Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 114: Virtual pot

The event was so fast that Marvin could only listen to Hathaway's arrangements for the time being.

He is somewhat worried about Isabel's safety, although from the tone of Bandar, he should not make any threat to her life for the time being. But such a talented girl fell into the hands of the madman, and Marvin was not at ease.

What's more, he also took Jasmine.

Griffin was dead, but the little girl impressed him, and Marvin secretly vowed that if possible, he must stop this.

The first step is to kill the avatar of the **** of the wilderness in this hall!

According to Hathaway, the **** of the wilderness was in a state of suspended animation when it first fell asleep; a very powerful **** made it a state of sudden death, so that he could only bury the resurrected fire in the avatar. In the body, slowly absorb the power.

For so many years, that flame has been crouching in the center of the sacred vine, it is the root of the power of all.

Now, the flame fell into the oil lamp of the Lich and was taken away by him.

This means that the mighty **** of the wilderness has finally lost its effect on this space.

Otherwise, the legendary rules of the people will not recover.

Losing the blessings of the law of God, these seemingly terrible Ivy, is just a monster with a divine template.

Although it is the avatar of the **** of the wilderness, it is not invincible!


Marvin held the clay pot and opened the lid of the jar according to the previous arrangement of Hathaway.

In the next second, without him, the inside of the jar suddenly burst into a sharp sound.

The whole pottery became hot, and if it weren't wearing gloves, Marvin couldn't even hold it!

"No... this is the jar of the imaginary spirit..."

"You are a witch!"

The wilderness's avatar roared, and all the vines came round and seemed to want to protect the flame petals.

However, this moment is too late.

Ma Wen lurked for so long in the shadow plane, and Hathaway attracted attention, the purpose is to hit a must.

His figure shuttled back and forth between the vines. The night of the scene gives him the ability to distort in this space.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the flame petals.

Before the fierce petal facing the hand-held imaginary can, Ma Wen suddenly became languid.


Marvin’s hand cleverly bypassed the vine and gave birth to a petal. It was put into the jar of the emptiness.


The sound waves of the imaginary pots have become much lower, but under the action of this sound wave, the power of the flame petals has become weaker.

"I don't allow you to do this!"

The **** of the wilderness struggled in vain.

It directly abandoned the rest of the people, and all the vines shrank back and slammed into Marvin!

"Be careful!"

Hathaway snorted. She did not expect that under the suppression of her own curse, these Ivy can actually retreat so quickly.

This is a bit out of her expectations.

In this way, in less than three seconds, Marvin will be killed by the death!

The rest of the people took advantage of this opportunity to adjust their status and escape.

The entire hall began to tremble, and it seems that it is possible to collapse!

"It's dangerous here, we have to think of a way to leave!"

One of the legendary powerhouses shouted: "Minsk, do you have any idea?"

They seem to be old knowledge.

Minsk pointed to the vine and said coldly: "It is not dead, no one can leave."

Everyone suddenly fell into silence.

These desperate vines have impressed them very much. How easy is it to kill it completely? They seem to be endless and inexhaustible!

"That kid is dangerous."

Some people are worried. The rest of the people also showed a similar expression.

But no one has the meaning of going up to help, so many of the desperate vines, no one dares to approach easily.

The humming sound of Hathaway's mouth suddenly became sharper.

The powerful wizard power almost condenses into a wave, and it constantly echoes in this space.

The power of the vine has been greatly suppressed.

Ma Wen looked back and knew that it was not too late, and now he has taken his degree advantage to the extreme!

His figure is like lightning, frantically flashing across the vines, grabbing the flame petals one after another. And stuff it into the jar of the emptiness.


When the last petal was caught by Marvin, all the vines trembled, the ceiling began to crack, and a lot of falling rocks fell!

The scream of anger resounded in this space. Completely overwhelmed the humming of Hathaway's curse!

"Get out of there!"

Hathaway’s voice suddenly sounded at the bottom of Marvin’s heart.

Ma Wen smiled slightly, his hand shook a little, a black shadow directly crossed all the vines and flew to the hands of Hathaway.

The jar of the virtual spirit!

The artifact of the Anzedi witch is also one of the symbols of the king of witches.

Hathaway gave a slight glimpse, and Marvin’s move was beyond her expectations. This is completely different from her previous arrangements.

Her plan was to leave the place immediately after she got the flame petals.

Unlike other people, Hathaway naturally has the ability to come and go as the king of witches today.

I just didn't expect Marvin to escape after completing the task.

His figure was drowned in the vines.

The roar of the darkness is louder, the stone pillars are broken, and countless dust and stones fall wildly.

Everyone is constantly fleeing, but they are stunned, and the borders around them are shrinking.

Centering on the green vine heap, not only this hall, but the entire space is shrinking and collapsing!


A voice broke out among the survivors: "There is a door there."

Everyone looked at it, and in the depths of the darkness, there was a door with a faint gleam. Everyone seemed to have caught the last straw and rushed to the door.

Only a few people can remain calm, including Minsk.

He looked at Hathaway: "You have the ability to kill it, why not?"

Hathaway said coldly: "What do these people have to do with my life? I just came to recover the power that belongs to me."

Said, the emptiness of the pot in her hand suddenly burst into a red radiance.


The lid of the imaginary can is automatically opened, and a complete petal slowly floats out.

Hathaway gently opened her hand and the reddish petals fell on her palm.

In an instant, her palms burst into a five-color flower, and the red petals finally landed on the flower perfectly blended in.

In the next second, she had a wrist and the six-color flower disappeared.

Not far away, someone has already rushed to the door.

However, only the blood of the sky is greeted by them!

"The foolish man actually drilled into his stomach."

Hathaway glanced at those people with disdain, and his eyes finally settled in the disappearance of Marvin in the green vine heap.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally opened her hand and made a standard shaman execution gesture.

However, the next moment, a clear sound burst from the green vine heap!

Golden light, a mighty and majestic gryphon fanned his wings and smashed the encirclement!

Under his two claws, he still caught a green heart-like thing!

... (to be continued.)

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