Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 106 The ability to be forced to be a father! (Please recommend for collection!)

To be honest, it was quite embarrassing to see Walter Luen again.

Of course, Walter was far more uncomfortable than he was. For Lu En, this inexplicable sense of closeness was like having a few more sons, and he was used to being respectful, but for Walter, My own son was already a master of soy sauce, and suddenly a father appeared, and the feeling inside was simply indescribable.

Moreover, this feeling was even weirder than having an extra father. Walter swore that he had never been so respectful and close to Scott in his life, even though he kept pointing a pistol at Lu En in his mind from time to time. Scenes.

But when I really saw Lu En, all distracting thoughts disappeared. It was like meeting my long-lost biological father. Being praised by Lu En, I even felt a sense of joy like getting a little red flower from school. I can only say that this kind of erosion is really terrifying.

Therefore, unless necessary, some things are conveyed by Malos. Since the latter can often see Lu En, the discomfort in his heart has basically dissipated. Coupled with the extraordinary characteristics that are gradually revealed, the sense of resistance is also gradually disappearing. .

There are many people in this world who, just for money or power, can lick their faces and accept someone who is decades younger than them as their father. If it were replaced by extraordinary power, as long as Lu En dares to shout, the person who is willing to be his son can come from Luo En. The song market is queuing up to the federal capital, Becklod!

"Sir, I already have an idea of ​​what you ordered."

However, Walter's psychological quality was not even a bit stronger than that of Malos. No matter how uncomfortable he was inside, he bowed slightly and said to Lu En with a respectful look on his face.

He clearly realized that no matter what, they were already on the same rope as Lu En. If Lu En was exposed, none of them would be able to escape. Similarly, if Lu En was really developed, they could also benefit from it. .

And to be honest, he is still very optimistic about his own side. Not to mention, apart from the disadvantages of forcibly recognizing his father, this is simply the dream situation of all corroders. There is no need to worry about being replaced and corroded, let alone losing control at any time, Walt When I look in the mirror these days, I find that some of the white hair on my head has quietly disappeared.

He even felt that as long as Lu En was willing, relying on this ability he could gather an extremely large force in a short period of time.

Some people who are eager to gain power, those who are old and desperately invest money in laboratories just to live a few more years, those who are terminally ill, rich and powerful people who are dying or even about to die, if there are such Opportunity, let alone recognizing his father, there are people who are willing to kneel down and be a dog.

"Jazz are you okay?"

Lu En sank deeply into the sofa, looked at Walter who was standing respectfully beside him, and asked an irrelevant question without answering.

"Jazz is fine, just a little depressed."

Walter answered honestly.

Any son who has been raised for so many years would feel depressed if he suddenly recognized someone else as his father, and even gave them away at once. Lu En felt that Sir Scott was already very calm when he didn't come with a gun to treat him to peanuts.

Yes, Walter had undergone such a big change. Sir Scott, who was always paying attention to him, naturally noticed it immediately. Then he found the same signs in Malos. After all, he was facing Lu En more and more. Your respectful attitude is not under your control.

Therefore, Sir Sir succeeded in becoming depressed, and handed over the Baimon family to Walter in advance. Otherwise, what else could he do? Both of his sons fell into the pit, and even if they lost their teeth, they would have to swallow blood.

Lu En was a little embarrassed to snatch away two other people's sons at once, but remembering that Jazz had no good intentions towards him before, he slowly faded away and nodded slightly: "If you have nothing to do, please stay with the old man. By the way, we just said Where are you?"

"There is a family in the Spiritual Religion that is willing to provide us with information, but they have a condition!"

Walter's mind turned with Lu En, and he remembered the purpose of his coming.

"Oh, so fast, what are the conditions?"

What Lu En asked them to help find out was actually news about agility-oriented invaders or evil spirits. They probably only need to pay attention to those types with amazing speeds. Of course, Red Gloves has the most complete information, followed by some extraordinary organizations. After all, Many organizations also need to absorb new blood. Never mind that they will be completely corroded when they reach the bishop level. In fact, the vast majority of corroders will not survive that time at all.

They may have died at the hands of the police, Red Gloves' pursuit, conflicts between extraordinary organizations, or even sporadic hunts by the Three Gods Spiritual Religion, or they may have done nothing, and it is not uncommon for them to suddenly lose control and explode themselves.

The Spiritual Cult can only be regarded as small shrimps in the extraordinary world, and the Baimen family is even more shrimps among shrimps. However, they have great energy in the secular world. Sometimes, they can find out the invaders that the Red Gloves have not noticed. , which is also an important source of extraordinary materials for the Order.

As long as it is hunting corrosives, Red Gloves will often choose to turn a blind eye.

"They have two pieces of information, which have been confirmed, but have not yet been reported to the Order. If we are willing to take over, they will ask for half of the information!"

Walter lowered his head and said.

"What level of Corruptor?"

Lu En was not angry. Although he knew that the other party was suspected of taking advantage of the fire, the fact that the other party was willing to reveal this news showed that the Baimon family had made great efforts. Otherwise, if the other party had solved everything by themselves, they would have saved half of it.

"Two disciples."

Without extraordinary suppressors, this is the limit that many families in the Spiritual Religion can cope with. If it is higher, they must use powerful destructive weapons, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"It's too weak, forget it, it's better than nothing."

Lu En sighed softly. The attribute points that the believer-level corrosive can provide are undoubtedly very few, but he also understands the principle of adding up a little and adding up: "Arrange it as soon as possible. I will take action personally. Both are speed-type. ?”

"There's only one, and the other seems to be more spiritual."

Walter knows this information very well. In order to obtain this, the Baimon family has paid some price, but in his opinion, everything is worth it. The stronger Luen becomes, the safer they will be.

Through the expression of power, corroders are roughly divided into three types, one is to strengthen the body, the other is to strengthen the mind or spirit, and there are a few whose abilities are extremely weird and I don’t know which category they are divided into, but this only applies to Low-level invaders.

The higher the level, the more comprehensive the Corruptor's capabilities are, and its shortcomings are gradually made up for. Therefore, Red Gloves often choose to nip danger in the cradle.

"It's a pity that after I left Lucas, I realized that corrosives are not just cabbage on the street. They can be found casually."

Lu En shook his head helplessly. During this period, he also gradually learned about Red Gloves' plan in Lucas through the Baimon family. The reason was naturally that Turing, who broke away from the original sect, wanted to cause a big event, and then the Trinitarian Church secretly planned and supported it. , in order to disturb the vision, he chose to expel the surrounding corrosive evil spirits towards Lucas.

Red Gloves reacted equally quickly, and unexpectedly began to cooperate with the Three Gods Religion to drive them away, just to gather these evil spirit invaders, then flipped the table and directly summoned a strong man of the archbishop level to start clearing the place.

And judging from the results, the Red Gloves' plan was obviously successful, but it also caused some trouble. The archbishop-level strongman named Dark Crow was summoned by them to fight with the Three Gods. Judging from the intelligence received by the Baimon family, there seems to be real fire between the two sides.

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