Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 461 The locked door

Aqiang and Che Xuechun followed closely. The three of them were in a group and were going to the residence of one of the deceased, Hu Yuan, tonight.

Yang Xiao, Monk Wukong, and Ju Juan went to Building 3 of Qichiyashe in the villa area, where Fei Rou's younger brother, Fei Yong, died.

Yu Dagui, Zhang Man, and Wen Chongxian stayed in the hotel. Fei Rou had previously introduced that Room 9018 above the head was the scene of the last murder, and the deceased was a girl named Sha Meihui.

The grouping was completed the moment everyone took the keys from Fei Rou. It was a completely unconscious behavior.

After walking out of the hotel door, Yang Xiao looked back. The golden characters of Century Oriental Hotel were shining brightly against the setting sun. The hotel has more than 30 floors. The top floor is a huge circular observation deck, shaped like a flying saucer, surrounded by a paved floor. The old-fashioned blue glass is surrounded by old-fashioned blue glass. Looking up at it for a long time gives people a sense of depression. The layout and decoration of the hotel are naturally old-fashioned in the eyes of Yang Xiao and others, which can be associated with the current background of the times.

This is top-notch.

"Mr. Chu, shall we find a place to live now?" Ju Juan, who looked like a college student, asked tentatively.

Yang Xiao looked away and nodded, "It's getting late. Let's call a taxi and get familiar with the surrounding environment."

Monk Wukong followed the two of them with a calm expression. Yang Xiao didn't know why he was in such a good mood.

We stopped a taxi on the street and after telling the driver the address, the group set off. The distance was not very far. After about 15 minutes, the car slowly stopped. We looked in the direction of the driver's finger and happened to see it. There is a gate made of black marble. There is a small pool and fountain in front of the gate. The four words Qichiyashe are hung above the gate.

When the villa area arrived, Yang Xiao checked out and got out of the car. The three of them walked to the gate of the villa area. Before entering, Yang Xiao turned around and faced the other two people. At the same time, he took out the villa key in his hand, "You two, villa key." It’s been allocated to me. It’s okay for me to stay here tonight, but if either of you two wants this job, I can let it go.”

Upon hearing this, Ju Juan's expression froze, and she looked obviously nervous, but she still managed to squeeze out a smile, "I...I won't go."

Monk Wukong also shook his head.

Seeing this, Yang Xiao didn't embarrass them and put away the key very naturally, "In that case, I'll go. Do you two follow me to the villa to have a look, or...::::


"Mr. Chu, my residence is Jincheng Community. I saw it on the way here just now. It's on the street next door. It's getting late. I want to go there first." Ju Juan said in one breath. She didn't want to be with the haunted house. Get involved in anything, especially when the situation is unclear.

However, the usually silent monk Wukong clasped his hands together and said calmly: "If the donor of Chu hopes that someone will follow the poor monk's wish,"

Yang Xiao became more and more confused about this monk, and could only find an excuse at the moment, "I appreciate Master Wu Kong's kindness, but it's getting late now. If Master comes with me, I may have to walk back alone at night. Not safe.”

"Yes, yes, Master Wukong, the two of us live not far away. Let's go back as soon as possible while the sky is still bright." When you come to a ghost place like this, you are most taboo about being alone and letting Ju Juan go alone. It's really a bit scary. Although this is only the first day, it stands to reason that there won't be much danger.

Monk Wukong was a rare good-tempered person, and he actually followed Ju Juan and left. Yang Xiao kept watching the two of them leave, and became more and more curious about Monk Wukong. He was like a soft persimmon who could be manipulated by others. It doesn't matter how you treat him.


After making a complaint, Yang Xiao walked into the community and quickly found the corresponding villa. From the outside, compared with the surrounding buildings, the villa looked a bit old and in disrepair. Large tiles on the exterior walls had fallen off and there were no traces of them. People maintain.

The villa has two floors and a small courtyard. Yang Xiao pushed the courtyard door gently, and it opened with a creak.

The courtyard door was not locked at all.

There is a garden in the yard, as well as a relatively small viewing pool, but because no one has taken care of it all year round,

The garden has long been deserted, the viewing pool has dried up, and is filled with soil and fallen leaves. The small courtyard has a solemn scene.

After approaching the door, Yang Xiao noticed that every window in the villa was blocked by dark curtains, making it impossible to see inside.

There is also the double-open wooden door in front of me. The surface is mottled, as if it has withstood countless feng shui and sun exposure. Especially the keyhole part has traces of rust.

This villa gave Yang Xiao the feeling that it had been uninhabited for at least 10 years. It was considered semi-abandoned, and there was an indescribable sense of gloominess permeating it from the inside out.

An uninhabited villa that has been abandoned for many years, the tightly drawn curtains, the background of a haunted house with a death toll, plus the dying sun at dusk... Several major horror elements are almost coming together, and Yang Xiao doesn't even dare to think about it. , if these were put into his writing, what kind of terrifying story would he write.

But now this is not a story, but the reality he is about to experience. Yang Xiao took out the key from his pocket, prayed a few words in front of the door, and then inserted it into the keyhole. With a slight twist, there was a "click" sound. , the door opened directly.

Yang Xiaoren was shocked. He didn't expect it to be so silky. It felt like someone in the villa opened the door for him.

The next second, he was frightened by his sudden thought, and hurriedly said his sister's blessing silently in his heart.

As the door opened, a ray of sunset shone into the room. Yang Xiao immediately opened the thick curtains after entering the door. Now the room was much brighter. What appeared in front of him was a living room on the first floor, decorated with high-end leather. sofa,

Glass tea table, very high mahogany bookshelf, on which porcelain, calligraphy and paintings are placed, and a black big-head TV fixed on the wall opposite, a strong sense of age comes to the face.

But what surprised Yang Xiao was that there was not much dust here. He walked to the glass tea table and touched it with his hand. There was no dust on his fingers. It seemed that this place had been abandoned for many years, but someone had come to clean it recently.

Then Yang Xiao tried to turn on the faucet and press the light switch. It was good. There was water and electricity. Yang Xiao approached the refrigerator and opened it curiously. It was empty.

When checking the first floor of the villa, Yang Xiao found that a door in the northwest corner could not be opened. It seemed to be locked. Yang Xiao looked around but could not find the key.

Combined with the analysis of the structure of the entire villa, he guessed that this should be a large room, most likely a bedroom, and the next discovery made him alert instantly. He noticed that the wooden door frame of this door had signs of damage. Although it was repaired later, it could still be seen if you look closely.

A door that had been damaged and now locked again made Yang Xiao think more. After thinking for a moment, he stood up and walked to the living room, pushed the heavy sofa over to block the bedroom door, and seemed to be worried that he could not block it, so he also moved the glass tea table over.

After doing all this, Yang Xiao went to the kitchen, opened the locker, and picked out two plates and several colored glass cups from it.

He placed a glass cup diagonally on the door handle, and the other cups and plates were evenly arranged on the sofa and tea table, with each angle being more tricky than the other, so that once the door was opened at night and the cups and plates fell to the ground, he would receive an early warning in the first time.

After checking the first floor, Yang Xiao walked up the stairs and went to the second floor.

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