Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 124: Past events (below) 1st!

In fact, from the overall situation of the whole event, the winter assassin really belongs to the one who lay the gun. ▉▊E▊▊ says ▌网ww.eia▊

After Miss Yinyue fell, he happened to be practicing in the Scarlet Wilderness. Because of some chances, he got the pair, the grip of the cold.

The strength of the cold assassin who got the artifact increased greatly. After returning to Fernan, it was almost a skyrocketing.

It was at this time that he established the predecessor of the Assassin League and began to show his most dazzling side on Fernan's stage.

He blasphemed God, he assassinated the wicked lords. He even set about building his own territory.

Even many powerful people who have the opportunity to seal God are very jealous of him.

And he himself is also on the road to the gods, and Glanors who competes with him is far worse than him in this respect.

However, for some special reasons, Vanya rarely seldom left a trail in Fernan.

The matter of retrieving the grip of the cold light was naturally handed over to the king of the witch at the time.

This time, it is a trouble.

The next thing Marvin is already a bit of a look.

But what he heard from the winter assassin is another version of the angle description - in short, the two met, not originally a good-tempered person, not to mention the king of the witch came up with an unusually pointed intention.

She asked the Assassin to hand over the artifact.

In the most prosperous time, how can the cold winter assassin pay attention to the witch who suddenly came to the door?

Zhangkou wants her own artifact. Who does she think she is? Great ancient god?

The two men fight without saying anything.

The tragedy is that despite the extremely powerful strength, but for the first time facing the legendary weird witchcraft, the winter assassin is still in the middle.

The king of witches used a strange technique to turn him into a whisper.

This is a special kind of life that will last many years in the shackles and its life expectancy is almost limitless.

After leaving some words, the king of the witch left, and she handed the grip of the cold to the moon **** Voniya.

The poor winter assassin has since disappeared from the first person of the Feinan Assassin.

This led to the later shadow of the prince Glenos. Success in the battle for the shadow slate, and finally sealed the gods.

[The first eclipse of the Third Age, it is none other than this person.] E█▊▊▊▊▊▊███文文 thought.

Immediately he added a sentence in his heart:

"Women are not a reasonable creature. I didn't expect the witch to be more exaggerated..."


anyway. The fallen Anzedi witch and Vanya signed a contract of mutual help.

They borrowed the most expensive flower of the night, and the king of the witch himself was so badly hurt that it didn't take long to die.

But the power of Anzedi can never be underestimated.

The remaining witches moved the ancient taboos, and they locked the spirit of the Witch King in the blood of a mortal family.

It forms a curse, and the curse occasionally appears. But it has no effect on most people.

This is the curse of the Anzedi witches who later talked about it.

In essence, this is an inheritance of the king of the witch, and in order to continue its knowledge and strength, the witches have done a last resort.

Time passed by, and finally the curse of Anze's witch fell on Hathaway's body.

Although she has shown the potential to be a legendary wizard since she was a child, her mother is still worried about it.

When she was very young, she left, chasing the footprints of Anzedi, trying to find a few witches and saving her daughter.

The next thing. It is what Marvin has experienced.

In order to save Marvin's life, Hathaway is self-proclaimed on the Black Coral Island. Under the flame of the phoenix, she broke the shackles of time and restored part of the memory of the king of witches. But because this power is too big, she needs more time to absorb. Her body was also transformed by a powerful curse, and she began to educate an adult from a little girl.

Every time she grows up, her strength will be restored.

As for when it is the peak, it is estimated that even Hathaway himself is not clear.

Her mother received her from the most frailty period, and after confirming that her strength gradually recovered, she persuaded the rest of the witches to hand over the five-color flower and the imaginary can. Then there was the trip to the Scarlet Wilderness. They calculated that time is coming, and the agreement with Luna Voniya has come to fulfill.

It is time to take back a kind of curse that Anze has borrowed.

As for the blue flower that Ma Wen used to absorb in the imaginary tank, it was a long time ago, when it symbolized the ruin of the Anzedi supreme authority [Ram Staff]. Was taken away by the **** of the wilderness. ▉E▉小▊▌ says the net www.eioo▋

The old things are going together, and this is what Hathaway needs to do in this **** wilderness.


"In fact, even if you can't break the curse, I will help you."

"I have been watching you silently in heaven."

When I said the first sentence, Luna was watching Hathaway.

When she reached the last word of the second sentence, her gaze turned to Marvin:

"You have joined forces to stop a ambition who is trying to be the **** of magic. This is amazing."

"In fact, many times I have used the avatar to get close, but in the end you still rely on your own strength to overcome the difficulties."

Her voice is full of appreciation.

But immediately, her words turned around -

Time suddenly fell back to the Tertiary.


I wished to get the grip of the cold light and the flower of the night, and the night of the night, I finally tempered the power of the night flower into the grip of the cold light.

The **** of the wilderness is killing, she will seal it with the daughter of her daughter.

She found Bander, who has been watching the traces of the **** of the wilderness.

In this world, no one knows more about the **** of the wilderness than Bandel, but when Vanya and Bander played against each other, he did not appear.

Because he knows that this is not the result he wants, he needs to forbear longer.

Despite the powerful power, Luna successfully used the grip of the cold light to seal it in a coffin and killed all the evil spirits in the wilderness temple.

But the body of Miss Yinyue has remained in the relics of Regis forever.

This is the pain of Bander's life.

In order to resurrect Miss Yin Yue, he did not hesitate to find the most difficult taboo knowledge at all costs.

Vanya did not stop him, out of love for her daughter, even if she thought it was impossible, she also provided some help for Bander.

For example, the sorcerer - the flower of the night.

After that. Voniya returned to heaven and occasionally paid attention to what Bandel did.

Bandel's strength is getting stronger and stronger, but the life of a mortal is limited.

He turned himself into a lich.

His only obsession is to resurrect his lover.

From the Third Age. Until now, at the end of the Quaternary, he became indifferent and ruthless under the baptism of countless times.

But his obsession has not changed.

He is always searching for the way the resurrection of the gods, and he does not want to let the **** of the wildness so easily.

The seal is really a slight punishment.

finally. He found an ancient book in the corner of a ruined asteroid in the multiverse.

The above records some special means of resurrection of the gods, plus the "life and death" rituals he learned from the **** of the wilderness, the approach has almost been eyebrows.

So he started to act.

He has been preparing for a long time, and in order to win the trust of the **** of the wilderness, he does not hesitate to kill a large number of innocent people.

Voniya was very disgusted with this, but she did not stop Bander after all.

Perhaps in her heart, there is still a little hope.

Time gradually progressed, everything was ready, only waiting for the last batch of sacrifices to provoke the wildness of the wild god.

Bandel is no longer clear. Only enough blood can stimulate the consciousness of the **** of the wilderness, so that he can truly believe in himself.

He opened the wilderness palace and the autumn hunting ground, and attracted Ma Wen and others.

He succeeded in gaining the trust of the **** of the wilderness and got the kind of fire that he had carefully cultivated for many years.

Next, it was the thrilling event of the scene in the underground city.


The whole incident does not seem complicated, but it involves too many sensitive and awesome factors.

Of course, Vanya, crazy lich, vicious wilderness, mysterious Anze...

After listening to Ma Wen, he could only smile.

I didn't expect to come to the Scarlet Wilderness to find Minsk, and I could get involved in such a thing.

"The story is like this. It's not as complicated as you think, isn't it?"

Some of the world’s fireworks are rare in the tone of the moon: “The gods will also have feelings, and they will have obsessiveness. They will also make mistakes.”

“Why tell us about this?”

Ma Wen asked.

Luna said calmly: "You are the participants of the event, and you have the right to know the truth of the matter."

"I know that you are a very observant person, but I don't want you to be misled by your own thinking, so telling the truth is the best thing."

Ma Wen brows. Why does Voniya value herself so much?

Is it? Still related to the sentence [that person]?

However, at this time, Vanya apparently lost interest in continuing to talk.

The radiance of her body has become brighter and brighter.

And the body of the **** of the wilderness began to be distorted again!

From a blood man, it broke again.

A piece of blood clot floated in the air, and the red barbs continued to bulge. From a distance, he was like a scarlet hedgehog!

And the other end of the six-pointed star. The glory of Miss Silver Moon is getting brighter and brighter.

The silver fire burns and the mercury-like liquid is poured from the void.

A brand new godhead seems to have been completed.

Bandel almost madly urged the ritual to work.

The black gas became very, very weak, and his power was already exhausted.

But he didn't stop, but instead added a ritual!

Everyone silently looked at this Wen didn't know what to say.

Bandel is definitely not a good person.

But at this moment, he hopes that he can succeed.

There is no special reason, it is purely an instinctive psychological impulse.

At this time, Jasmine grabbed Marvin’s clothes and whispered:

"There are bad things to be born."

"Mart Brother, where is Uncle Griffin? Jasmine misses him."

"I beg you, let me see him, okay?"

... (to be continued.)

Ps: The first one today! Continue to be cheeky and ask for a ticket, free ticket recommendation, it will be wasted if you don’t vote~

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