Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 119 Nine-Eyed Dora

"Later, the technical department sent people to investigate, and sure enough they found the cave, and found the drawing boards left by the three people inside, as well as the daily necessities they had brought into the mountain."

"But no one was found, and no body was found. After investigation, the internal structure of the cave was extremely complex. The entrance was inconspicuous, but there were many forks inside. If you are not careful, you may get lost in it. People from the technical department also detected harmful gases in the cave. If present, it will damage people’s respiratory system and affect their consciousness.”

"They also used detectors to search for a suspicious signal. The signal was not very clear, but according to the on-site commander's judgment, there is a high possibility that there is something like that deep in the cave."

"A special operations team was ordered to deal with it. In order to find out the specific situation in the cave, three team members were first sent to explore the path. They wore equipment and entered the depths of the cave. Unfortunately, all three of them disappeared."

"What's even more frightening is that these three people seemed to have awakened the thing deep in the cave. The detector index of the technical department continued to rise. Worried about triggering unknown supernatural events and causing uncontrollable damage, the on-site commander decisively ordered the bombing of the path exploration team to enter The secret passage was blocked, and the entrance of the cave was sealed, and the people were led to evacuate.”

"A few days later, when they came back, the detector showed that the thing fell asleep again. Based on the on-site survey results and the comprehensive analysis of several cases, the people from the technical department concluded that the grudge eye in the cave was of a higher level. The damage caused is also very strong, and it is very difficult to contain it. They proposed to give up the containment method and use the sealing method. "

"The so-called sealing method is to isolate the Resentful Eye in a space that is out of reach of ordinary people, and set up an isolation zone nearby and assign special personnel to guard it. This method is usually used for the Resentful Eye that is highly dangerous and inconvenient to contain. It is more difficult to contain the Resentful Eye in downtown areas. Use sparingly, but works great in off-the-beaten-path areas.”

"After final discussion, they sealed the entrance of Yinbing Cave, set up a mountain fire prevention and control station with Yinbing Cave as the center, established an isolation zone in the area that may be affected by the Resentful Eye, and arranged for dedicated personnel to be stationed. Re-detect it every once in a while to see if there are any signs of the Resentful Eye waking up.”

Zhuge Zhijie enlarged a table. The table was densely packed with records. It could be seen that the records lasted for a long time. However, from the first test once a week to the last three months, it seemed that this complaint was There are no signs of recovery.

This kind of information is very detailed, but until he read all ten pages, Yang Xiao did not find any rumors related to Xiba Ghost Bodhisattva, "Where is Xiba Ghost Bodhisattva?"

Zhuge Zhijie adjusted his glasses and looked at everyone, "Here are all the information provided by the technical department. If you want to know more details, you have to go to Longshou Mountain in person."

"The department has already sent a greeting to Xishan Town. You can go directly to the town chronicle there. There will be a dedicated person to receive you. If you have enough time, you should also take a look around the Yinbing Cave in Longshou Mountain."

Zhuge Zhijie is very skilled in doing these things. It seems that he is not only a person who writes task reports, but this academic expert also shoulders the important task of communicating with the technical department.

Everyone in the team performs their own duties. Except for Ximenxiu's professional skills, which are not obvious, the rest of them can be independent in their own fields.

"Big Xiong, you and I will accompany Yu Shu there. Captain, you take Ximen Xiu and Zhuge Zhijie to stay in the office and provide logistical support." Beibei had much more experience as captain than Yang Xiao and made the decision immediately.

"I'll go too. There's no point in staying here. It's always good to have one more person to find out information."

Yang Xiao fought hard.

As if thinking of Yang Xiao's performance in several missions, Beibei nodded, "Okay, then the captain will go with us, Daxiong, you stay."

"Okay." Big Bear replied. His specialty is controlling various equipment, and he wouldn't be able to help much if he went there.

This time it is a nightmare mission brought about by a ghost script. No one can intervene except Yu Shu himself. Everyone can only do their best to help Yu Shu collect as many clues as possible before she enters the nightmare world.

The distance was not too short, so Beibei drove. The three of them set off in the morning and arrived at Xishan Town at 4 pm. This is a relatively remote town with some ancient buildings still preserved. It is not the peak tourist season and there are not many tourists. The whole town is An atmosphere of silence permeated the town.

According to the navigation, the three of them parked the car in front of a three-story antique building. Beibei made a call. Within 2 minutes, an old man in national costumes hurried out. When they saw Yang Xiao and the three of them, they immediately came up to say hello. , "Hello leaders, I am Tang Yinzhi, the director of the Xishan Town Chronicle Hall. I received news from the town leaders in the morning. I have been waiting here. Come in quickly!"

After a brief greeting, Director Tang invited the three people in, and the group walked straight to the second floor on the wooden stairs. The stairs were very old and creaked when they stepped on them, which was annoying to noisy people.

Walking to a black double-open wooden door on the second floor, Director Tang opened the door. Inside was a large room with rows of bookshelves. The bookshelves were more than 3 meters high and looked very oppressive. , there is a woman not far away who is stepping on the ladder, holding a book in her hand, as if looking up information.

"Teacher Zhou, come down, the leaders are here." Director Tang raised his head and said to the woman.

The woman slowly walked down the ladder. The room was relatively dark. Only then did Yang Xiao see the woman's face clearly. The woman was probably in her early 30s, dressed plainly, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a pearl necklace hanging around her neck. The woman adjusted her glasses. ,

He said hello dullly, "Hello, leaders, I am Zhou Wenjie, the keeper of the archives on the second floor."

A few people found a table nearby and sat down. Director Tang obviously had seen the world, and it was better not to know some things he knew. He made a pot of hot tea, settled the people down, and then found a reason to leave. Before leaving, She also said that if you have any questions, just ask Teacher Zhou. Although she is young, she has grown up in the town. There are few things in the town that she does not know.

When Director Tang left, he closed the door of the archives room to prevent outsiders from disturbing him. Yang Xiao looked at the woman and got straight to the point, "Teacher Zhou, is there a place called Xiba near Longshou Mountain?"

"There used to be, but not now." Teacher Zhou held the tea cup and answered somewhat cautiously, "This happened many years ago, hundreds of years ago. There was no Xishan Town at that time, and the terrain near Longshou Mountain was It is a dangerous place with inconvenient transportation. It is inhabited by mountain people who make a living by hunting. There are about a dozen villages in total.

One of the two largest mountain people gathering places was called Xizhai and the other was called Bazhai. Xiba became the name that foreigners called the mountain people near Longshou Mountain at that time. "

Yang Xiao was overjoyed. It seemed like there was a way to do this. "Teacher Zhou, do the mountain people living here have any characteristics? Have any strange things happened in history?"

"In terms of characteristics, the book records that these mountain people had a violent character and strong folk customs. Because of the tribute payment, they often had conflicts with the officials at the time." Teacher Zhou sighed, "It is also their character that determines their ending. In the end, the imperial court was furious and soldiers invaded the territory and captured the two largest villages, Xizhai and Bazhai, and the local mountain people were almost exterminated. "

These contents were all consistent with what Yu Shu had seen in the ghost script. Yang Xiao knew that he had found the right person, "It's because these mountain people often rob passing caravans and also attack officers and soldiers transporting money and grain. Their methods are cruel and cruel." alive,

Right? "

Teacher Zhou's face became strange, and he hesitated for a long time before speaking, "There are indeed such records in some ancient books. It is said that these mountain people did not respect the king's authority and secretly worshiped an evil demon named Jiuyan Duoluo. , this evil likes gold, silver and jewelry the most, and is very bloodthirsty. Under the bewitchment of the evil, these mountain people become half-human and half-demon. As long as the sun sets and night falls, these mountain people will become half-human and half-ghost. Something that is invulnerable,

They are thirsty for blood, can tear apart armor with their bare hands, and can recover quickly after being injured. Only by cutting off their heads can they be completely killed. "

Seeing the complicated look in Teacher Zhou's eyes, Yang Xiao felt something was strange, "Teacher Zhou, you seem to... have something to hide?"

"That's right. Before you came here, I checked the relevant information and found several problems. First of all, it is recorded in the book that 3,000 elite soldiers were sent out for this campaign. They fought for 4 days and nights. They destroyed 16 large and small cities and towns, beheaded more than 10,000 people, and suffered personal casualties. There are only about three hundred people.”

"I checked a few books, and the casualty data recorded in them are similar. They should be credible. First of all, I don't believe in the existence of the Nine-Eyed Demon, because if there were such monsters to help, the people of Xiba Mountain would not be defeated like a mountain.

In just four days, they were exterminated. "

"Also, it is recorded in the book that the people of Xiba Mountain committed many evil deeds. They robbed merchants many times and massacred the officers and soldiers who escorted the silver coins. They never left anyone alive. According to post-war statistics, after the victory, the officers and soldiers dug three feet into the ground. The so-called huge wealth that was looted was not found. The explanation in the book is that these treasures were enshrined in Jiuyan Doluo." It was obvious from Teacher Zhou's expression that she did not believe this statement.

Yang Xiao didn't quite believe this statement either. Why did it sound like it meant killing people and silencing them? "What do the remaining mountain people in Xiba say?"

"They didn't have a chance to speak. Most of them were killed. Their heads were chopped off and counted as military merits. It is said that a few people fled into Longshou Mountain and disappeared."

"It is recorded in the book that when these officers and soldiers returned from victory, the team used carriages to pull heads. There were more than a dozen large carriages, including men, women, old people and children. The carriages were dyed red with blood."

"But a few years later, robbers appeared again in Longshou Mountain. This time their methods were even worse than before, but the difference was that these robbers did not attack caravans. They only killed officers and soldiers, and all wore official uniforms. They killed everyone, and after killing them, they cut off their heads and took them away, but never touched their property, which was unprecedented. "

"Some people speculate that the remaining mountain people who fled into Longshou Mountain are back again, and this time their goal is revenge."

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