Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 113 I’m just a child! (please recommend for collection)


The sound of the blade slicing through steel continued to sound. Although the guy who suddenly jumped out was wearing an armor similar to that of the Second Dynasty and his whole body was wrapped airtight, he was completely unable to fight back under Lu En's attack and managed to hold on. After a few moves, Lu En stabbed his chest directly through him!


Seemingly feeling great pain, the other party suddenly roared like a wild beast. The next moment, countless green flames spurted out from the gaps in the armor, turning him into a blazing green human-shaped torch.


Countless armor parts fell at Lu En's feet, and countless black dust floated out from them. Lu En looked at the sword of judgment with no ghost fire in his hand, and immediately knew that this might be the real use of the sword of judgment, to remove the enemy from the body. Even the spirit is turned into ashes.

However, it is better to use this trick sparingly, otherwise the power of the evil spirit will be burned out and the food spirit will have nothing to refine. It is because the food spirit is being renewed now that he is so wasteful.


Two more translucent tentacles wrapped around his calf. Seeing his companions being chopped off by Lu En in two or three strokes, the tattooed man was also a little panicked. He didn't seem to be the type to fight head-on, so he used his tentacles to stop Lu En. At the same time, he also controlled the flies to surround Lu En from all directions.


A large number of flies flapping their wings immediately obscured Lu En's sight. The tattooed man ran away without hesitation. However, he had just taken two steps when he suddenly felt the sound of wind behind him, and then a big hand pinched his neck and pulled him away. Lifted it up.

Bang bang bang!

A pair of huge wings emerged from behind him, and the blood-colored feathers on them were lifelike. The flies that swarmed in were sucked out of their life force the moment they came into contact with the wings, and a thick layer fell on the ground like rain.

"You want to run away, naive!"

Lu En pinched the other man's neck and turned him around. The tattooed man's chest and abdomen squirmed. Suddenly, several black legs pierced the black robe and attacked Lu En. At the same time, the tattooed man's mouth opened, and a stream of yellow-green radiated out. Water columns with a putrid smell shot out!

"court death!"

A fierce light flashed in Lu En's eyes, and he turned his head to avoid the water column. At the same time, he exerted force with his palms, and with a click, the tattooed man's head fell softly, and the outstretched black legs also lost their strength and drooped down.


Lu En let go and still let the body fall to the ground. At the same time, he stepped on the opponent's chest, leaving a deep footprint!

"You're still pretending to be dead, you think I can't find out?"

Even an ordinary person would struggle if his neck was pinched, let alone the evil spirit invaders. Their vitality is extremely tenacious and they would never die so simply.


There was something unknown under his feet. Lu En felt that it was not like a sternum, but more like a carapace or something, and there were some greasy things. However, he groaned in pain under his strong squeeze, and the man's eyelids were tattooed. After shaking, his dim eyes brightened up again, staring at Lu En.

"You are not a priest!"

The voice did not come from his mouth, but from his chest, making a muffled sound at Lu En's feet: "The intelligence is wrong, the operation failed!"

The voice sounded stiff and mechanical. Lu En frowned and put a little pressure on his feet: "Who sent you here?"

"The plan failed and encountered force majeure"

The tattooed man looked at Lu En and didn't answer him at all. Instead, he said to himself: "The disguise plan failed. I can't escape and lift the ban."


The tattooed man under Lu En's feet expanded rapidly, and countless limbs and tentacle-like things surged in the black robe. Even the head began to twist and deform, and some tissues and carapace began to proliferate, and it was about to turn into some kind of indescribable monster. Lu En has summoned a sword of judgment again and nailed it firmly to his chest!

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

A thin and pitiful voice came out, and after a period of twisting and turning, countless ashes were blown away by the wind, leaving only a set of black robes lying empty on the ground. Lu En smacked his lips, and suddenly there were rapid footsteps in his ears. Voice.

"Mr. Luen, Master Walter's phone number!"

Shadonna ran down the stairs, with some panic and fear on her brows, but she still walked towards Lu En and handed him the phone in her hand. Lu En, whose heart was pounding, even suspected that it would pop out. .

"Sir, are you okay?"

As soon as he answered the phone, Walter's slightly anxious questioning voice came from the other side. Unlike Malos's confidence in Luen, Walter was not very clear about Luen's strength, but he was not sure about the Dusk of the Spiritual Religion. The guards were thunderous.

"It's okay, two little miscellaneous fish came here looking for death."

Lu En replied casually, and heard Walter let out a big sigh of relief, and then there was a huge roar from the other side!

"Walt, you're crazy!"

"You are burying the entire Baimon family. I want to see Sir, I want to see Sir Scott!"

"The Order will not let you go!"


"Gag your mouth!"

Walter growled, and then whispered to Lu En: "Sir, things are very troublesome, you'd better come here quickly."

"The trees want to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop!"

Lu En sighed. He just wanted to quietly fight monsters and level up, and maintain world peace. Why do people always have to force him? He is still just a child.

The Baimon family's follow-up processing was very fast. The two men in black robes seemed to have only one target, Lu En. The others woke up after falling asleep for a while, but serious injuries to their vitality were unavoidable. Some of them even had fevers on the spot. fall.

Lu En took a car and arrived at the Baimon family's manor, a vast mansion area, in which the castle that originally belonged to them still stood. However, it was not inhabited and was only used as a memorial and to show off.

"grown ups!"

In a side hall, Lu En saw Walter, Malos, and a middle-aged man who was tied up and stuffed with cloth in his mouth. When he saw him arriving, his eyes suddenly widened and he stammered. got up.

"what's the situation?"

Lu En glanced over and asked the two of them. Walter immediately stepped forward with an extremely ugly face: "It's the cult. There is a ban on absorbing corroders in the cult. They want us to hand you over. And we took the lead in attacking you without our knowledge!”

"People from the Spiritual Religion Group?"

Lu En raised his eyebrows and looked at the gagged man: "Let him go!"

After hearing this, Malos stepped forward and quickly took out the ropes from Pross's body and the cloth in his mouth. However, Pross, who had recovered himself, did not yell or look excited, but looked at Lu En and swallowed. He spat and glanced at Walter and Malos with a look of horror.

"Crazy, you are all crazy!"

"You members of the Baimon family are all lunatics, and you actually took refuge in the Corruptors."

Under Lu En's indifferent gaze, Pros swallowed the rest of the words immediately, and Sansan raised his hands: "Okay, I surrender, I confess, whatever you want to know, I will never hide it, as long as you don't kill me! "

Facing Walter, Pross could still yell and threaten him with his family and the Spiritual Religion. But when he saw Lu En, he immediately gave up. Normal people can be persuaded by threats, but facing a madman, they can't be sure. The next moment his life is at risk.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Walter already knew what he should know. At this moment, he glared at Pross and asked Lu En softly.

"Wait a minute."

Feeling that one-third of the progress bar had passed in his mind, Lu En slowly spoke.

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