Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 105 The search from Red Gloves!

The Red Gloves want to see me?

Luen's first reaction was that they had not given up yet and were putting pressure on the Baimon family, but when he saw that Malos's face was solemn but not too panicked, he immediately knew that the matter was not as serious as he thought.

Sure enough, Malos continued to say: "The people who came this time are the search team inside the Red Gloves. Their strength is not as good as the combat department, but their status is very high. They are from the imperial capital."

Although the capital of the Federation, Bainlord, is officially called Xinjing, many people still use the title that has been passed down for hundreds of years. It has a high status and is the economic and political center of the entire Federation. The headquarters of the Red Gloves is also there.

In other words, someone from the imperial capital is looking for me?

Luen was a little confused and looked at Malos: "Can I refuse?"

"This is an instruction directly issued by the Spiritual Cult. The Baimon family does not have such a great influence."

Malos shook his head slowly. The Baimon family is strong, and its predecessor was just an earl family. Although it is already a behemoth in the eyes of ordinary people, in the Spiritual Cult, let alone the top, it can barely rank second-rate.

The Spiritual Cult implements the Elder Councillor System, and each family can elect their own spokesperson. Although there are conflicts between them, they are always controlled within a reasonable range. Unfortunately, no one in the Baimeng family is an elder or a councillor.

"Then let's meet."

Lu En sighed, and wanted to break through the bottleneck more and more urgently.

"The air quality here is so bad."

In a gorgeously decorated room, a man in his twenties wearing a gray-black uniform frowned and closed the window, then took two sips of the wine on the table and smacked his lips: "It's far worse than the imperial capital!"

"Are you here to travel?"

A middle-aged man leaning against the sofa glanced at him: "This is work, do you understand? You should thank God for not asking you to chase those invaders all day long."

"I would rather face those invaders!"

The young man shrugged: "At least you don't have to run across half of the federation following a clue, just do it and it's done."

"Let's talk about it when you can do it, weakling!"

The middle-aged man sneered, turned his head and stuffed the grapes on the table into his mouth with a toothpick, chewing them with relish.

"Hey, don't underestimate me. It's just death. How can I, Suomi, be..."


The middle-aged man suddenly looked moved, sat up with a serious look, and raised a finger: "Someone is coming!"

The two men's expressions returned to calmness and solemnity at the same time, watching the door being pushed open quietly. Malos walked in first, and then Lu En. They looked at each other secretly. Suomi nodded slightly, and the middle-aged man immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to Lu En, with a stiff and formulaic poker face.

"Hello, Mr. Lu En, I am Agent Barron from the Special Affairs Investigation Team, and this is my partner, Agent Suomi."

Very polite, not like someone who is looking for trouble.

Lu En thought to himself, and also stretched out his hand to hold the other person's palm, neither humble nor arrogant: "Hello, Agent Barron."

The palm muscles were loose and weak, and the standing posture seemed standard but was actually loose. Judging from the calluses on the palms, they should hold guns frequently, and the reaction of the food spirit was weak. Two weak chickens!

Lu En showed a warm smile and did not feel any threat.

"I don't know what Agent Barron wants to talk to me about. Are you here to arrest me?"

He said with a smile.

"Hunting the corroder or evil spirit is the business of the combat department!"

Barron had a straight face and a blank expression. He took out a stack of papers from the file bag beside him: "We are here for others. Mr. Luen, have you seen this person?"

He took out the top sheet and handed it to Luen. Luen took it and glanced at it. His pupils shrank slightly. He was a little surprised. Half of the paper was printed with a boy who looked ordinary and could not be found in a crowd.

"Nim, what happened to him?"

The people of Red Gloves came not for themselves, but for Nim?

Luen did not deny it. Since Red Gloves came to him, it meant that they had confirmed that Luen and Nim knew each other. Now it was just a formality.

"We are just friends, not very familiar with each other, and I haven't seen him for a long time. You know, the Lucas gas explosion!" Luen calmly returned Nim's headshot to Barron, who didn't change his expression at all, as if Luen's answer was already expected by him: "When was the last time you saw him, who was he with, did he tell you he was going somewhere else?" "What's wrong with him, Mr. Agent?" Luen did not answer directly, but asked Barron. "He's missing."

Barron glanced at Luen and answered straightforwardly: "We are looking for him. If you can provide any useful clues, you will gain the friendship of the Special Affairs Office and even meet some of your reasonable requests."

"This is really unfortunate."

Luen sighed: "I'm sorry, Agent Barron, we are just ordinary friends. The last time we met was when we agreed to play video games together. He lost badly. Later, he went on a date with his neighbor Miss Dai Lina. Maybe you can go find her."

"Dai Lina is also missing. They appeared in Hanno City and some unfriendly things happened. Did he really not tell you anything?"

Barron suddenly changed his mind halfway through his speech and asked, staring into Luen's eyes.

"No, we are just ordinary friends."

Luen did not hesitate.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Luen."

Barron was silent for a few seconds. Seeing Luen's sincere face and no more questions, he said: "If you remember anything later or contact him again, please tell us!"

"We have no ill will towards him. On the contrary, we will do our best to protect him!"

Barron seemed to be sure that Nim and Luen had some connection, or that their outing together was found out, but he did not expose or force Luen. Instead, he released a kind of goodwill, not to Luen, but to Nim.

"Excuse me, may I ask, is it because of something?"

Luen was a little curious. He felt that what he had done was big enough. The Baimon family took great efforts to clean up the mess for him, but Nim actually alarmed the investigators at the Red Gloves headquarters?

What big thing did this guy do again?

"It's a secret, please forgive me!"

Barron refused to satisfy Luen's curiosity without hesitation, and as if it was a routine matter, he politely said goodbye to the two of them, walked out with his silent partner Suomi, and took nearly ten minutes to the gate of the manor under the guidance of the servants, and got into a black car without a license plate.

"How is it?"

After getting in the car, Barron asked first. It seemed that he was the leader of the two, but in fact Suomi was the real killer. Before joining the Red Gloves, this young man who looked a little frivolous and unserious was a well-known detective.

"Some are true and some are false. He doesn't look like a student."

After closing his eyes and going over the details of the scene in his mind again, Suomi half-closed his eyes and said: "But the things about Nim should be true. He didn't lie. Just in case, let's mark it first."

He took out a black pocket watch-like instrument from his pocket and threw it to Barron.

"Also tell those idiots in the combat department to raise Luen's danger level by two levels. Is this a believer level? The detector is about to explode. Okay, do you know that I was almost scared to death just now?"

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