Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 102 You have two choices!

Knock knock knock.

Walter raised his index finger and knocked lightly on the door a few times. There seemed to be no other expression on his face except seriousness.

"Mr. Luen, this is Walter."

"The door is unlocked."

Lu En's voice came from inside. Walter stood outside the door, adjusting his collar and collar. Tai'an next to him had already opened the door with a wink. What he saw was a handsome and thin man. The boy was staring at the large-screen LCD TV intently.

Seeing someone coming, Lu En turned his eyes and looked around Walter carefully. Just like Marlos' description, this was a serious person who gave people a serious impression at first impression. His movements were precise and polite. Always adhere to the so-called noble demeanor.

However, Lu En was still keenly aware that the other party seemed to be relieved, and his tense muscles gradually relaxed, and he said to Lu En in a deep voice: "Sir has prepared a grand welcome ceremony for you, and please come with me. "

"Oh, there is still such an activity?"

Lu En acted like an ordinary student who didn't know much about the world at the moment, with a smile on his face: "But I just escaped from the hands of Red Gloves, and you are brazenly preparing a welcome ceremony. It's too high-profile."

"This is not good, very bad, and does not meet my low-key goals. Cancel it!"

Lu En shook his head and looked serious. For a moment, Walter couldn't tell whether he was really thinking or pretending. Hearing this, his brows wrinkled slightly: "Sir has applied for a special pardon for you. This Don’t worry at all, although Red Gloves is domineering, he follows the rules the most.”

"Let's forget it. Banquets are the most troublesome."

Lu En waved his hand and still refused: "I hope to see Sir as soon as possible and thank him for his life-saving grace. However, I am lazy, so please inform Sir and I will wait for him here."

Even with Walter's concentration, he felt an evil fire suddenly emerge from the bottom of his heart after hearing this. The butler Tai'an on the side was even more angry. He stepped forward and glared at Lu En. He was about to say something, but was blocked by Walter. He stopped him, narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "Go ahead and ask Mr. Luen's family to get off the bus. I think he will change his mind."


Tai'an responded, turned around without hesitation and was about to leave, when suddenly he felt some tremors under his feet, and then a shadow was cast, and a fork flew past the tip of his nose, and fell deeply into the door with a snort!

"You can try!"

Lu En's eyes flashed red, and his body swelled to a terrifying degree. He looked down at Walter from a high position and lightly stamped his feet. The train actually shook a little, and the drinks on the table rippled and spilled.

"I wonder if you have made a mistake. Do you think I am begging you?"

Lu En grinned and showed a mouth full of white teeth. Somehow, Walter suddenly heard the wild lions raised in his own manor. Before hunting, these top predators would also show similar postures.

For Lu En, things are even simpler. He does not seek help from the Baimon family. On the contrary, he has a way to obtain extraordinary power that is different from evil spirits. The Baimon family should be the one to ask for it. He, he did not seek shelter as a bereaved dog, but as a ferocious dragon crossing the river.

Besides, is it really the Baimon family's credit for being able to get out of Lucas?

Could it be that he escaped with the members of the Baimon family and escaped from that dangerous battlefield? From this point of view, at most the two of them did not owe each other anything, but the Baimon family obviously did not think so.

Lu En can guarantee that the so-called welcome ceremony of the other party is definitely fake. Maybe there are many people waiting for him to take the bait at this time. He is never afraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice, especially when he knows what he holds in his hands.

An extraordinary power that is different from the power of evil spirits. This is simply equivalent to Blue Star in the previous life discovering another energy source that can replace oil. It is not an exaggeration to say that the shock caused by it is devastating, and even war. It's not impossible.

Even a saint might not be able to control himself. If the Baimon family had no other ideas, Lu En would dare to pull off his head and play it as a ball for them to try and see if he can grow another one.

Therefore, Lu En will never leave with Walter, and even hastily turned Malos into one of his own, all in order to prevent the worst case scenario from happening. He cannot give the other party the impression that he is at the mercy of others, let alone be threatened. , otherwise he will be swallowed with no bones left!

"Either let your father come to see me, or let him come to see me. You have two choices!"

Lu En walked slowly to the door, pulled out the fork, formed it into a metal ball in the palm of his hand, and pressed it gently on the table. Dense cracks suddenly covered the entire glass coffee table, leaving a clear mark on the metal ball. of fingerprints.

Walter's eyes couldn't help but twitch a few times, and he was breathing a little faster when he saw Lu En's suddenly expanded figure. Even though he knew he was an invader, the feeling of the thin and handsome boy and the oppressive strong man were completely different. , just like a baby tiger and an adult tiger. Regarding the former, Walter even dared to speak out and reveal threats, but now, he had a premonition of great danger.

Of course, Sweet didn't tell him the truth, so in his eyes, Luen was still an extremely dangerous, moody evil spirit invader. In short, he was a madman.

Thinking of this, he felt much better. He didn't have to compete with a madman. After convincing himself, without saying a word, Walter walked towards the door. Tai'an quickly followed him, and Malos thought. He thought about it, but took the initiative to stay.

His current psychology is very complicated and contradictory. Intellectually speaking, he should hate and even stay away from Lu En. After all, although he does not know that his life and death are in Lu En's hands, an adult with self-thought has been forcibly changed. It is impossible for him not to feel certain concepts.

But his inner instinct controlled him to involuntarily develop in the opposite direction that was beneficial to Lu En. To use Lu En's familiar words to describe it, perhaps it was because he was dissatisfied with his integrity.

He took the initiative to stay, not to monitor Lu En, but on the contrary, to serve as a hostage for Lu En. In order to prevent Sir Sweet from being really angered or having other bad behaviors, Malos regarded himself as chips.


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. After almost a minute, Malos opened his mouth to say something, but found that he opened his mouth for a long time, but did not say Lu En's name completely, as if it was an offense, and his psychology and instinct were strongly resisting. Simply skip it vaguely: "Well, is there a way to relieve it? I think I may not be suitable."


Before he finished speaking, Malos saw Lu En nodding without hesitation: "But you will die, and it will be very miserable."


The atmosphere continued to be awkward until Lu En saw an old man surrounded by a group of people outside the station from a distance, striding in his direction, and knew that the real owner had finally appeared.

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