Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 10 My fist is big and round

"Ring ring ring!"

The familiar sound of the alarm clock rang in his ears. Lu En subconsciously pressed it with his hand and felt a slight resistance. The sound of the alarm clock suddenly stopped, replaced by the crackling sound of parts falling.


Lu En's sleepiness disappeared, and he looked at the completely shattered alarm clock speechlessly. He scratched his head. The surge in power was certainly a good thing, but his impressive control ability cast a shadow over the good thing. To put it simply, he is now You don’t know the seriousness of dropping your hand. It is possible to shake someone’s hand politely, only to end up with a tragedy such as a broken palm.

Fortunately, no one usually wants to shake my hand or play tricks with me.

This is the only thing Lu En is lucky about. Although he is basically a transparent person in school, he has gained some sense of existence in the past two days, and his image has improved a little in the eyes of teachers and classmates.

After breakfast, Lu En held his schoolbag and watched Xiao Kui watching him leave. There was envy on his face, and his heart suddenly felt heavy. Since the adults were not at home during the day, they did not dare to let her go out to play, so Xiao Kui could only be alone. It was too cruel for an eight-year-old girl to be left alone at home.

Lu En felt that he had an obligation to let Xiaokui live a better life, instead of hurriedly finding someone to marry in a few years like other girls in Xiacheng District, and then surrounding her husband and the kitchen in darkness.

And Lu En also feels that he has gradually gained this ability, and now his attributes have increased dramatically compared to yesterday.

Name: Luen

Status: healthy

Spirit: 1.3

Physical strength: 1.5

Strength: 1.3

Agility: 0.9

Skills: Evil spirits whispering, skill point 2

Physical strength suddenly became the highest attribute, followed by strength and spirit, and agility changed the least. Now Lu En feels energetic. It seems that what is surging in his body is not blood, but power. He really wants to find something to try. Try your hand.

Without reference and comparison, he really didn't know how much stronger he had become.

Of course, he suppressed the idea in the end and took the bus all the way to the school, only to find that the gate was closed and many students gathered around it.

"Classes are actually suspended today, how good is that?"

As soon as he got off the bus, Lu En heard the exclamations from some students. No matter what the reason was, as long as he didn't go to school, it was a good thing in their eyes.

"I have the latest video games at home, come and play them at my house!"

Someone raised their arms and some students immediately dispersed. Lu En's heart moved. He walked over and saw a notice of a one-day suspension of classes posted on the wall. The reason was... Gas pipeline inspection?

Lu En raised his eyebrows in confusion, pricked up his ears and began to collect information around him. He soon learned the specific reason from some classmates.

As expected, the fight that took place in the city last night was covered up. The official reason was an explosion caused by aging and leaking gas pipes. As for why it exploded twice, it was naturally a chain explosion. In order to increase the authenticity, the nearby ones were All factories and schools stopped work and classes to begin maintenance.

After all, there were only a few people like Lu En who saw it with their own eyes. Most people only saw the explosion and black smoke. Therefore, the official explanation combined with the actions immediately convinced most people that it was true, but naturally there were also those who didn't believe it.

"I'm telling you, my dad is the captain of the police station, and he said yesterday was not a gas explosion at all!"

Lu En moved his ears, and with his keen sense, he heard the low-pitched discussions of several students next to him. Among them, a little fat man spoke in a very low voice and spoke mysteriously.

"Isn't it a gas explosion or a terrorist attack?" a student asked doubtfully.

As one of the three major countries, the Glory Federation has always been known for its unscrupulous and domineering style internationally. Terrorist attacks are also common in areas subject to political and military interference.

"It's not a terrorist attack. Anyway, the problem is actually huge. Do you know what else happened last night?"

"What's up?"

Several people asked questions together.

"I'm telling you, you can't tell anyone else." The little fat man was mysterious, looking around a few times to heighten the atmosphere, and whispered: "My dad just came back and left last night, and I overheard him calling. The phone call said that a dozen policemen died last night, right there in the club!”


Everyone gasped.

Since school was closed, Lu En hesitated for a moment. He didn't have many friends at school, and he wasn't actually familiar with the urban area, so he turned around and started wandering aimlessly along the streets. After not going to school, he suddenly didn't know what to do. .

The events of last night were overwhelming, so the pedestrians on the street were as usual, with no worry or panic on their faces. After walking through several large shopping malls, Lu En suddenly remembered that he wanted to buy Xiaokui one. It was a birthday present, and he had actually thought about what he wanted to buy last night.

Ten minutes later, Lu En walked out of a clothing store with a bag in hand. He couldn't suppress the distress on his face. He wanted to buy a new skirt for Xiaokui. He thought it wouldn't cost much for her young age. Who knew the price would be high? Ridiculous, some were more expensive than those for adults, and the cheapest one took all the money out of his pocket.

Why do I feel like I've come to the wrong store and at the same time I feel like I've been deceived?

Seeing the smiling waiter waving to him, Lu En felt a little ache in his heart. He stepped forward and followed the direction to go home. Fortunately, he didn't even have the money to take the bus.

After walking for a few minutes, Lu En's expression suddenly changed and he realized that someone was following him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Pencas following him furtively.

This guy hasn't given up yet?

Lu En's face looked a little strange. He didn't seem to have any deep hatred against him, but why was he so persistent?

He kept walking, but his direction suddenly changed. He walked into an alley and disappeared. Pengkasi who was following him suddenly looked anxious and didn't bother to hide it. He ran quickly into the alley, but something happened. Lu En was standing not far away, looking at him calmly.

"Good guy, you dare to play tricks on me!"

Pencas reacted immediately, anger emerged in his heart, and he pointed at Lu En's nose: "You have allowed me to catch you. If you are wise, let me beat you up. Let this matter be over, otherwise I will see you again in the future." Beat him once!"

"As for that, we are all classmates, why don't we all give in?" Lu En sighed, his expression was very sincere, and his words contained strange magic: "How about turning the hostility into friendship?"

"That's a good idea. If you let me beat him up, we'll be even!" Unfortunately, Lu En has a fixed impression in Peng Kasi's mind, and the power of the evil spirit's whispers is greatly reduced. Instead, Peng Kasi sneered and approached Lu En, tightening his grip. fist.

"I was scolded by the teacher and made a fool of myself in front of my classmates. I'll give you an advantage by beating you up!"


Before speaking, he had already stepped forward quickly and punched Lu En in the chest. He gritted his teeth without holding back, but found that the latter's body did not even sway. He took his punch forcefully and looked at him coldly. Own.

"How is that possible?" Pencas was shocked. He felt as if he had been hit on thick cowhide. The force of the rebound made his fists hurt. Lu En's voice came to his ears: "You are scratching me." Is it itchy?”

"This is impossible for me and you!" Pengkasi was already incoherent. Lu En's old impression could not coincide with the one before him, and he took a big step back.

"As a courtesy, look at my fist, it's big and round."

A strange magic power made him involuntarily look over at Lu En's words, and he saw a really big and round fist that suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes!


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