Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 102: Hunting begins!

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On the hunted hunting ground, Ma Wenfei hurried. 『≤,

But compared to before, his degree has dropped dramatically!

The ghost did not deceive him. In this strange autumn hunting ground, his legendary career - the night master lost any effect.

Legendary rules are invalid!

He only has the level of ordinary masters.

The only thing to be thankful is that the rest should be the same.

Marvin’s strength lies in his part-time job. Both the Magic Warlock and the FireWire Gunner can help him in this hunt.

In front, the light of the bonfire is getting brighter and brighter.

The dark vision has not been lost, because this is not a category of legendary rules, but a gift from the king of the night, even if it is the **** of the wilderness, it cannot directly kill this rule.

This made Ma Wen settle a lot.

If he loses his dark vision, his strength will be further constrained.

What's more, he is used to the feeling of having a strong vision anytime and anywhere - suddenly losing this ability, it is likely that he can't adapt for a while.

After all, relying on dark vision for a long time, his skills such as "listening to the voice" and "blind" are not very high.

Because the nature of this hunting is still not very well understood, Marvin still wants to find a place to live first.

But looking at it, the lonely wilderness is full of small hills and small mountains, and there are no buildings.

Only a small hill not far away, vaguely revealed a light.

Ma Wen saw it really, it was a bunch of bonfires.

And the shape of the bonfire is very similar to what he sees in the illusion.

His instincts told him strongly that in the past, it might be rewarding.

Anyway, there were no people in the four times, and Marvin started the action directly.


With the step by step approaching the hill, Ma Wen’s mountains here are still ups and downs.

From a distance, it is just a small hill. When it is gone, it still has a certain height.

The bonfire pile is in a mountain, almost like a shelter from the wind.

Beside the campfire, some wood was scattered. In addition, there is a box!

There was a lot of straw under the box, and there was a hide on it.

On the fire, there is a kettle. At this point the kettle has been boiled and a lot of water vapor is boiling.

He can feel a different kind of warmth.

"How do you feel like you have suddenly returned to the most ancient times?"

Marvin wiped his nose and felt a little weird in his heart.

There was a shadow in the depths of the foothills. He checked it very carefully. It is now a small cave.

The cave is only about half a person tall. Marvin can only walk in if he bends over. What is in the cave is not clear to him.

If it is in Fernan, Ma Wen can rely on experience to judge, this is mostly a cave of the goblin; but in the Scarlet Wilderness, is it possible to have ordinary goblins?

What's more, here is the autumn hunting ground that is even more dangerous than the Scarlet Wilderness!

"The water seems to be just open. Is there a hunter?"

Marvin carefully examined the traces, but did not find traces such as footprints.

If this is really a temporary base for a hunter, then this hunter must be a very old and sneaky guy.

Think of it here. Ma Wen’s heart could not help but sink.

The legendary rule is invalid, not only means losing the legendary ability and field, but also means that Aoba is unusable.

He happened to have no good knife, so he really could only use the hunting scimitar bought from the ghost to top it.

However, this scimitar saw that it was not a good thing at first glance, the blade was covered with copper rust, and Marvin suspected that he had to cut hard and he broke himself.

Usually he used to use a double knife, and suddenly holding a knife, how uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, he still took a pair of muskets from the storage equipment. Keep the scimitar at the waist.

This is the best magic weapon that Constantine gave him, and it is top notch in the fireman's equipment.

The names of the two pistols are called [Astaroa], and the other one is called [Satan], which is the name of a lord of the abyss and a powerful devil.

In the previous battle. Marvin used them once, and the effect was not bad. Although it was not as terrifying as Zi Yao, it was already top-notch in Feinan’s hot weapon.

He estimated that if there is no good knife, he may not be too cheap in the melee.

So he simply hugged his feet. I lost a lot of experience to the [FireWire Gunner] profession.

He also couldn't take any second part-time experience and punish him. He directly piled up the FireWire Gunners.

So he suddenly changed into a top fireman with ten ranger levels.

All skill points, except for the basic assignments (investing in precision shooting and other specialties), are all lost in [McKenns Fighting].

This fighting technique can greatly enhance his battle below the legend.

Although it may be useless after resuming the legendary skills, it is now possible to top it.

Anyway, let's live and talk.

Thinking of this, Marvin is ready to open the box and see what is inside.

Who knows at this time, in his perception, suddenly skipped a black shadow!

"The ghost is not scattered."

Marvin’s body did not move.

Perceived the earth to open instantly, everything in the vicinity is in his eyes.

In the grass not far away, the soil is slightly raised, and a black shadow is approaching itself little by little!

He doesn't have to look at it. He can judge who he is by simply relying on the blood of the magic warlock.

"Who is this blade demon being instructed?"

"There are many people who have offended me, but it seems that there is not a lot of dealing with the abyss now?"

“Is it the old man of Balkh? Is the reaction so fast?”

He didn't think much, he still kept his own movements.

On the surface, he still walked to the box.

In fact, his hands have already held two muskets tightly.

He knows that the devil's physique is very strong. With two muskets, I am afraid it is difficult to kill him.

In this field, the legendary rules are ineffective, and the knives and devils who are known for their melee can be said to be cheap.

But Marvin is not afraid of him.

To deal with the devil, he has a hand.

The blade demon is still stalking.

His movements are very patient. Hiding under the soil is his most powerful skill. If it wasn't for the ability of Master Conn to teach Marvin, it would be too far-fetched. I am afraid I could not detect it.

He was waiting, waiting for Marvin to bend over to open the box.

that time. It was Ma Wen’s most unprepared moment.

"Killing this human can complete the task."

At this moment, in the eyes of the blade demon, only Ma Wen is alone.

In the next second, Marvin bent over.


The shadow behind him suddenly exploded.


On the icy hunting ground. A personal shadow emerged one after another.

Most people are pale, but barely able to stay calm.

In a corner of the hunting ground, the girl with a crimson eye looked at the four unscrupulous men around her and seemed to be talking to herself:

"So, is the hunt started?"

"Do you do it..." The whispered worm said: "Although I don't know who opened the autumn hunting ground, it is certainly not the **** of the wilderness... Now he is definitely not so boring. If he has the power to open the autumn hunting grounds I will definitely choose to wake up directly. If it is someone else, then I am not afraid."

"Kill them. Anyway, they are not good people. If you get enough hunter marks, you can enter the real wilderness."

"At that time, you have a chance to get the grip of the cold light."

"Teacher, you don't have to take care of my emotions." Isabel said calmly: "Even if they are good people, I will do it."

The winter assassin was said by the little girl.

The other four are inexplicable.

The four of them, originally the adventurers near the Light City, came from a secondary plane.

Because of some coincidences, they arrived at the Scarlet Wilderness and experienced the experience of nine deaths. Become a legendary powerhouse.

This time, they also heard that the grip of the cold light appeared in Dongye of the Light City, and they came to try their luck.

As a result, the grip of the cold light did not come across, but I met a beautiful girl.

She looks a little nervous. I often talk to myself.

Four people proposed to go, and Isabel did not refuse.

However, when the black vortex engulfed them into the autumn hunting ground, their nature was exposed.

"I am sorry, little girl." One of them licked his lips: "We all need the hunter's mark, it seems that we can only borrow your use first..."

However, his voice has not fallen. A cold light flashed -

The head is landing!

"How many times have you told me, don't use talent!" The winter assassin angered at Isabel's ear.

"Teacher, I don't." Isabel said softly, her eyes became a little excited:

"In this place, their reactions and degrees seem to be slowing down."

"And I, the rules here don't seem to affect me."

The other three men looked at their partners' bloodless headless bodies and suddenly widened their eyes.

However, it is too late to escape at this time.


In the dark hunting grounds, a squad of sages appeared.

"Sure enough, it is the land of the **** of the wilderness."

"If we can enter the wilderness hall this time and get the grip of the cold light, we will definitely receive the award from God!"

A divine master looked at the empty sky without fear, and said loudly: "We will succeed!"

Behind him, a total of six shrine warriors silently pulled out the sword.

The sword light flickers, and the badge of the Dream Temple is extremely bright.

The magician looked at the holy warrior carrying the girl, and said softly:

"You can change your faith, this is the best solution."

"The God of Truth is dead, and my glory shines through the universe. The Temple of Dreams is your ultimate affiliation."

"This mission is to prove that your faith is pious, to help me accomplish this task, I will complete a safe faith transformation ceremony for you - at the same time, I will also lift the curse of this little girl as agreed. ”

The samurai's face is painful.

But when he thought of the horror of the little girl behind the curse, he eventually lowered his proud head.

After failing for help in the Holy Light City, he finally agreed to the requirements of the Temple of Dreams.

Change your beliefs.

Give up the **** of truth and believe in the **** of dreams.

Of course, it is not immediately abandoned. Considering that this mission is also very likely to use the truth of the holy warriors, the theologians postponed the conversion ceremony and promised that as long as Griffin assisted them in completing the mission, they must Help each other.

Griffin has no other choice.

"The **** of truth is dead now."

"But the truth will never die."

The samurai said faintly: "Let's go, I can feel it. There are a group of monsters with hunter marks in front."

"The sooner you get enough hunter marks, the more you enter your wilderness, the better your mission."


In all corners of the hunting ground, most of the legendary powerhouses have emerged.

Some of them met with others at the beginning and made a big fight; some were still in the groping of one person, but some were trapped in the monster's lair and directly submerged by the monster's ocean.

At this time, in an inconspicuous corner, the space suddenly became distorted.

A 12-year-old girl appeared in this space very abruptly.

The rest of the people were sucked in by the whirlpool.

Only she is, she actually walked into this hunting ground.

In the sky, the moon flashed a flash and seemed to mean something.

The little girl glanced at the moon coldly and muttered to herself:

"Voniya, it's time to fulfill your promise."

"There are still locusts... It is time to return the power that belongs to Anze."

She has a flower in her hand, a flower with five color petals, and two places that seem to be vacant.

She looked at the five-colored flower silently, and the voice of an old woman emerged in her mind:

"Only by reinventing the power of Anzedi can you become the true king of witches."

"The seven kinds of witchcraft permissions, we have already regained five kinds, and there are two left, it depends on you."

Thinking of this, she went straight to the depths of the wilderness!

There, a tall palace is looming.


Hawthorn, campfire, next to the storage box.

At the moment when the blade demon showed the murder, Marvin responded quickly.

He rushed forward and escaped the fierce attack of the Blade Demon.

The left foot is on the box and the body is twisted!


Two shots of the backhand, the precision is extremely blasting in the chest of the blade demon!

In such a close position, it is still difficult to escape the attack of the musket!

The offensive of the Blade Demon was suddenly blocked. Although his body is very strong, but hard to resist two muskets, it is still very disadvantageous.

By this opportunity Ma Wenshengsheng withdrew a space.

The next second, the rifle in his hands suddenly disappeared.

[Hand Kung Fu - Weapon Switching]!

The two pistols suddenly turned into a shotgun!

"Constantin said that the bullet of this thing is dedicated to the devil, I don't know if it works."

Marvin’s mind flashed such a thought.

He did not hesitate to pull the trigger!


A strong recoil force pushed his whole person to the hillside.

... (to be continued.)

Ps: Two-in-one chapter ~ Hunting begins, the plot of the Wilderness Hall will fill a lot of pits. Fight for full attendance this month. Quietly ask for the ticket, the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket can be.

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