Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 106: Meet

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The battle in the wilderness is gradually coming to an end.

After that, the cheetah did not escape the siege of the sacrificial warrior.

After the last defeat and defeat, the cheetah screamed and disappeared instantly.

The sorcerer sneered, and as soon as he raised his hand, a light green light suddenly shrouded the entire land!

Divine magic - dream cage!

In an instant, the body of the cheetah fell out of the void.

A shrine of the shrine rushed over without mercy, and the sword in his hand slammed fiercely.


There is no blood splatter, only one hunter's mark gradually emerges and blends into the person's palm.

"Okay, let's continue to collect the mark."

The sorcerer smiled: "Yes, contact Swift."

"Tell him that the people they need to find have already found it, and are now heading west."

The rest of the shrine warriors were a glimpse, but without hesitation, one of them used the unique means of the Temple of Dreams to execute the command of the oracle.

Only Griffin's discoloration suddenly changed.

The sorcerer looked at the holy warrior with a smile: "It seems that your belief in the temple is not enough."

"Is that person your friend?"

Griffin clenched his fist and finally slowly released.

He closed his eyes and said coldly: "I am only responsible for helping you complete this mission, and then carry out the belief transformation ceremony. You have lifted the curse of Jasmine for me. This is our agreement. Other things, I don't seem to need to You explain."

The wizard haha ​​smiled: "You are right."

The next second, he shrugged: "However, some things are doomed to change."

"I heard that the kid annoyed the first servant, Angela, so, in any case, as long as he is still in a corner of this multiverse, the Temple of Dreams will find him."

"And kill it."

Speaking of the last sentence, the spirit of the magician suddenly became murderous.

"Of course, this is not our mission. Naturally, there are two adults from Swift and Wayne. We just have to do our own thing."

The smile on the face of the wizard suddenly became very bright again.

He waved his hand and nodded at Griffin:

"Let's go, the future dream warrior."

Griffin's eyelids leaped slightly and took a deep breath. The expression eventually tends to helpless.


Going west is a undulating hilly area.

Marvin continues to be sneak, which is a very good habit.

Anyway, his current expertise can also allow him to move forward in a state of sneak, and hunting in the autumn is a very dangerous place, sometimes. Even if you sneak, you can't guarantee that you are not being seen by others.

All the way, Marvin met two monsters.

But he didn't do it.

Because of the results of the perception of the earth, these two monsters are amazingly powerful.

They don't have legendary templates, but their physical qualities are limited to what is known by ordinary legendary monsters.

Plus Marvin still doesn't know what they have, so he doesn't act rashly.

The person who is connected to the Temple of Dreams needs a whole team of referees to deal with a beast with a mark. Ma Wen’s heart is slightly heavy.

He is ready to observe the behavioral habits of these beasts and is ready to do it.

This is the consistent thinking of his past games, but he has not used this technique for a long time.

Crossing brings him the greatest experience and the exquisiteness in Feinan.

Use information asymmetry to make use of more intelligence. Marvin can handle many very difficult problems very easily.

But in this land, his information superiority is basically wiped out.

Ma Wenxian, the wild beasts on this autumn hunting ground are mostly ancient wilderness monsters recorded in ancient books.

Legend has it that the original world is full of all kinds of creatures. At that time, Fernan and many sub-planets were still in the wild, the will of the plane was still brewing, and all races were killing each other and fighting for the power to survive.

In ancient times, many gods were falling in the struggle with these monsters.

The beast in the hunting ground in autumn. Although certainly not as powerful as the real ancient monsters, but can be valued by the **** of the wilderness and caught back in captivity, certainly not a thing, Marvin must be careful and careful.

just. His heart always has an ominous premonition.

Many questions seem to be entangled in his mind, and he can't wave for a long time.

For example, what does the lich named Bander want to do?

For example, what kind of abacus is the **** of dreams playing?

This time, the reappearance of the wilderness palace seems to have a huge conspiracy behind it. At least the inside story is no less than the last time the Dragon God Temple came.

At that time, Ma Wen and other professors helped him to get a lot of information about the five-color dragon and the evil dragon.

This time, he was really accidentally involved in the incident. Basically it is the feeling of being left in the fog.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Maybe he is used to the situation that knows everything.

Thinking of this, he could not help but take a deep breath, which helped him to remain calm.

However, at this time, his heart suddenly jumped!

A very fine and fine voice rang in his heart:


Ma Wen suddenly woke up.

This is the voice of the holy warrior Griffin.

Ma Wen, who was stealth, suddenly looked up and looked around. He saw two ghosts flying back.

Dream Guardian!

"Damn! It’s still being made by them."

Ma Wen did not hesitate to run out!

Although I don't know what happened, my whereabouts are definitely exposed.

Although Griffin tried to remind him, when his reminder was in place, Marvin had entered the vision of the two dreams.

Marvin had already known that his sneak could not escape the two.

He can only pray that the two people can't keep up with themselves when the legendary rules are deprived.

However, the truth is cruel.

Although Marvin has the agility of God, the blessings of the two dream guards seem to be more powerful.

When Ma Wen sprinted, not only did he open the distance, but he was close to a lot.

"It seems that I can only fight back."

Marvin silently took out the hunting He no longer fled, but stayed on a hill, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Legendary weapons can't be used, and I hope that this sharp hunting hob can give each other a surprise.

The two dreams were also very fast, and almost a few breaths of time caught up with Marvin.

The two sides are across each other across a small river.

Swift's golden head looked extremely bright, and he looked a little tired, but when he saw Marvin, he clearly showed an excited look:

"Kid, why don't you run?"

Marvin had not had time to open his mouth, and a pleasant voice drifted away from not far:

"Are they your enemy?"

... (to be continued.)


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