Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 78:

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At the entrance to the canyon, a lot of devilish breath is being released.

Marvin opened the shadow form of the magic warlock, wandering around the canyon.

Not far away, the bodies of several road devils were hung on wooden stakes.

The body of Lumo is like a disgusting human skin, hanging on the pile, which is especially disgusting.

The shadow shape of the Magic Warlock has obvious resistance to the negative buff attached to the fog at the entrance to the canyon. At least Marvin's body does not have a large amount of rash or corrosive damage.

The smell of the devil is the real provocation.

Ma Wen has the inheritance of the devil, this breath can not be concealed.

And as everyone knows, the devil and the devil are deadly!

No matter where you are, a high-level demon meets a high-level demon, and both sides will come to an endless battle. Of course, in general, the demons are relatively rough and straight, and the devil is much shorter and shorter.

Marvin released the breath of his own devil, in order to attract Balkh's attention.

Although he did not know what was happening in the valley, a bad premonition always lingered in his heart.

It is obviously not a wise move to break into the land of a demon wizard.

He is trying to lead the snake out of the hole. If you can anger Balkh, then it would be better.

It is a pity that half a day has passed and there seems to be no movement in the Devil Valley.

Marvin couldn't help but frown.


Near the altar, the experiment of terror is still going on.

Balkh stared coldly at the struggling human beings. His eyes were white, his mouth was foaming, and he struggled and twitched.

This is the new demon in the devil's egg that is about to occupy the characteristics of this body.

This result made him very upset.

What he wants is a clear-headed and strong body. A talent that can lead a war, not a bunch of demons who only know **** and kill and have no achievements in tactical strategy.

The latter is in the abyss. Almost everywhere; the former is completely unsuccessful.

The help of the mana dragon was directly ignored by Balkh.

As a self-deprecating demon wizard, Balkh has never been interested in this so-called "dead enemy" relationship.

If the human with the devil's blood wants to break in, interfere with his experiments, and provoke his majesty, then he does not mind killing each other.

But to lie to leave the valley, this means may be applicable to most demons, but it is totally unworkable for Balkh.

He just said a little to his pet: "Continue to monitor."

"If he is going to be tough, notify No. 29 to prepare for the battle."

Manila nodded and immediately asked, "If the 29th defeated?"

Balkh sneered: "Let the man come to the altar to find me."


A scream. Shouting from the man's mouth, his eyes suddenly recovered from the clear!

In the eyes of Balkh, the attention suddenly changed the past!


At the entrance to the valley, Ma Wenxi has been there for a long time, and there is still no movement.

In the midst of it, he could feel as if a pair of eyes were monitoring his every move, and for a moment he thought Balh was about to come out. However, the other party has always stood still. This made Marvin secretly surprised.

He re-adjusted his assessment of Balkh in his heart.

This guy is not a general demon wizard.

He actually suppressed the relationship between the devil and the devil's enemies, which means that honor and dignity are not particularly important to him.

This guy is either a genius or a pure madman.

No matter which two, it is not good news for Marvin.

Balkh was not hooked, so Marvin’s plan to lead the snake out of the hole was declared a failure.

He may be monitoring his behavior, even assessing his strength, then stay longer. I am afraid it will be very dangerous.

At this time. Marvin has only one road left, that is, the front is strong!

In essence, Marvin is actually a person who likes to be lazy. Being able to steal a chicken is never a positive one. If you can assassinate, you will never play a gentleman's showdown. However, from another perspective, Marvin is also a very decisive and fierce person.

The first plan of his own apparently failed, then he will soon use the second set of tactics.

In the next second, he instantly lifted the shadow form.

The fog in the valley seemed to be perceived, and it actually sprang a little outward.

Marvin sneered.

These fogs are obviously controlled by someone, even if it is not Balkh, but some other demons are helping.

However, according to the information provided by the camp, Balhe is a loner. Apart from a vane who never leaves, as a pet, the other demons rarely appear next to him.

At this time, it is not Balkh himself who is controlling the fog. It is the magical dragon.

This creature of the mana dragon is a pet that the wizards dream of. They can provide a large amount of spell strength gain and spelling and other aspects of the bonus.

Only this kind of race lives in a very distant and rare plane. Few people can capture a mana as their pet across the plane.

And Balkh's mana dragon is mostly a coincidence or simply the capture of his old demon lord Balkh using his own resources or powerful force.

In any case, no matter how cautious it is to be a demon wizard with a mana dragon and an altar.

The next second, Ma Wen instantly opened his legendary skill call - Shadow Dragon!

The huge portal is shaped.

Only this time, his legendary expertise double efficiency and did not succeed, there are only six shadow dragons appearing over the canyon.

However, for such a small devil gorge, Marvin feels enough!

When the dragon humming sounded from the portal, it announced the beginning of a positive attack.

Ma Wenke does not want to leave too many reaction opportunities for the other party.

At the same time that the Shadow Dragon was summoned, he opened his latest acquired deformation ability and high-deformation - Crown Gryphon!

Under the rush of a hot natural force, Marvin's body began to madly twist and deform.

In an instant, he turned from a human to a gryphon!

This gryphon is quite different from the common gryphon. His head is like a crown. All of them are golden wings with a layer of golden halo!

Ma Wen subconsciously looked at his current basic data:

Crown Griffin (Legendary Bio Template)

Source: Advanced Deformation

Ability 1: War Halo The unit you belong to has (British +5) traits

Ability 2: All evils do not invade all negative effects

Ability 3: Bloody roars and roars. Perform a will test on all local units, and the loser enters a state of shock


On the data bar, the replacement of a large piece of paper made Ma Wen look dazzled.

He didn't have much time to look at it. He glanced at it and he came to a conclusion: strong!

The Crown Griffin is not the most powerful gryphon, and all kinds of powerful anti-sky, this migratory bird council really took the blood, it seems that this demigod Minsk is really very important to them!

Marvin didn't think too much. After turning into a gryphon, he immediately screamed with blood and roar!

Under the roar of the Griffin. The dense fog that was already frantically surging was a little thinner, and Marvin directly saw the structure of the valley!

This valley is not really big, you can see the altar of the devil who is **** in the distance!

Ma Wen whispered, passing directly through the foggy area, rushing in with six shadow dragons!

The horrible fog can have a terrible effect on humans or other creatures, but the Crown Griffin forcibly immunizes the negative state, making the use of the fog completely turned into a display. The shadow dragon is originally a shadow life, it is difficult to be eroded and cursed by such things.

Six giants rushed into the valley one after another, making the entire valley whisper in the huge trembling sound.

Marvin’s degree was very fast, and he saw the tall demon next to the altar at a glance!

Compared to other demons, Balkh does have something different.

He used camouflage on his appearance, making himself look gentle and gentle.

But the madness and killing atmosphere of his body can't be covered in any way. This is definitely a real devil!

"What is he doing?"

Ma Wen has some doubts in his heart.

Next to the altar, there was still a human man who was twitching!

"This guy actually took the mortal to do the experiment!"

Ma Wen is a rough and perceptive. In the depths of the canyon. There are still many cages!

The cages are filled with all kinds of human beings and are strong. There are also weak, male and female, old and young!

These people are not angry in their eyes, as if they have lost hope for life.

It was not until the roar of the griffin that they awoke them!


After incarnation of the crown lion, Ma Wen can still speak out, and he screams at the big devil: "It is time to end your evil experiment!"

The six-headed dragons circled in the sky, completely sealing Balkh's retreat.

Because the canyon is a bit narrow, Marvin did not let them down.

Before breaking through the fog, he needed a shadow dragon as a cover, but in frontal battle, he could test it first.

Balkh, who was interfered with by Marvin, was obviously very upset.

He jerked his head up, and the horrible lion's claws had caught his head!


Marvin has no mercy underground Balkh's head is directly shredded!

"something wrong!"

In the heart of Ma Wen’s heart, it’s not surprising that Balkh, who was shredded by himself, completed the resurrection inside the altar!

"The abyss witchcraft is a bit evil."

Marvin sensed that his claws began to hurt!

This is still the crown lion cub that immunizes all negative effects. If it is a human body, if it is not touched, it will be festered!

"Do you dare to challenge a demon wizard with an altar?"

“Don't your teacher teach you the basics about the abyss? Young Druid?”

In the altar of the altar, Balh lifted the sheep's head and coldly, aiming at the Marvin in the sky.

... (to be continued.)

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