Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 101 Horrifying changes! (I don’t know, it’s been a hundred chapters)

The luxury train buzzed past the city of Hanno near Lucas. Where Luen didn't know, one or two of his acquaintances were confronting each other.

"Give Delina back to me!"

Nim tried his best to control his anger, pressed his hands on the table, and stared at a woman sitting opposite, about 20 years old, with a black gauze upper body and a short skirt on the lower body. People eating around looked at her from time to time. .

Her appearance is similar to Delina's, but she is more beautiful, more mature and full of temptation. She inserted a piece of steak from the plate into her mouth with a fork, licked her bright red lips, and said with a kind of affectionate satisfaction. Man's eyes were fixed on Nim: "I am Delina, Lord Nim."

"I said, get out of her!"

Regarding the safety of his sweetheart, Nim felt a valve in his heart being gradually opened. He hit the table hard, and all the cups and saucers on it jumped up, attracting everyone's attention at the same time!

This is a high-end restaurant. The waiter on the side immediately frowned and walked to Nimu: "Sir, this is a public place, please keep quiet."

Nim turned around and glared at him. An inexplicable pressure suddenly shocked the waiter, and any words he wanted to continue were blocked in his throat. At this time, Delina, who was opposite him, immediately stood up with a weak expression.

"I'm sorry, my boyfriend is a little angry. Can you please forgive me?"

Her pitiful appearance combined with her glamorous appearance was enough to calm down the anger of any member of the opposite sex. Countless eyes with inexplicable meanings were cast on Nim's face, including jealousy, envy, and hatred.

"Please also be considerate of others."

The waiter looked at Nim with a flash of disdain in his eyes and walked back.

Whether it is their clothing, appearance, or looks, these two people seem to be in two different worlds. The waiter has already sketched out countless dramas at eight o'clock in the evening, such as a rich girl falling in love with a poor boy, etc., the most important thing is What's more, Delina still paid for the meal.


Nim looked around, gritted his teeth and sat back down. He drank the lemonade on the table in one gulp and calmed down. Then he took a deep breath and looked at Delina: "What do you want and how do you want it?" How can you let Delina go?"

"Lord Nim, after these few days, do you still think that I want to harm you?"

Delina blinked and clicked on the newspaper on the table: "You have seen this, right? If I hadn't lied to you to leave, do you know what would have happened?"

"Either they are controlled and used as tools, or they are forever imprisoned in the nightmare world and used as living coordinates."

She leaned her body on the dining table, her delicate face almost touching Nim's face, and breathed out like a orchid: "If they find you, what is being reported now will not be a natural gas explosion, but a small earthquake, sweeping the whole city." Do you believe that there will be huge fires or even meteorites falling to the ground?”

"After all, you are the night watchman, Lord Nim!"

"Is this where he lives?"

Lucas, downtown.

A tall bald man stood in the ruins and asked in a deep voice.

"This is it, senior brother!"

Behind him, Nellie's face was mixed with resentment and fear: "I have checked every information I can find. It is obvious that he is a trash who is bullied by others, and suddenly he became so powerful. I don't believe there is such a thing in this world." Kind of something!”

"Can dragons be raised in shallow water?"

The bald man turned around and recited something in an Eastern language with great interest. Having been raised by Li Qinhu since they were young, they were naturally familiar with these proverbs. Although they were from the Federation race, in their hearts, they were the senior brothers of Mo Long. Closer to the Orientals.

"It still hides some secrets that we don't know about."

Mo Long touched his chin and looked deeply: "Check, whether you are dead or alive, and where you are going, I want to know everything!"

Naturally, Lu En didn't know that anyone was still thinking about him. After leaning against the leather sofa with his eyes closed for a few hours, the train gradually slowed down with a clang, and his eyes opened in time.

Knock knock knock…

There was a knock on the door, and Tai'an's voice sounded from outside: "Master Lu En, Master Malos, we are already here!"

Through the window, Lu En had already seen that the platform seemed to have been cleared of other people, and some men in black were scattered around on guard. With his eyesight, he could also see a serious face outside the platform, which looked somewhat similar to Malos. middle-aged people are waiting.

"That's your father?"

Lu En raised his eyebrows, and Malos, who was sitting quietly on the side, opened his eyes. Some of the blood color slowly faded, and he glanced outside. His pupils stood up slightly, bringing the distant scene closer into his eyes.

"That's my big brother, Walt!"

Malos stood up and looked at Lu En with a strange look. He was wary and angry, but also a little envious and close. After a moment, he took a step forward and said, "I'll go tell him that this is too disrespectful to you. "

Malos didn't even notice the change in title. He opened the door and walked out, leaving Lu En behind with a slight sigh.

If he had to choose, Malos would not be his first choice. After all, he is still a very interesting person, and his interesting nature should not be erased, especially when facing Luen.

Lu En didn't know the other side effects of the extraordinary power mixed with his own blood, but he knew one thing very clearly. Because of the mixture of his blood, the creatures transformed into extraordinary beings, whether it was Baymax or Malos, would attack him. There is a natural and instinctive closeness. In a sense, the blood flowing in their veins has been mixed with Luen's blood.

Due to the Blood Praise skill, Lu En has absolute control over his own blood. If he wants, he can even draw out the blood that has been integrated into the other person's body, taking the other person's blood with him, that is, drinking him. He became a transcendent with his blood, and the power of life and death was completely in his hands.

And they will have closeness and admiration for him from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of emotion even surpasses the blood relationship, and even the person involved may not be aware of it. Just like Malos may have thought that Sir Sweet came personally to Lu En. To save face, but to only let his eldest brother come now is disrespectful to Lu En.

Unknowingly, he began to defend Lu En, which was why Lu En sighed. This terrifying change was completely subtle, and even Lu En himself could not change it. After all, how could a mortal resist extraordinary power.

But it has to be said that this is indeed the ability that Lu En urgently needs now. It is impossible for the Baimon family to be completely kind to him, and the probability of even being purely malicious is very high. With this bright poisonous apple, he has the confidence to let them Only kindness remains.

Or far more than the entire Baimon family.

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