Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 112 Raid! (Thank you everyone for your tips, recommendations and support~)

The Food Spirit suddenly updated.

Lu En did not expect this, but he quickly reacted. When he traveled through time, the entire game was still in production. Although the update was unexpected, it was reasonable.

And from the information of the Food Spirit, it seems that there is no job transfer task set in it, and it is unknown what will happen after the update. If it is like some domestic krypton gold games that require money to transfer, then he really wants to cry without tears. It is not that he has no money, but he can't find the recharge entrance.

Fortunately, Lu En can feel something like a progress bar emerging in his mind, which is slowly rising. According to his speculation, the update time of the Food Spirit this time will take about seven or eight hours, which makes him feel relieved.

As long as it is not three to five months or even one or two years, he can accept it. One or two days is fine. He has begun to look forward to what his job transfer task is. Logically speaking, the first job transfer in any game should not be too difficult.

However, such an unreasonable thing as traveling through time has happened, and he brought the Food Spirit with him. Lu En did not dare to be too optimistic. After a while of worrying about gains and losses, his mood finally calmed down and fell asleep.

But after sleeping for a while, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes slowly opened again.

The air in the foothills in the early morning was fresh, and some mist like clouds and smoke was slowly flowing. On the way up the mountain, two burly figures in black robes were slowly moving forward.

It was near late autumn, and the dew had already condensed into frost, making a crackling sound under their feet. The two of them said nothing and gradually approached their goal, the mountain villa where Lu En lived.

"Stop, this is a private place, no entry!"

The security personnel belonging to the Baimon family who were patrolling outside soon found the two people, and became highly alert, holding their waists while walking towards the two people.

"Please stop moving forward immediately, otherwise you will trespass into a private place according to federal law."

A man in black warned loudly, and the black-robed man in front of Leng Bufan suddenly raised his head, revealing his face full of tattoos, and whistled at him softly!


A sharp buzzing sound was heard, and a large group of black shadows emerged from under his robes, quickly covering the black-clad man in front of him, and then scattered and flew towards the villa, leaving only the black-clad man with a blue face.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a thumb-sized fly stuck on the neck of the black-clad man, and the mouthparts seem to be sucking something from the black-clad man, and the shriveled abdomen is gradually expanding.

"Quick battle!"

The black-robed man behind him had a stiff voice, and the tattooed figure nodded. The two of them passed the black-clad man on the ground and walked towards the villa.

"What is it?"

"So many flies!"

"Enemy attack, it's an enemy attack!"


A violent noise exploded in the villa, and then gradually disappeared. After the two entered, they saw humans staggering and showing fear along the way, but without exception, they all had blue faces and flies stuck to their necks or other parts.

"Found it!" The tattooed man suddenly paused, then changed his direction and strode towards Lu En's bedroom. The black-robed man behind him followed him silently. The two were very fast and took care of a few fish that slipped through the net along the way. Dense black spots rose from all over the villa and poured into the building in front of them before them. "Mr. Lu En, open the door!" Sadona's panicked voice was accompanied by a violent banging sound. Lu En climbed up from the bed, grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on. After opening the door, several figures rushed in at the same time. "There are enemies attacking, we must move as soon as possible!" Sadona held a small pistol in her hand, and the two men in black clamped Lu En's shoulders and rushed out of the door at the same time, but what came towards them was a group of surging and buzzing black shadows! "It's too late, retreat, go out through the window!" Sadona made a prompt decision and slammed the door shut, but after turning her head, she suddenly found in despair that a large group of flies also appeared outside the window, flashing their wings and charging like fighter jets! "Close the window!"

Although she knew it was too late, her instinct for survival still made her try her best to rush to the window. She knew how powerful these flies were. Once they touched her, she would completely lose her ability to resist and could not be awakened no matter what!

However, how could her speed be compared with flying? Just after she took two steps, countless thumb-sized flies came with a chilling buzzing sound, which made her pupils shrink. Just when she thought she was going to follow the others, a big hand grabbed her shoulder from behind and pulled it hard!


The next second, a giant sword burning with dark green flames passed in front of him, cutting the mahogany desk in half, and the black swarm of flies that attacked also fell to the ground one after another. Lu En took action.

"What is this?"

Sardona looked at Lu En holding the Sword of Judgment in a daze, her mind was blank, but Lu En ignored her, saved her and threw her to the man in black behind him, then his eyes flashed with cold light, grabbed the Sword of Judgment and rushed out of the window with a few big steps!

"Here it comes!"

The tattooed man suddenly growled, and at the same time, there was a sound of glass breaking from above. The two men looked up at the same time and found that a black shadow was rapidly expanding above their heads!


The flaming sword of judgment left a deep mark on the ground. Lu En fell to the ground and looked at the two men in black robes who were avoiding him. Two streams of white air came out of his nose. His leg muscles swelled rapidly. He raised his sword and pointed towards it. The two of them charged forward with big strides!


He didn't bother to say anything. These two people were obviously coming for him, and they even destroyed a villa of the Baimon family. In this situation, did they still need to exchange feelings?


The sword of judgment filled with ghostly fire put great pressure on the two of them. This kind of flame has special restraint on evil spirits. The tattooed man's face was solemn and he strode back. Some black-green gas emitted from under the black robe. The grass on the ground instantly turned yellow and black.

But at the same time, some translucent gray-black tentacles suddenly sprouted from Lu En's feet, entangled his calves, sent out an icy chill, and even began to suck his life force outwards.


A crisp tearing sound was heard, and another man in black robe tore his black robe to pieces, revealing his fully armed body underneath. He pulled out a broad sword from his waist, and with a clanging sound, he moved towards him with a New Year's Sword Technique. Lu En chopped it off on the head!

Kowtow sword technique?

How could he be my Xia Ji Eight Cut opponent!

Lu En snorted and tore off the tentacle with force under his feet. Compared with the nearly two-meter-long Sword of Judgment in his hand, the opponent was holding a small dagger. With a clang, the seemingly fragile Sword of Judgment was directly thrust into the opponent's hand. The broadsword he held was cut in half, leaving a deep mark on his body.

"You alone dare to come to trouble me?"

Lu En laughed ferociously, waving the Sword of Judgment and approaching him!

Thank you to book friend 20171009113354352; drifting in the wind; book friend 160323123903891; reader kite for your support!

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