Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 11 Night Detective

Two people died in two days, and both drowned in the lake. This matter has a strange flavor.

The students who had been discussing it all day yesterday were strangely less enthusiastic about it today. Everyone began to walk around the artificial lake, casting a shadow on the originally lively campus.

"Teacher Rachel is a good person"

A female student in Lu En's class secretly wiped her tears. The one who died this time was a female art teacher. Lu En had never seen her before, because this was an extracurricular tutoring class, and he had to pay tuition separately, but this did not prevent him from hearing about this teacher. It is said that she was not only good at teaching, but also a great beauty.

Beautiful women always arouse more pity in the eyes of the public.

Like the previous students, she suddenly disappeared after the tutoring class. The family called the school to inquire, which immediately touched the school's sensitive nerves. After all, almost the same thing happened just now. Then they went to the lake to find that the body was indeed swollen.

The school handled it quickly, and the bodies were taken away before dawn, but the news could not help but spread, because the husband of the latter came to the school and made a big fuss, and finally the police came to solve it.

Almost the same time, almost the same way of death, this is obviously beyond the scope of accidents.

But who would do such a thing in school, or something else?

Lu En suddenly remembered the extraordinary decay speed of the two bodies, and had some bold guesses in his mind, but he was not sure, so he decided to go and find out after school.

After possessing extraordinary power, his courage also increased, and he had a great interest in these obviously beyond common sense weirdness. Maybe this is an opportunity for him to continue to become stronger.

After the incident, the whole school, from teachers to students, was in a panic. They couldn't get up the spirit in class. When school was over, they left quickly as if they were escaping from a dangerous place. They didn't dare to continue the cram school that was originally held after school, and they were even more afraid of the artificial lake.

However, Lu En did the opposite and walked quickly towards the artificial lake. The school had set up a cordon around this area. Lu En bent down and walked through it, standing by the lake and looking at the green lake water.

The artificial lake was not very big. There were some willow trees planted on the shore, with branches hanging into the water and some green algae attached to them. Perhaps because two people had died there, Lu En always smelled a strong stench in his nose. He spent five minutes walking around, but found nothing.

Am I thinking too much?

The food spirit in Lu En's palm never responded, which made him frown in confusion and kick a small stone into the water.


A small splash of water was splashed, and a half-rotten goldfish suddenly floated out. Lu En's palm suddenly became a little hot!

But at this moment, he heard the voice of a person approaching, and he was startled. A scolding voice came from behind: "What are you doing? Don't you know it's dangerous here?"

Lu En turned his head, his face was already covered with fear and embarrassment. He looked at a policeman who was staring at him, and stammered: "I, I just want to come and see"

"Go, go, this is a place to watch the fun!" The policeman had gray hair and was furious when he heard it. Lu En acted like he was caught doing something bad, and he turned around and ran away at a speed.

In addition to the police, there were three other people. The temperature in my palm did not come from the lake, but from them!

In other words, in the food induction, these can be regarded as food materials!

His heart was thumping wildly, and he forcibly suppressed his desire to look back. After running a few steps, his steps became slow, and he pricked up his ears to listen to the sound behind him.

"Students nowadays are so brave that they don't even care about their lives!" The old policeman naturally didn't chase Lu En, but just drove him away, shook his head and sighed, and then said to the people around him: "Three people, this is the crime scene!"

Beside him, the three people standing had their own characteristics. The man on the far left, wearing a gray long coat and with a sharp face, looked around when he heard the words, sniffed hard with his nose, and frowned: "This smell is a bit strange, not just the smell of decay."

"Captain, the beacon is responding!"

A woman next to him who looked ordinary but had a hot body suddenly whispered: "This should be"

"I know."

The man called the captain interrupted the woman and nodded to the old policeman: "Now Now that our Special Affairs Department has taken over this matter, you can go back and report!"

"Oh, OK!" The old policeman was stunned, then he breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, he found that the three people's eyes fell on him. He was a little confused, but the last teenager who looked about the same age as Lu En stepped forward and shrugged his shoulders: "You can go first, we still have some things to discuss."

The old policeman looked stunned, then his face turned black, and he turned around and left without saying a word. Lu En clearly heard the other party's indignant whisper: "What the hell, the Special Affairs Department is so great, and you dare to show me your face before your hair grows out!"

Then as the distance got farther, Lu En could no longer hear the voice behind, but he still vaguely heard the words "do it at night."

Is this a human like Barn?

What was surging in Lu En's heart at this time was not fear, but a strong excitement. He felt that a brand new world was opening in front of him, full of attraction and temptation to him.

"At night?"

He whispered to himself.

At night, downtown.

The lights in the three-story building where Lu En lived gradually went out. Like other places in the lower city, people who had been busy for a day began to fall asleep, and a figure suddenly disappeared through an open window on the outer wall.


With a deep muffled sound, Lu En fell steadily from the third floor to the ground. His physical strength of 1.5 brought unparalleled physical fitness. However, in order to conceal his identity, he wore a cartoon mask on his face at this time. He found it from the glove box. It was carved from wood and seemed to be a toy from his childhood.

The mask is a grinning image with curved eyes and a mouth full of white teeth, which is indescribably funny.

However, no matter how funny it is, it is better than showing his true colors. Lu En determined the direction, and his figure was like a ghost in the darkness, heading towards the school. He himself didn’t know what he was going to do, but his curiosity and thirst for power made him He made the decision anyway.

However, wandering around in the lower city at night is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing. Just as Lu En turned into an alley, a sturdy figure suddenly appeared from the other end, hehe sneered:



Lu En didn't even see clearly what this person looked like. His body had already rushed in front of him. As soon as he uttered two words, his vision went dark. He flew backwards and hit the wall. He felt like he was being hit by a big truck. It's like being run over, pain everywhere, and a fishy smell in your mouth.

"What, what happened? I was hit by something?!"

All that was left for him was a ghostly shadow, which made him shiver involuntarily.

It must be a ghost!

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