Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 125: resurrection

Chapter 125 Resurrection [Second]

Under the pleading of Jasmine, Marvin hesitated for a while and finally nodded.

He knew that Griffin’s death could not be concealed.

The fate of this little girl is destined to be full of twists and turns. I don't know if Vanya is willing to take the shot and remove the curse from Jasmine.

Ma Wen glanced at the vast field, and it was clear that the ceremony had reached its most important moment.

Whether it is the Lich or the Luna, they are fully concerned about the operation of the Faction and have no time to pay attention to other things.

Marvin sighed silently, quietly taking out Griffin's body from the origami space.

He is like a hard statue, still half-squatting on the ground.

It was exactly the same as when he was.

Jasmine broke away from Marvin's arms, widened his eyes and looked at Griffin.

"You are my guardian knight, you will continue to guard me, right?"

"Uncle Griffin, you said this, you can't violate your vows."

"Hurry up and wake up, Jasmine is so scared, there are bad things to happen!"

The little girl was wearing a painful color and whispered.

Ma Wen and Hathaway looked at each other with a glimpse of their hearts.

Previously, Jasmine showed some unusual abilities, for example, she could see through Marvin's stealth.

So now, what is the "bad thing" in her mouth?

Hathaway didn't open her mouth, but she turned her eyes to Jasmine, but the longer she looked, the deeper her doubts in her eyes.

She couldn't see the girl at all. Like the Lich Bander, she could only feel that there was a powerful force in Jasmine's body.

But very surprised, her life is unusually bó weak, she can die at any time under the curse of the curse.

The murmurs of her mouthfuls seemed to be magical.

Ma Wen took a deep breath and slowly walked over and took up Jasmine's little hand:

"You can rest assured that Mr. Griffin is no longer there, but I will protect you."

Marvin is really telling this sentence.

The holy warrior Griffin is a respectable person. The little girl he left, Ma Wen must be protected. Even for the kindness of the heart, Marvin will try her best to free her from the curse.


Who knows this sentence has caught the attention of Jasmine.

She turned around and wiped the blood flowing in her eyes, looking at Ma Wen very seriously:

"Would you like to guard me?"

Marvin nodded naturally.

"Of course I am willing."

"Would you like to be my guardian knight like Uncle Griffin?"

The little girl said seriously.

Ma Wen stunned, guardian knight, what ghost? I am a Ranger, a night squad, and not a knight profession.

"Isn't the Cavaliers novels much more..." Ma Wen was sweating in his heart.

But how could he refute a little girl, he still nodded:

"I am willing."

On the side of Hathaway frowned, her face turned to Marvin's face became a bit weird, it seems to stop.

She can feel the difference of jasmine, she also knows the true and honest thoughts of Marvin.

But what kind of atmosphere, this kind of discourse, how is it like a swearing ceremony?

Jasmine smiled happily.

She held Marvin's hand tightly.

At that moment, Marvin suddenly felt a hot heart!

He suddenly let go of his hand and looked at it, only to find nothing.

"What's wrong?" Jasmine showed a pitiful look.

When Ma Wen looked thoughtfully at his palm and determined that he was innocent, he took the child's hand again.

"It's nothing."

Is it my own illusion?

He looked at the data panel and nothing happened.

But just the pain, the burning sensation, is so real and honest.

"Is it the pressure to enter the Scarlet Wilderness recently, and it is facing such a big scene, and I am too illusory because I am too nervous?"

Ma Wen’s heart is self-deprecating.

It was at this time that the ceremony had reached the end.

The light of the moon is invented, and the **** of the wilderness begins to mourn.

Under the attention of everyone, his body collapsed further and melted!

From the hardest stone to the blood-red gel, the **** of the wilderness, only a drop of floating blood!

Every drop of blood is ancient blood, full of supreme power!

Vanya is obviously more serious about it.

All her power was used to suppress the rebellion of the gods of the wilderness, and with his help, Bander’s crazy operation of the law, continually ignited the ancient **** of the wilderness, and sent it to the other One end.


The body of the silver moon sister-in-law has started to burn!

The silver flame is breathtaking!

God is condensed successfully!

Shenhuo ignited successfully!

There is a fascination in the sorrow of the Lich's soul!

My own years of hard work has finally been in vain.

It takes so much energy and sacrifices, even an ancient **** has become one of the sacrifices - the body of the silver moon sister-in-law has finally been repaired!

The broken arm also re-grows.

Only she is still low-eyed.

There is still a final step left.

Her soul!

At the moment when Yinyue Xiaojie’s sister died, her soul was shattered by the dark spear of the **** of the wilderness and scattered throughout the universe.

This is the most troublesome place to resurrect her.

But after Bander has been preparing for so many years, how can there be a wrong estimate?

The next moment, the birth and death ceremony is the last step!

Soul debris collection!

Silver Moon’s body slowly rises, centering on her body, and a strange dark vortex forms instantly.

"Come back, Luna..."

At the call of the lich, the whirlpool began to spin wildly.

In an instant, the powerful existence of the entire universe felt the power of this fierce tear!

A piece of soul fragments that have disappeared for a long time, from all corners of the multiverse, like a river into the sea, returning to the body of the silver moon and the biggest piece of soul is a distant The world of the dead is summoned!

Only at this time, a big hand suddenly crossed the plane barrier and forcibly pulled the piece of soul!

"Who is it, dare to **** the soul that should have died from the world of the dead?"

The voice is low and powerful, giving a feeling of guilt.

Bandel is in a hurry!

He did not expect that the last important piece of soul was actually in the world of the dead. The resurrection of the silver moon sister also attracted the attention of the dead monarch!

He simply couldn't fight against this powerful presence.

However, he has no choice but to be present while others can do it!

A bright moon rises between the barriers of the plane, and with a push, push the big hand forcibly!

Under the attraction of the vortex, the last piece of soul fragments, after all, is returned to the body of the silver moon sister-in-law!

Bandel was ecstatic, flying like a rush to the face of the silver moon sister.

He even showed the form of the body - an ugly cockroach, there is no organ other than the soul fire inside the body!

He hugged the silver moon sister who slowly landed.

"Luna... Luna..."

He whispered the name of his lover.

The next second, she opened her eyes.


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