Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 141: Lance

"I do not understand what you are saying?"

He Dongning is still in a stunned look, her nephew keeps flashing: "Is your body uncomfortable? How to start talking nonsense." ≤ 『 novels ≤ net, www. . ≤"

Marvin looked coldly at everything around him.

He knows that everything in front of him is a phantom - not right, not a phantom.

This is - his dream!

Why is he familiar with all this? Because he has experienced it once, no, it should be more than once!

For some mysterious means, this memory has been erased to a small extent - it is impossible for Ambeira to completely erase his own large memory, which will definitely cause him to rebound excessively.

But if you only erase a small piece of memory, it is much easier.

"I have to admit that you are very powerful, you can quietly sneak into the White River Valley refuge."

"Even the eyes of justice have not been able to detect your existence. I really made a huge mistake."

Marvin’s face was not very good. He stared coldly at “He Dongning”: “I have slept for a few days? Two days? Or three days?”

He can be sure that he has been trapped in this dream more than once; because the familiar feeling is so strong, it seems to have gone through many times. In the previous several processes, he should cycle through the dreams of other memory segments. Under the deliberate arrangement of Ambella, he may never wake up!

This is the most terrible place for the **** of dreams.

Marvin’s will has always been strong, but when he fell asleep that night, it was just the most vulnerable time.

Ambella sneaked in to control his dreams.

He can be sure that he has been sleeping for a few days for the people in the White River Valley!

In that world, it is possible to make a big change in a few days!

There are still many things to do in Marvin. If you sleep in your dreams for a long time, you will probably be killed by Ambeira!

So his tone is quite bad.

In reality, however, he is also ignorant of how to drive Ambella out of his own consciousness space. E▌小▉█ says █网www.█

He only knows that he must maintain a firm attitude and a clear sense of consciousness.

This is the most important.

really. After Marvin said those words, although the surrounding environment did not start to change dramatically, all the students except He Dongning had already disappeared.

The entire hotel lobby. There is an endless table, and He Dongning, who has a cold-eyed look.

"You also made me unexpected."

"Mr. Ma Wen, the first time I saw your dreams, I secretly marveled at your creativity. I thought the world was your own fantasy."

"But in the follow-up exhibition, I have a lot of doubts."

He Dongning’s face finally began to change. Ambera smiled back to the original.

"This world is real, is it?"

Her eyes are getting hotter and hotter: "What did I see? A game? The name is "Fernan 6"?"

"A shadow and a **** of killing, is this your projection in another world?"

"And you are probably not the Marvin in the White River Valley? You are an intruder!"

Ambella smiled very happy: "This is really a terrible secret. Everyone is curious, why the hero of the White River Valley, Marvin, has risen so quickly. Now, I think I found an answer."

"You rest assured, Mr. Marvin, I won't kill you this time."

"Your memory is too precious, it involves another plane - even the existence of a multiverse. This is extremely important to the gods. My Lord will obviously be interested in this."

"Now. I won't talk with you here. By the way, your identity will soon be exposed. Most people in this world will treat you as an intruder, even if you do so much for them, How about it? You are always an alternative from a different world. You can't fight against the gods and humans at the same time, you are just a person."

Ambella does not hide his joy!

This was originally an assassination mission. The rise of Marvin made Ambera and the **** of dreams feel bad.

In the Scarlet Wilderness, he can even kill the dream guardian, and God knows to give him some time, what can he grow into!

So under the guidance of the **** of dreams, Ambeira personally went out!

Her body carries the [Dream of Dreams]. ▉E▉小▊▌ said that the net www.eioo▋ came to the Baihe Valley, ready to temporarily trap Ma Wen in his dreams.

This is the most common way for the Temple of Dreams to deal with the strong. First use the dream to trap him for a long time, so that for outsiders. Marvin just kept sleeping. But his soul will continue to weaken in the long-term dreams, and eventually die.

The **** of dreams kills people invisible, this is his most terrible place.

The Feather of Dreams not only protects Ambeira from the eye of justice in the White River Valley, but also helps her to penetrate Marvin's powerful consciousness defense and directly enter his consciousness space.

So the two men confronted in the space of consciousness, and Ambella took the initiative from the beginning.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

She randomly induced a few dreams - in fact. Although she entered the Ma Wen consciousness space, she could not read his memory.

This will lead to a strong earthquake. People's memory is the most terrible thing. Foreign consciousness wants to get involved, and it is very possible to get yourself into it.

Therefore, she only guided randomly and constructed it into a qualified dream cage according to her own means.

However, everything that followed made her amazed.

In Ma Wen’s dream, there are a lot of inexplicable things!

She even saw Marvin playing a game called "Fernan Big 6". In this game, Marvin personally killed the Shadow Prince!

This game is exactly the same as the world they are in.

This shocked Ambera.

She decided to continue to observe and continue to induce Marvin to carry out the dream cycle. Some impressive loops will be repeated several times. This is also a no-brainer, and Ambella can't completely control Marvin's consciousness activities.

What she can do is just guide.

In the process, she spoke of too much precious content.

Some information about the Earth, about Marvin's past life.

Unfortunately, she is still too greedy. Because repeatedly inducing the same dream, Marvin became wary.

Of course, the most crucial thing is the side of the waiter.

It is because Lance's face appears in his dreams. Ma Wencai suddenly realized that a very terrible problem - if this is his own dream, his own memory, then he is very likely to have met with Lance in the past, or before crossing.

Only the **** of this powerful wizard hides himself. Make yourself look too ordinary.

At that time, Marvin estimated that he was still very concerned about some old friends at the class meeting, but did not pay attention to the waiters around him.

The appearance of Lance was too irritating to Marvin, and his soul and consciousness were greatly affected.

This shock opened the seal of Ambella. Let Ma Wen suddenly react, and all of this has already gone through many times.

Only because of the angle or the process of the incident, I did not notice Lance.

"My cross is really not without reason!"

"If this memory is true, then a period of time before I crossed, Lance - or a person whose appearance is very similar to Lance, was in contact with me secretly."

"Is it really that he is secretly doing things?"

The shock in Ma Wen’s heart is difficult to calm down.

But the biggest trouble at the moment is still Ambera!

She knows too much information, and if she leaves her safely, she will definitely not be able to take it!

The shocking message of the passing person alone will shock the heavenly kingdom.

Originally, Marvin was just a nasty ant for the gods; the news was announced. He is estimated to become a piece of Don Juan!

Everyone wants to take a bite of Marvin and learn some secrets about the earth.

After all, that game, and Feinan World, is completely seamless, it is terrible.


"This time, you won't die." Ambella gently said: "But you will continue to sleep for a few days."

"When you wake up, I am afraid the world has changed."

Marvin didn't speak, he just stared at Ambel behind him!

Ambeira showed a sardonic smile: "This is your dream space, but also your memory space. Is there anything that is worthy of your surprise?"

"Or. Or do you want to attack? Don't forget, your current status is a waste that needs help from others even if you drink water."

Marvin silently shook his head.

Ambera suddenly felt a little uneasy, and she turned away - anyway, Marvin had no way to take himself in the space of consciousness, she thought so.

Only when she turned around. She opened her eyes in an instant.

A young man dressed in a regular waiter costume stepped out of the corner of the corner.

"Lance God..."

"God, how come in your memory..."

Ambera was horrified.

Lance smiled and walked over: "Although as a memory clip, it is a very impolite behavior to appear in other people's consciousness space."

"But, do you seem to need help now?"

He completely ignored Ambeira, but his eyes were condensed on Marvin.


In the Baihe Valley Castle the main bedroom of the city, several people are anxiously surrounded by Ma Wen.

"How long has he been in this situation?"

A cold female voice asked.

Mediel whispered: "He returned to the castle three nights ago. After he came back, he went straight to sleep."

Anna on the side showed a sorrowful color: "At first, we thought he was just tired, but until now, he didn't wake up, so he wanted to find someone to help. Medilli believes that this world can help He doesn't have many people."

"We can only ask you for help."

"We don't even know what happened, but if we go to sleep, it is definitely a problem."


The second is sent, and there is a chapter in a while! Please vote for the recommendation, what? (To be continued.)

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