

Therefore, Ma Wen will be very confused: how is the butterfly mastered?

You must know that the talent of the wood elf does not include [Dragon language proficiency].

In fact, Marvin is not sure whether Ibrahimovic, who is a wood elf king, has mastered the dragon language.


But the truth is in front of you.

In the face of Marvin's doubts, the butterfly quickly translated the story recorded on the stone tablet.

Although I doubt that this guy is still in a serious way, but after listening to all. Marvin fell into meditation.

He looked at the mighty and fierce statue of Tidomas and frowned.

If the butterfly said it is true. Then things are a little embarrassing.

This stone monument was made by artisans in the dragon family. According to the records on the stone tablet, Tidomus is the closest guard of the dragon **** Hartson. He was born in the five-color dragon's nest, but he is not allowed to be a five-color dragon.

That's right. He is an abandoned double-headed dragon. One of his parents is the blue dragon in the five-color dragon, and the other may be some kind of wild beast from the wild.

All in all, the double-headed dragon Tidomus is actually a poor insect abandoned in the Dragon Nest.

Hartson adopted him, but despite this, he was still rejected and oppressed by other five-color dragons.

Around the time of adulthood, Tidomus personally ripped off his own other apparently from the wild head and became the guardian of the tomb.

Although he was heavily oppressed, although he was doing the work of the grave-keepers who were disgusted by the dragons, Tidomus was still grateful to the dragon **** Hartson. And do your duty.

In the long years of guarding the tomb of the dragon, he prevented the multiple invasions of evil spirits, demons and unknown gods. When fighting, he always rushes to the front. Because of his existence, the dragon spirit that has been sleeping in the tomb of the dragon has not been awakened for many years.

This statue is a reward after the terrible battle, after the heroic Tidomas once again prevented the evil spirits from stealing the dragon soul.

The dragon **** Hartson not only erected the statue of Tidomus in the temple, but also transferred him to his side. Become the closest dragon guard. It is said that he even planned to die after his death. The body will also be guarded by Tidomus.


The above is the content on the stone tablet.

The rhetoric of those superfluous praises was deleted by Marvin.

The rest are the most critical parts.

This inscription is obviously not from the hands of the dragon god, but the handwriting of the dragon craftsmen at that time.

From the point of view of the text, the craftsman is indeed full of admiration and recognition of Tidomus.

He is the most loyal guardian of the Dragon Tomb, the most intimate guardian of the Dragon God Hartson.

Why did it later become the second lord of the evil spirit world?

"Is it that Tidomus only has a relationship with the dragon **** Hartson? After the dragon **** is behind, he has rebelled against the revolution?"

Ma Wen’s heart secretly analyzed.

The more he feels wrong about this matter.

Because even with this explanation, he does not know what it means.

If you want to be the lord of evil spirits, the light is not enough.

It is rumored that Tidomus gained the recognition of the sea of ​​evil spirits by virtue of the body of the Dragon God, thus gaining a powerful force and becoming the new lord of evil spirits.

If Tidomus is really loyal to the dragon **** Hatson, should he not blame the body of his benefactor?

Combined with this past and copy, named "Dragon God's Wrath", Ma Wenyue thinks this thing may not be that simple.


"what are you thinking about?"

After translating the inscription on the horse, the butterfly appeared to be doing nothing.

"I am thinking about your true identity."

Ma Wen looked at the butterfly: "There are not many wooden elves who know the dragon language."

In Marvin's perception, the butterfly is an ordinary wood elf.

Most of the legends are also so feeling.

Marvin had never suspected this before.

But the performance of the professor today has shaken his mind.

The wisdom of the professor is extraordinary, he may look farther. He is not the kind of person who does not cherish the life of the soul. On the contrary, he thinks more about life than most people.

In such a dangerous situation. He actually allowed the butterfly to enter the underground temple, which in itself illustrates many problems.

Either the professor is confident that she can find her and protect her in the fastest time, but it is a waste of energy and time. It doesn't make sense; either the professor believes that nothing can hurt the butterfly in this horrible underground temple.

The second possibility seems to be minimal, but after she translated the inscription, Marvin felt more likely.

So he wants to figure it out.

However, the butterfly showed a stunned look: "I? I am the messenger of Chiba's Forest?"

Her expression is natural, not like a fake.


Impeccable expression.

Ma Wen secretly has a headache.

He changed the way to ask: "How many years have you been a messenger in Chiba?"

Chrysalis had eyes wide open.

It seems that this problem has stumped her.

She began to think hard.

Marvin shook his head and left the statue of Tidomus. Pulling the butterfly to the depths of the darkness.

He can't be delayed by a statue for too much time.

The basement of the temple, except for the darkness. There seems to be no other monsters.

It seems that this is their site.

Today's Ma Wenfu has a lot of oil, and naturally there are all kinds of props.

To deal with the creature of the Darkness, you can destroy a group of burning squirts and a refilling scepter of Yangyan.

It’s just that the experience of darkness is too little.

After the group destroyed three nests of the darkness, Ma Wencai gained a little divinity.

He looked back at the butterfly.

Since I raised that question. The latter has been immersed in thinking.

If Marvin took her, she would have stayed where she was.

So he carefully took out the book of Naru and absorbed that divine nature.

The book of Naru, which absorbed the divine nature, is particularly satisfying.

Ma Wenxun wrote with his fingers on paper:

"A little divine question?"

"Ask me... as long as I know the answer." The text of Naru's book is floating on it.

“The road map to the nightmare.” Ma Wenxun wrote.

The reason why he participated in this action is to take advantage of the treasure of Naru's book. Maybe he can get the crystal statue and the rainbow spring in front of everyone.

Although Rainbow Spring is only effective if it is taken by a five-color dragon, Marvin can give it extra power if it is in his hand. As for the crystal statue, Marvin is not even sure if human beings can become the master of the statue.

If you can... that picture is really beautiful!

Marvin now controls the twelve-headed dragons, and it is already very powerful.

Imagine it. If Ma Wen’s big hand waved, it’s actually four or fifty five-color dragons...

Is this possible to directly penetrate the territory of a demon lord, or a layer of nine layers of purgatory?


However, the answer on Naru's book seems to be helpless:

"A little divinity is a problem; you can ask me the route to the next level. I will answer it truthfully."

"But please don't take the opportunity to take the opportunity to ask the road map to the nightmare. Are you stupid?"

Marvin rolled his eyes.

The book of Naru will actually bargain.

This book really has a soul. Although he is currently his master, but this owner may be counter-controlled at any time, think it is also an egg pain.

He certainly can't give too much divinity to Naru's book, which is undoubtedly a self-seeking dead end.

In this case, then this question must be left to the critical time to ask.

He quickly took up the book of Naru.

The entrance to this second floor. It seems that I have to find it myself.

It was at this time, in the darkness of the distance. Suddenly there was a roar!

Because the underground temple is very empty, the sound can be transmitted far.

Ma Wen has a tight heart.

Did the five-color dragon and his teammates meet unexpectedly?

"Go! Let's see it in the past!"

Ma Wen whispered a word Who knows that there is no footsteps behind him.

He looked back and suddenly fell cold!

Because behind him, he is already empty.

The butterfly disappeared so quietly.

Ma Wen began to feel the chill of the temple of the Dragon God.

The roar of the distance is even louder.

Ma Wen took a deep breath and suddenly sat on the damp floor.

He sat cross-legged in a posture that is commonly used by monks, and began to use [perceived earth]!

... (to be continued)

Ps: The second is sent to the end of the month. If you have the remaining votes, you will lose it. Thank you.

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