Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Abyss blood pool

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In the sky, the Crown Griffin flies very fast, directly flashing a Balfour's Orff acid arrow!

The spells on the staff are all instantaneous, but the attributes of the Crown Griffin are too far-fetched. At such close distance, Marvin can easily evade.

The other party thinks that he is a druid, and Ma Wen is happy to see it.

After all, the ability to transform into the creature of the Crown Griffin, in most cases, is the rare ability to master the druids of higher deformation.

The darkness of the altar flashed, and the magic dragon loomed around the altar.

This creature does not provide immediate combat power, but its role is similar to that of the altar, giving Balkh the endless magic and magic gain.

Just the acid arrow, for another flying beast, I am afraid it will be hit directly!

But Marvin is not daring now.

As of now, the battle remains unclear. Balkh is in a good position, and the altar of the demon wizard is terrible. He does not want to be close to himself.

So among his orders, six shadow dragons rushed to the altar!

He will forcibly destroy this altar!

The demon wizard who lost the altar will become less terrible!


A golden shadow flashed across the sky, and Marvin paid great attention and did not fly very high.

Because the sky above the dead leaves promenade, all over the arcane interference and time and space cracks, flying too high is very easy to get involved.

Before he gave the Shadow Dragon command. It is also to let them go low.

Rao is so, and almost a shadow dragon is sucked in by time and space cracks.

Fortunately, the shadow creatures are extremely resistant to these spatiotemporal traps, and Marvin is an order. It broke free in time.

The huge body of the shadow dragon is like a large cloud descending on a small canyon. Under the command of Marvin, they rushed to the altar!

However, at this time, the demon wizard holding the sheep's head wand suddenly screamed!

This call sign is accompanied by a powerful shock, even the Crown Griffin has not been immune to this will check!

Marvin only felt a stiff, almost fell from the air.

Fortunately, this state lasted only half a second, and Marvin instantly adjusted his body. Continue to fly at low altitude.

However, those shadow dragons are not so lucky. In the low sing of Balkh, the six corners of the altar spurt a glimmer of gray light!

[Legendary Witchcraft - Underworld Dead Light]!

Six dead lights accurately hit a huge shadow dragon with six heads. These shadow beasts are not particularly resistant to the dead spells. In a flash, three shadow dragons collapse directly!

The other two shadow dragons are also in a state of struggle, and their bodies seem to be beginning to dissipate. Wolvering from the sky, fell to the ground, unable to move!

Only the last shadow dragon forced the destructiveness of the dead light in the underworld, and screamed and rushed to the altar.

Ma Wen’s heart sank.

Balkh is even harder to deal with than he imagined!

This shadow dragon is absolutely impossible to break the defensive of the altar.

Because the demon altar, like the wizarding tower, has all kinds of facilities, the previous six dead circles are just one of them.

Balkh must have other defenses!


Sure enough, seeing the shadow dragons will be on the altar. The horrible blood flashed on the altar!

The void seemed to open a door, and a lot of blood fell from the sky, pouring it on the body of the shadow dragon.

I was irrigated by these blood. Even if the shadow dragon is a low-conscious creature, it has a painful mourning.

Under the gaze of Marvin, the Shadow Dragon was directly melted away!

Those bloodslides fell on the altar and landed on Balkh's body, but he himself was safe and sound.

Every floor tile of the altar is greedily absorbing these blood, as if it is the most nutritious taste in the world.

Marvin can even feel it. The energy of the Altar of the Devil is even greater!


"Abyss blood pool!"

"This guy actually has the authority to open the Abyss blood pool!"

Although Balkh seems to be a little tired, after all, opening the Abyss blood pool is also a heavy burden for him. But Marvin’s heart is sinking to the bottom.

The Abyss Blood Pool is a very powerful energy pool. Its essence is similar to the evil sea of ​​the evil spirit world, the nine sinful country of the purgatory, and the original universe magic pool. Unlike other energy pools, the Abyss blood pool is the source of all demons, and each demon's egg is born from the blood pool.

The Abyss Blood Pool has a total blood pool and some blood pools, but they are all controlled by powerful demon lords.

In this world, there are no more than ten demon lords who have the authority to control the blood pool of the abyss.

Balkh’s father is of course a well-known demon lord, but he is definitely not in it.

Ma Wen’s eyes glimpsed. If so, why did Balkh get the authority of the Abyss blood pool?

You must know that the blood of the Abyss blood pool is equivalent to an endless pool of magic. These bloods can melt all non-devil lives, and at the same time add extra power to the demons. If it is a demon altar, it will recharge it.

No wonder Marvin just felt that the power of the altar has become stronger.

Balkh is ready to play a long-term battle with himself.


Was shocked by the blood pool of the Abyss, and Marvin, who was incarnation of the Crown Griffin, did not dare to be too close to the altar.

He knows that now is the time when the blood pool energy is most full, and he rushes up, absolutely no good end.

The six-headed dragon is directly ruined, and the power of this demon wizard is powerful.

It's no wonder that so many strong people in the Eisengar camp are not willing to take over this task.

It seems that Balkh has some other reliances besides his father.

Marvin once heard that, just as the sea of ​​evil spirits is wise, the Abyss blood pool also has some illusory will.

These will select some demons with outstanding potential and give them different treatment.

This is similar to the Apocalypse Warlocks of the Fernando World.

If you can't do it, Balkh is such a "natural demon However, Marvin's mission is to eradicate Balkh, otherwise he will only be able to perform new patrol missions.

Although the matter is tricky, it is still not the scope of Marvin's ability.

He pondered for a moment, decisively dive, and the crown griffon rushed straight down!

"court death!"

Balch sneered and began to wave his evil sheepskin staff.


A dead light directly shot out!

However, in midair, the crown lion cub blasted and feathered!

A fat man's shadow fell on the ground, a few tumbling, and disappeared into the eyes of Balkh!

... (to be continued)

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