Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 103: Confrontation

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A seemingly ordinary shot of the bullets burst into a bright fire.

The fire is transparent, the speed is extremely fast, and it directly smashes the chest of the blade demon!

The abyss demon has always been known for its strong physical fitness, but after being deprived of his legendary ability, his physical quality has also dropped significantly!

If you have the legendary law immunization, Marvin believes that this shotgun can't hurt a legendary demon even if it is the "sand man's wisdom" in Constantine's mouth.

But now, the results are different.

After a strong fire, Ma Wen landed on the hills steadily.

Below, the blade demon screamed in pain.

His chest was **** and he was almost not hit by a hole!

And there are some faint white lights near the wound that are burning.

The wound is still getting worse!

Marvin picked up an eyebrow, which was much better than expected.

It seems that Constantine did not blame himself. The strongest advantage of the FireWire Gunner is that it can replace bullets, deal with different enemies, and use different bullets; this way, in terms of specificity, it will have more advantages than other occupations.

This shotgun is used very little because it is designed for the abyss demon.

Marvin, a half-fired lineman, relies on Constantine to take weapons; like the demon hunter himself, it is a real mobile arsenal. Don't look at him, he gave Zi Yao half a half and gave it to Ma Wen. He could definitely scare the dead with a firearm.

There are guns that specialize in demons; there are also guns that specialize in devils; there are bullets that specifically control the heavens, and firepower that specifically targets evil spirits - basically the evil forces, the demon hunters have a special restraint equipment.

This is also the reason why Constantine is in the middle of Fernan, and eventually won the prestige of the demon hunter. He combines the night pedestrians with the FireWire Gunners to bring the characteristics of the FireWire Gunner to the extreme.

Toconstantin's blessing, Ma Wen is also considered to be wealthy. Therefore, it is possible to adapt to local conditions.

This gun, absolutely hit the blade demon is caught off guard.

Even if this kind of shotgun has a very bad shortcoming - only one shot in a short time, it may be blown up - this is also the fact that the FireWire Gunner has outstanding advantages, but it is still not particularly strong; but Even so, Marvin’s purpose has been reached.

He received the gun straight and sipped. Rush up and fight with the blade devil!

Of course, he is not really going to wrestle with the devil, he is only trying to kill this gun against the demon!

The result was very satisfying to Marvin.

The reaction of the Blade Demon has dropped significantly. His speed was not slower than Ma Wen, but the gun went down and there were signs of rigidity and dullness.

Marvin also noticed that the hole in his chest is still making a sizzling voice.

The damage of the shotgun is continuous. The bullet is said to be mixed with a large amount of high-purity concentrated special holy water, which has natural restraint on the demon.

In this way, Marvin let go of his hands and feet.

He pulled out the hunting scimitar directly. Fiercely launched the offense!

Under the hillside, two black shadows entangled.

Although the legendary law bonus is lost, the agility of God is still there!

The night's many powerful skills can still bring a lot of convenience to Marvin. After unexpectedly invading the enemy, Marvin has achieved an overwhelming advantage.

He is not in a hurry to kill.

Marvin’s combat experience is very rich, knowing that this enemy is the most difficult. He barely spoke, just attacking wildly. Trying to kill Marvin.

Marvin’s strategy of choice is fighting.

The more you drag on, the better you are.

If you rush to launch a desperate attack. It may cause all the accumulated advantages to be squandered.

Besides, how to look at the hunting scimitar is not sharp, just use it, I really hope to use this scimitar to kill the blade demon, Ma Wen feels a little difficult.

Still have to wait for the cooling of the shotgun.

With the demon footwork and the agility of the gods, his demon stunned his head.

The Blade Devil is fighting alone with its super physical qualities. Of course, it is not as good as Marvin's brilliant step bonus.

In the blink of an eye, the fighting time between the two sides was delayed to more than five minutes.

Although it seems that the time is not long, only the masters who have experienced this kind of battle know how much the physical consumption of this kind of battle is huge.

Both sides are equally killers, and the blade demon has an absolute advantage in strength. With such hard and hard hits, the physical exertion is very huge.

Not to mention the devil's chest is still seriously injured.

Sure enough, for a long time, the speed of the blade demon became slower.

Ma Wen’s heart is happy and he continues to stick to his strategy. At the same time, he also raised his vigilance and must not let go of this demon.

I have to ask from his mouth, who is behind the instigation!

Although it is basically confirmed that the Balkh lord, but Ma Wen still have to verify.

Just when Ma Wen’s thoughts passed through this thought, the difference became steep!

The blade demon suddenly screamed and the body began to expand dramatically!

He has nearly doubled his body from the original two meters!

In the process, his wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His arms have become even longer, and the blades on the front side of his arms have become sharper!


Marvin didn't expect this guy to have such a hand.

His past lives and demons have had a certain fight, but the experience is not as rich as dealing with evil spirits and devils; the blade demon is one of the best races to be qualified as a demon assassin, but Marvin has never played with this race!

The sudden move of the enemy made Ma Wen into a big trouble.

Because in the first time, the distance between the two sides is too close!

The devil's long arms are like two big sickles, and they are fiercely smashed down!

Ma Wen had no way to dodge. The first was because the place was too narrow, and the second was because the opponent was moving too fast.

At the moment, he can only withdraw backwards and try to open up space.

However, the blade demon was indomitable and made up one step at a time, completely blocking the space of Marvin.

This knife, fiercely smashed down.

Ma Wen helpless can only sway the hunting machete.

At that moment, he was ready to open a wave of King Kong form. After all, the material of the hunting scimitar looks weak.

However, the next second, the amazing scene happened!

The forefoot of the Blade Devil crouched over the machete, only to hear a bang, the tip of the demon blade was actually so broken!

Ma Wen’s hands were accompanied by a huge shock. If he was not forced to use his feet to resist this force, he almost fell to the ground.

However, the hunting scimitar was not damaged at all.

Ma Wenyu had a big eyes.

The blade demon fell backwards painfully!

... (to be continued..)

Ps: Let's make it even better today. If yesterday I didn't make it up, it will make up tomorrow. There is at least one chapter after that.

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