Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 105: oracle

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Just before the sulfuric acid rain hunting ground, there is still a smell of sour in the air.

Surprisingly, however, the earth is dry.

Marvin's footsteps were light, and the whole person was integrated into the wilderness, turning into a light invisible shadow.

Soon, he arrived near the pedestrian.

"The people in the temple of dreams?!"

Ma Wen’s eyes were awkward, but his heart was not too nervous.

Because these people are not with the two dream guardians.

These people seem to be a single team.

"It should be the power of the Temple of Dreams in the Light City."

Marvin quietly looked around, these people are encircling a very strange beast.

The beast has six eyes on the forehead. The whole body looks like a flexible leopard. What's even more amazing is that this leopard has similar ability to move instantly.

This rare creature, even the well-informed Marvin, has never seen it.

Does not belong to the abyss, does not belong to hell, does not belong to evil spirits, or even belongs to the astral!

Most likely a monster of ancient times.

At this time, Marvin suddenly felt the impression of the palm of his hand jumped.

A special kind of enlightenment instantly rushed into his heart: as long as you kill this leopard, you can get a hunter's mark.

"It turns out that they are accumulating the hunter's mark, and it seems that they are going to the wilderness."

"However, how do they seem to be very prepared? It seems to be intentionally entering the hall?"

Ma Wen saw that most of these shrine warriors cooperated perfectly. Although the leopard was agile and possessed special abilities, he was completely surrounded by this land.

The six shrine warriors have a very clear blessing of the **** of dreams.

These blessings give them the ability to be more powerful than the legendary powerhouses after losing their legendary abilities.

Ma Wen’s heart was slightly alert.

He had speculated before that the two dream guardians were also deprived of legendary ability, and they should have a slight advantage.

But this is based on the equality of both sides. He has forgotten that these guardians of God have the blessings of the gods.

This is a rule that belongs to another area. Even if the **** of the wilderness is stronger, it cannot erase the exclusive rules of the gods.

"If you meet those two dream guardians, it's really hard to do."

Ma Wen thought in silence. The same is true of these people, although their strength is not as strong as the dream guardian. But winning a lot of people, they are alone, it is difficult to fight them.

Just as he was about to silently circumvent this group of people, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart:

"Be careful! Don't go south, there are two people out there to deal with you."

This is the voice of the holy warrior Griffin!

Marvin silently looked up.

But see the shrine in the shrine. A man with a cloak glanced at his position with a blank expression!

"Awesome perception..."

Although it has long been known that the role of the Scorpio is not ordinary, Marvin is still surprised by the other's perception.

There are seven people in the Temple of Dreams, six shrine warriors, and a theologian, but none of them are in Marvin.

Only Griffin, carrying a little girl, is present, and in a mysterious way, the message is passed to Marvin's heart.

In the midst of it, he felt that a bridge was gradually established and temporarily connected himself to the soul of the holy warrior.

Marvin was a little shocked.

Because he sensed, this ability does not seem to be a kind of spell. When I was alive. Marvin succeeded in the occupation of the gods dominated by the night, and of course he knew the difference between the magic of the mortal and the magic of the gods.

This kind of power is more inclined to the magic of the law!

Is this guy already strong enough to this point? But human beings are unlikely to break through the bottlenecks unless they have a slate of fate.

After the fall of the **** of truth, the slate of truth has never appeared. Is this man breaking this rule?

Marvin had not had time to think carefully, Griffin had already said:

"Although I don't know why you offend those people, the two dream guardians are not good to deal with. Although I have not played with them. But they are very strong. Before we met them, they are now going south. Go, the purpose is just to come to you."

Ma Wen wondered: "Why are you here? Are these people in the temple of dreams not with them?"

Holy Warrior Xundao: "I have reached an agreement with them - only if I do this, they will be able to lift the curse for Jasmine. These people in the Temple of Dreams and the Guardian of Dreams are not a group. Their goal is the grip of the cold. ""

Sure enough, I was prepared.

Marvin took a deep look at the wizard, he could feel the power of this wizard, but his perception did not seem as sharp as Griffin.

His attention is still focused on the leopard.

Ma Wen took advantage of this opportunity and quickly asked: "What do you know about this hunting ground? And, what agreement have you reached with them?"

Griffin said: "The information obtained from the Temple of Dreams. The **** of the wilderness has not been resurrected. It is a madman who started the autumn hunting ground. It is said to be a disciple of the **** of the wilderness, a lich named Bander. Del has been wandering for hundreds of years in the Scarlet Wilderness, and has been trying to search for all the clues related to the **** of the wilderness. I don’t know exactly what it is. This is the **** of the Dream Temple from the **** of dreams. There should be no mistake. ""

oracle! ?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Marvin's snack was a surprise.

You know, if he didn't guess wrong, the gods are still working together to attack the universe magic pool!

Now this is a very important thing, the universe magic pool will not only rebound, but also has a very strong resilience. What's more, there are at least two plane guards fighting for it.

At this time, the air was taken out to release the gods. It is obvious that even the gods attach great importance to this incident.

The **** of dreams is not a little god. In Marvin’s understanding, this person’s mind is extremely deep, his eyes are very sinister, and the things he values ​​are sure to have an insider!

"Forgot to remind you, don't underestimate these shrine warriors, they are the rulings."

Griffin silently said: "Although I don't understand why the Dream Temple will be so popular for a time, but your situation is very dangerous now."

"The only thing I can do is tell you this, leave now."

"If you are lucky, we may be able to meet in the wilderness hall."

Ma Wen is warm in his heart.

To be honest, he and the samurai are actually not deeply involved.

The two sides only fought side by side on the snowy At that time, Marvin solved the foggy dragon alone in order to prevent the little girl Jasmine from being shocked or affected. Griffin was obviously silently remembered. .

This time, without him secretly helping, Marvin is still preparing to go south.

"Thank you. I will go somewhere else to find some hunter marks."

Marvin knew that the danger of staying in the end would be infinite. After thanking him, he would evacuate quickly.

Griffin directly closed the mind link.

At this time, the sorcerer who had been watching the battlefield on the surface suddenly showed a glimpse of a smile.

... (to be continued.)

Ps: Not much nonsense, the previous owe to everyone's update slowly fills. There are so many things, trying to find a balance. At present, everyone owes 8 chapters, and tomorrow begins with a chapter and a chapter. The title will be explained. Don't say anything else before you finish, just like this.


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