Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 118 Footsteps

"In the past few decades, it was rumored that many bizarre events had occurred nearby. At first, no one noticed this place. This cave entrance was only discovered in the past ten years. It was only after a flash flood that the cave entrance was exposed."

"These are compiled, have been officially confirmed, or are a summary of supernatural events with high credibility.

Take a look. "

It was too inconvenient for several people to crowd around the computer screen. Yang Xiao suggested that Zhuge Zhijie send a copy of the file to the group, but unexpectedly he was rejected, "Captain, you can only read it on this computer, the information is not allowed." It’s a rule not to repost it.”

"All information about ghost scripts is under the jurisdiction of the technical department. We are only responsible for providing information and do not have direct access to the files. They will share the found information with us based on the information we provide."

As a senior official organization, the Patrol Office naturally has a mature confidentiality system. Yang Xiao expressed his understanding.

"The first case happened 30 years ago. A local man who went to the mountain to collect medicine got lost and stayed on the mountain at night.

He lit a fire to ward off the cold, but fell asleep in the middle of the night. He suddenly woke up. The fire in front of him was extinguished. The forest was pitch black at night, and he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. "

"The footsteps were not far away from him, and it sounded like there were a lot of people. He thought it was the villagers from the same village who came up the mountain to look for him.

So I looked for the footsteps excitedly. "

"Prying aside the bushes, he saw a long group of people on the mountain path, but the strange thing was that these people did not light torches.

Just walking in silence, except for the sound of footsteps, there was no other sound. "

"He found it strange that these people were dressed in rags. They didn't look like nearby villagers, but they looked like they were fleeing the famine."

"The man was just about to step forward to ask, when suddenly a gust of night wind hit him. The man suddenly became more awake. When he looked at the team in front of him, he was frightened out of his wits. He saw that the team was surrounded by a gloomy light. Shrouded, that's why men can see this team clearly in the darkness. What's even more shocking is that these people dressed as refugees all have no heads, and their bloody chests are empty. "

"The man screamed, turned around and ran away. He didn't remember how he escaped back down the mountain. He only knew that he ran for a long time and kept running. He lost one of his shoes, and the soles of his feet and arms were all worn out. People fell ill when they returned.”

"After listening to what the man said, the old man in the village suspected that he had encountered a Yin soldier who used his way. There has been a legend circulating in the local area that there was a great battle on Longshou Mountain, and many, many people died, and the bodies of these people They have not been restrained, so there is a lot of resentment.”

"And the reason why men get lost is because they are blinded by Yin soldiers."

"Not long after, the man died of illness. It was said that his death was ugly, as if he was dehydrated."

"Case 2 happened 12 years ago. A group of students from an art school, led by several teachers, went into the mountains to collect scenery. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden heavy rain in the evening and the group was trapped on the mountain. Three of the students walked with the group. Dispersed."

"It wasn't until the third day that the search and rescue personnel who went up the mountain found one of the missing students under a big tree. However, the student's spirit seemed to be stimulated. He didn't say anything when asked, but just kept repeating in a low voice. There are ghosts, there are many ghosts, there are dead heads, all this nonsense.”

"The search and rescue personnel searched the mountain for three days, but could not find the remaining two missing students."

"Although Longshou Mountain is not high, the terrain is continuous, the mountain structure is very complex, and there are many hidden ditches and caves in the mountain streams. If those two students fell into such a place, it would be impossible for the Earth God to do anything."

"After a period of psychological counseling, the rescued student's condition improved somewhat, and he could at least communicate briefly. According to the student's recollection, they wandered around in the mountains after getting separated from the large group, and finally ended up in a very remote place. They accidentally found a cave and the three of them entered the cave to take shelter from the rain.”

"They were tired and hungry, so they fell asleep after eating something. As a result, he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and his two friends also woke up. The rain outside hadn't stopped yet, and they were struck by a strange sound. The sound woke me up.”

"He didn't know how to describe the sound. It was like someone scratching the wall with nails. It was creaking and disturbing. The sound came from deep in the cave."

"He was timid and urged his two friends to pack up and leave quickly. He also explained that he had weak horoscopes when he was born. He had lost his soul when he was a child, and his grandmother in his hometown asked the goddess in the neighboring village to call his soul back. When the goddess left, Warn him that people who have lost souls are of a lighter nature and are more likely to have premonitions about those things. Let him be wary of this in the future and remember to stay away if he feels bad. "

"But the two friends refused to do it and laughed at him for being stubborn and superstitious. One of them had experience in survival in the wild. Based on the local natural environment and cave environment, he judged that there would be no large beasts in the cave. They also There was a torch, so he decided to take the torch and go deep into the cave to have a look, maybe he could get a snake to make a tooth sacrifice."

"Another friend also advised him, saying that it has not stopped raining outside yet, and they have no place to take shelter from the rain. Losing body temperature in the wild environment will be fatal."

"So in the end he stayed and guarded the entrance of the cave, while his two friends each held a torch and walked deeper into the cave."

"The inside of the cave is much bigger than he thought. At first, he could still see the two teammates, but soon,

Even the light of the torches disappeared. "

"He suddenly felt scared, as if the cave was alive and his teammates were swallowed up by the cave."

"He waited for a long time, at least more than an hour. The more he waited, the more panicked he became. He didn't know how to describe that feeling. Anyway, he was just nervous. He had a very bad premonition."

"Just when he suppressed his fear and was about to go in to find his two friends, footsteps suddenly came from the depths of the cave. Soon, there was also the voice of one of his friends, who was calling his name. Until then He was relieved."

"He was about to respond, but the next second, his heart twitched suddenly, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong. This friend's voice was very soft and cold, but in his impression, his friend was a carefree person.

Very powerful. "

"Gradually, as the footsteps became clearer and clearer, he began to panic, because he heard clearly that these were definitely not the footsteps of two people, but at least a dozen people."

"Where are so many people coming from?"

"Moreover, the footsteps were getting closer and closer in the darkness, and the voice of his friend calling his name was getting closer and closer, but he didn't see the light of the torch. It was impossible for his friend to come out of the complicated cave in the dark."

"Thinking of this, he made a quick decision, turned around and ran out of the cave, but he didn't run far. He hid behind a big tree not far from the cave entrance and kept an eye on the location of the cave entrance."

"After a while, the orange fire at the entrance of the cave dimmed little by little, and finally went out. It was the fire they raised. With a little dim light, he saw two figures walking out of the cave entrance, and they were his two figures. The classmate was right, he saw their faces clearly."

"The two of them kept calling his name, and the voice seemed to have magic power. He tried to get out of the hiding place uncontrollably several times, but he was suppressed every time."

"The next second, a bolt of lightning pierced the darkness. He was stunned, and then he started shaking uncontrollably. He saw the two classmates. Their faces were classmates, but their bodies were not. These two bodies Wearing rags."

"It took him a moment to realize that no, it was these two unfamiliar bodies that were pressing against his classmates' heads."

"One after another, more than a dozen headless corpses came out of the cave entrance. After these things dispersed, they searched nearby and returned to the cave after finding nothing."

"But the man still didn't dare to move. He remembered that there were nearly 20 headless corpses that he came out to search before, but the ones that came back just now were less than 15, so the number didn't match."

"Sure enough, after continuing to hibernate in the rainy night for half an hour, he wandered out from behind the tree near the entrance of the cave for another 5 seconds.

There was a headless body, and two of his classmates from the entrance of the cave also came out, and then retreated into the cave together. "

"This scene scared the man hiding behind the tree half to death. He could clearly see his classmate's head swinging from side to side on the body. It was very weak and seemed like it might fall off in the next second."

"When the entrance of the cave became completely quiet, the man turned around and ran away. He braved the heavy rain and ran all the way down the mountain.

He didn't know how many times he fell, and he couldn't remember what happened after that. When he regained consciousness, he was already in the hospital. "

"The man's recovery was not good. He was sometimes sober and sometimes crazy. In severe cases, he even needed to be injected with sedatives. During the last period, he often said some incomprehensible words, which frightened the doctors and nurses present. He said he could hear footsteps at night. In the corridor are the two missing classmates, it must be them, they are looking for me! "

"The hospital specially arranged night patrols for security guards from that day on, but no abnormality was found. The man's health became worse and worse. He lost weight day by day until he fell into a coma."

"One early morning, the doctor who was inspecting the ward of the hospital suddenly discovered that the man was missing. He searched all over the hospital but could not find him. Later, he checked the surveillance video and saw the man wearing a hospital gown and leaving the hospital gate. But strangely, the hospital gate There were several security guards working the night shift in the duty room, but they didn’t notice the man leaving.”

"After zooming in on the surveillance video, we made a surprising discovery. The man did not go out on his own. His movements were stiff and sluggish, and his feet were off the ground. It was more like he was being carried away from the left and right."

Zhuge Zhijie clicked on a photo. The photo was a bit blurry and had a sense of age. The background was at night. “The last time the man was photographed by surveillance was in a small town called Xishan, which is located in Xishan. The foot of Longshou Mountain is considered the only way to enter the mountain. People from the technical department judged that this man entered the mountain again.

Returned to Yinbing Cave. "

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