Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 113: thief

The emergence of the savage vines has made everyone lose hope.

Qingteng tightened their bodies and added vitality from them. They are getting weaker and weaker.

However, at this time, a loud and powerful voice suddenly rang:

"Everyone pays attention! The legendary law is back!"

Everyone looked at it and looked at the source of the sound.

It was a man with a clean face. His eyes were clear and he was tied with a few vines, but he was about to break free.


"It’s actually Minsk, I have seen his portrait, he is not dead."

Everyone was taken aback and immediately reacted. Since Minsk can break free from the hands of the vine, they can also!

After all, although Minsk was strong, but it has been trapped in this wilderness for so many years, I am afraid that the strength has been seriously depleted.

If, as he said, the legendary law is restored, they all have the confidence to get rid of the shackles of the vine.

For a time, the various colors on the ceiling bloomed, and each of the trapped legendary powers used their own means to try to break away from bondage.

Under the test, everyone is as clear as Minsk said, the legendary law has been restored!

However, in the next second, their faces became very ugly.

Because of the green vines, the burning flame petals flew up.

Although the face has disappeared, this flower still carries a heart-rending power.

It rushed from the side, and the rotating petals rushed to one of the legendary powerhouses like a **** of death.

The latter did not hide, and was swallowed directly by that flower!


The flames burned the sky, and the screams of the legendary powerhouse burst out in the body of the naring flower. However, soon the flower was digested and aimed at the next target.

The rest of the vines also opened their mouths and bitten the bodies of the legendary strong.

They tried to drag these people to the side of the flower!

It's just that the process is a bit difficult. In the case of the failure of the legendary law, this group of people is naturally slaughtered. But after regaining the legendary rules, each of them has become less effective.

For example, there is a barbarian, who is a hard-boiled bite with two big mouths of the vines, killing a **** road.

His body has become very hard under the protection of legendary rules.


The barbarian roared. The students broke off a few green vines around themselves.


His body fell agilely on the ground.

His face was full of anger, and his mouth still groaned: "Bandall’s dog is so chopped, I must kill him..."

However, his voice did not fall, and there was a sky full of fire behind him!

"Rebellion can only increase troubles."

"You are all my rations!"

The flower screamed and rushed over, and the horrible flame instantly turned the barbarian into a fireman!

Even under the protection of the legendary law. He also failed to immunize!

Because this flower is the most important part of the wilderness god!

The edge of the petal extends out of the terrible teeth. With the help of the flame, the petals spin, and the teeth grow into two segments.


Huge swallowing sounds, flame petals and barbed ivy make up an amazing purgatory scene. The legendary powerhouses who just gave birth to a glimmer of hope suddenly became cold.

Although most of them temporarily lifted their bondage, they still could not escape the hall!

The recovery of the legendary rules is also very slow, and they are now only recovering some of them.

A few unlucky eggs were directly torn into pieces by the vine, sent to the petals and swallowed. Turn into real nourishment.

They landed on the ground and gathered together in Minsk.

But surrounded by four kinds of endless vines!

And the flower of the flame that makes you feel horrified at a glance!

The whispers of the gods of the wilderness continue to echo in their ears:

"You have no way to escape! You can only be my food!"

Minsk is sinking, and he looks a little weak. Seeing the endless stream of green vines, it is necessary to defeat the temporary defense line of the people. At this time, a low humming sound began to sound above the temple.

Minsk suddenly blinked and he seemed to recall something.

With the humming sound, the movements of the vines suddenly became slow and sluggish.

The crowd looked at the girl who suddenly appeared.

Hathaway was covered with a pointed hat. Wearing a deep purple cloak, appeared in front of everyone.

Her voice is slender and soft, but the chanting of the curse sounds with a force that cannot be resisted.

"Ancient God. No... this is Anzei..."


Minsk took a deep breath.

His eyes are slightly shining - [the things of the year, it really is related to the Anzei witch. It is time for Luna and their agreement to arrive? 】

Others didn't think too much.

The appearance of Hathaway greatly helped them, and almost all the desperate vines were hindered and weakened.

The remaining legendary powerhouses, either level powers like Minsk, can survive a few years of torture; or they just entered the game today. The power did not absorb too much from the vine. They actually have a battle.

The only thing they need is an opportunity. If they are given this opportunity, they will be able to breathe!


Swords and swords, spells vertical and horizontal.

Soon, the legendary strongmen cooperated with each other and killed a lot of green vines.

The flower that was surrounded by the vines in the center was extra angry.


The flames skyrocketed and almost ignited the green vines around them.

"Who are you?! Why can you suppress my strength!"

The singular flower snarls: "You dare to steal the power of the great wilderness god!"


Hathaway sneered: "Sologe, sleeping for so many years, you are so shameless to forget who is the biggest thief!?"

"When you stole the power of Anzedi, did you think that one day, the power that does not belong to you will eventually leave you?"

"Today, it is when you pay back!"

After all, the sing in her mouth became even louder.

In an instant, there was a shadow behind her.

In the shadow, thousands of women in witches’ robes fell to the ground, and they worshipped in piety.

In front of the witches is a dark land ~ ~ the center of the land, a flower broke out of the ground, and finally bloomed!

That flower, the color of each petal is not the same.


The sings of the witches seemed to pass from the picture.

Everyone can feel that the power of Ivy has become weaker.

"No... this is my strength!"

The **** of the wilderness is angry.

It was at this time that a figure appeared silently behind the flower.

He has a clay pot in his hand and his movements are light.

... (to be continued.)

Ps: The year of the flow is unfavorable. The previous chapter has just updated the computer and has been blue screen. It has just been reinstalled, and the card is a sum. This chapter has finally caught up.

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