Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 460 Photographing the Dead

After finishing speaking, Fei Rou urged them again, saying that it was getting late and asked them to leave quickly, and then left alone.

Of course, before that, he also left an envelope of money for them, which was stuffed full. When he opened it, he saw that it was all brand-new dark blue hundred-dollar bills.

After the only outsider left, all the others were his own. Yu Dagui walked forward cautiously, gently opened the door and poked his head out to see. After confirming that Fei Rou's figure had disappeared, he closed the door and walked back and sat on the sofa. superior.

"Everyone, one thing is for sure. This is definitely not revenge of the victim's relatives, but a murder by a ghost. Otherwise, we would not meet here today." Lian Jinshun sighed.

This is obvious, so there is no objection. The most important thing at the moment is to first determine the identity of Li Gui.

Yang Xiao picked up a newspaper and spoke first: "It is taboo to take pictures of the dead, especially strangers who have died violently. They are the most resentful. I think they get into trouble because of this."

Wen Chongxian echoed, "I agree. There is a saying in my hometown that you can't take pictures of dead people, let alone people who have just died. It is said that the soul of the person who just died is standing at the scene of the incident, looking down at his body. , once photographed at this time, the soul will be disturbed.”

Hearing this, Aqiang was not only worried, but also complained: "That being said, there are so many newspapers here, how can we determine which one they have messed with?"

Yang Xiao had already judged this and immediately suggested: "The method of elimination. When the police found high-heeled shoes marks at the crime scene, they first eliminated the men, and then the time. We used the time of the first murder as the benchmark and pushed forward one month." , the most suspected of the dead who were photographed within this month."

What Yang Xiao thought of was also thought of by many people present. There is strength in numbers, and soon everyone sorted the dozens of messed up newspapers in the order of publication time, and sorted out all the cases in the month before the incident.

But to everyone's surprise, there were only three newspapers that met the time criteria, corresponding to three cases, and the victims in these three cases were all men.

"How could this happen?" Ju Juan was dumbfounded.

"Are there any missing newspapers that Fei Rou didn't collect?" Che Xuechun muttered, "Why are there only three in a month?"

Hearing this, Zhang Man sneered, "My great actor, open your eyes and look at the world. Do you think you are acting? There were three abnormal death cases in the same city in one month, and they were just filmed by this group of people. This The probability is not low, okay?”

"Relax the timeline, within 100 days." Lian Jinshun decided after thinking about it.

Sure enough, something was discovered this time. There were a total of 8 cases in 100 days, including 3 female deaths and one person falling from a building.

One person had a car accident, and the last person was trapped by love and hanged himself in the woods behind the company dormitory.

Because the photos in the newspaper were blurry, they couldn't compare them to any useful information, but if nothing else happened, the ghost was among these three people.

Lian Jinshun distributed three newspapers with photos, keeping one for himself, one for Yu Dagui, and the last one for Yang Xiao. These three people were all living in the three places where the crime occurred tonight, and Lian Jinshun also Shun's best choice.

"Each group will decide who will stay in the haunted house tonight to keep vigil, but one thing is that those who stay in the haunted house cannot bring newspapers." Lian Jinshun looked serious.

Everyone understood what he meant. People who stayed in the haunted house were very likely to encounter supernatural events. To put it simply, people can die, but the clues cannot be broken and the newspapers cannot be thrown away.

This is in the interest of everyone, and naturally no one objects to it.

"Also, let's forget it today. Tomorrow, we will work in groups during the day. Each group will hold the newspaper and search for the identity of the deceased. The more detailed the better." Lian Jinshun opened the envelope and divided the money inside. Everyone has a share.

There is a publication time in the newspaper. It is thought that the time of death of the deceased should be shortly before the publication. Yang Xiao thinks it will not be difficult to check.

"Everyone take your mobile phones and note each other's numbers, and contact us in time if anything happens." Lian Jinshun reminded.

Everyone started to take their mobile phones from the table. After Yang Xiao got the mobile phone, he noticed that everyone had started to take action. Only the young monk stood there alone, wondering what he was thinking.

Ten seconds later, when the monk just stretched out his hand, someone suddenly dropped his mobile phone on the table and grabbed the only other one left on the table at a very fast speed. It was Aqiang. He smiled flatteringly at the monk, holding his hands He put his hands together and said, "Master, I just took the wrong one, don't blame me, don't blame me!"

But as everyone's mobile phone screens lit up, Yang Xiao saw that only the mobile phone screen in the young monk's hand was black.

"Master, your phone is broken." Che Chunxue reminded kindly.

Hearing this, Aqiang's face turned ugly. If not for everyone, he might have taken action to teach Che Chunxue a lesson for speaking so freely.

It was obvious that this phone was originally chosen by Aqiang, but after he discovered that there was something wrong with the phone, he replaced it with the monk.

"You can't blame me. I didn't know there was something wrong with the phone. Besides, a gamble to admit defeat, right?


This is a fatal thing. Who knows if there is any explanation for this bad mobile phone. Aqiang held on to the good mobile phone in his hand, determined not to change it.

Just when everyone was waiting to see the monk get angry, they saw him put away the broken mobile phone and put it into his pocket without saying a word, as if nothing was wrong.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xiao, who was not nosy at all, suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He rarely spoke to persuade: "Master Wu Kong, your mobile phone is broken. This is not a good sign."

Hearing this, before Monk Wukong could speak, Aqiang jumped out and threatened Yang Xiao angrily: "I'm telling you, mind your own business!"

Yang Xiao didn't say anything, just stared at him coldly, one look that turned A Qiang off, and he didn't dare to curse the rest of the curse words in his mouth.

"The poor monk understood the good intentions of several donors. All blessings and misfortunes are related to Buddha. It seems that this mobile phone is destined to the poor monk.

Monk Wukong clasped his hands together.

When things got to this point, Yang Xiao couldn't say anything else. This monk didn't look normal. He was either pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, or he was a real pig.

However, according to Yang Xiao's understanding from several missions, you can stay out of the limelight, but you can't show weakness, especially if your teammates think you are easy to control.

Yu Dagui walked to the window and opened the thick curtains, only to see the sun setting outside and it was already dusk.

"Remember each other's numbers. If there's no problem, go find your own place to live. Everyone, please be more careful tonight." Yu Dagui reminded.

Yang Xiao noticed that there was some secret joy on Yu Dagui's face, because he didn't have to leave, he would stay in this hotel tonight.

"Everyone, I hope to see you tomorrow, there will still be 9 of us." Lian Jinshun packed up his things and was the first to walk out of the room.

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