Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 142: doubt

As Marvin guessed, for Fernan's mainland, Marvin had been sleeping for three days.

On the first day, he was asleep, and although Anna and others were a little surprised, they just came to see the doctor and Mediterra.

No one can see what happened to Marvin.

He seems to be sleeping, without any other signs, so they can only look at the situation for the time being.

However, the next day, he still did not wake up, Anna and others felt a little problem.

Although Mediel is only a wizard, but because of Naru's book, her soul and Ma Wen have something in common.

She can perceive a little about Marvin's emotions and soul fluctuations. She found that Marvin’s soul was very volatile, as if she was experiencing something.

This situation made her alert. She started looking at the relevant information, but it didn't help much.

In today's White River Valley, Marvin is almost the only pillar.

Mediterra is subject to the book of Naru, and although it is legendary, it is almost the weakest of the legends.

If there is no existence of the refuge itself, I am afraid that the Baihe Valley has long been swallowed up by other terrible forces.

After the departure of Constantine and Ambreen, the top strength of the White River Valley is still lacking.

As for the black dragon - if Izhaka knows the news of Marvin's coma, it is not bad. He himself was the unfair contract signed by Ma Wen with a dragon-slung gun. Now he has lost the restrictions of Marvin, which is a huge unrest factor.

The rest of the people are not in the White River Valley.

In the end, helpless. Anna and others can only ask for help.

At present, there are still many ally in the Baihe Valley, the Chiba Forest, the Rock Hill, and the High Forest. They are all very powerful forces.

In comparison, Chiba's forest seems to be closer. But Mediler knows that the elves may not be able to solve Marvin's problems.

In terms of rescuing soldiers, she is more inclined to rock mountain.

The apocalypse warlocks have incredible power and knowledge, and maybe they have a way.

So on the day after the news, Jessica and Lori came hand-in-hand.

Of course, together, there are lucky elves. She was saved by Ma Wen. This time Ma Wen had a problem, and naturally she did not stand by.

"There is such a clear sense of divine power... You didn't even see it?"

The lucky elf looked at several managers in the White River Valley. The rest of the people are all face to face.

In addition to Mediel, Anna, Lola and others are good management, but in the battle is really very general, the knowledge about the gods is ordinary, and no difference with mortals.

Only when I heard about the gods, Anna’s heart immediately slammed.

Since the rise of the White River Valley, Marvin has been playing against the gods. Now that I heard that Marvin’s coma is related to the gods, they are all in a tight heart.

But the expression of idiot is still calm. She circled around Ma Wen, sniffed a few like a cute puppy, and suddenly opened:

"The breath of the **** of dreams..."

"It should be someone who entered Marvin's space of consciousness!"

Jessica said coldly: "The **** of dreams? Is he not outside the universe?"

Stupid shrugged: "Maybe it is a servant, but there must be personal help from the **** of dreams. The strength of the refuge in the White River Valley. The ordinary servant is difficult to mix in."

As soon as I heard that there was a sneak sneak in and entered Marvin’s space of consciousness, Anna’s face became ugly.

This means that their defenses are far from being the best.

But no matter what. The most important thing now is to save the Marvin dream space.

at this point. It happens to be something that the Apocalypse can do.

The stupid gaze fell on Lori's body, revealing a strange smile.


Dream space.

Ambeira looked at Lance, who was approaching with horror.

She has long wanted to leave this space. In fact, if it wasn’t for Lance’s sudden emergence, she would have successfully escaped!

But now, an inexplicable force actually prevented all her means and spells!

In her heart, she began to pray wildly, praying for the help of the **** of dreams with the power of the first servant.

However, all this is in vain.

A powerful energy prevented her prayers, and the **** of dreams could not know what happened to her in Marvin's thinking space.

"why why……"

“Why are you doing this?”

Ambeira looked at Lance in amazement.

There is an ominous premonition in her heart.

This Marvin is actually related to the great wizard god. This is simply a shocking news.

Everyone thinks that the **** of the wizard has died, so the three main gods dare to attack the universe.

But for any **** or servant, the name Lance is synonymous with supreme.

When this person actually appeared in front of her, her whole person was about to collapse.

Perhaps it is because of the guilty conscience of the thief, after all, the **** of dreams and other gods attacked, is the universe magic pool established by Lance.

In the face of Amella's horror, Lance did not have any explanation, he just looked at her with a slight pity:

"You have not done anything wrong. But sometimes, right or wrong can't dominate your life or death."


In the next second, Amber's figure suddenly disappeared into place.

Ma Wen looked at it all.

This Lance, no doubt just a memory clip of oneself!

But he actually has such a terrible strength.

what on earth is it?

What did he do?

"She has died completely. Even the **** of dreams, she will not know what happened."

Lance’s expression is still very calm: “You don’t have to worry too much. I’m just a memory of you, I can’t hurt you.”

Marvin frowned. "If you are just a memory, why is it so powerful?"

Lance's face was a little embarrassed: "This is hard to explain... Let me make an analogy. On earth, can you let a paramecium understand astrophysics?"

Marvin is silent.

This analogy is simply humiliating. The meaning of Lance is very simple. The life forms of the two sides are too different. Even if Lance makes it clear, he can’t understand what the other person is talking about...

This kind of big truth against people is really confusing.

Fortunately, Ma Wen is not a person who is too entangled. He quickly reorganizes his mind and continues to ask questions that he has always wanted to ask:

"Are you let me leave the earth and arrive in Fernan?"

"The game of "Fernan Continental" is your arrangement?"

"Who are you? Is Fernan real? And, the last question..."

"why me?"

His eyes fixed on Lance.

The latter opened his mouth.

... (to be continued.)


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