Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 116 Killing time! (Please recommend for collection~)


The closed elevator door slowly opened, and bright lights shone on everyone. A team of fully armed security personnel vaguely aimed their guns at everyone. There was no other action, but two men in white coats. The researchers ran over excitedly.

"Quick, show me the new test subject, what type it is, it looks very docile!"

"Is there something wrong with one of the Twilight Guards? Does it need to be destroyed?"

Both of them were internal scientific researchers. They were not as wary as other security personnel. Instead, they were very interested in Lu En. By the way, they were also concerned about the Twilight Guards who had problems in Kenlie's mouth. They were not wary at all.

"Those are the security personnel of the religious sect. There are hundreds of people in the entire institute."

Pross whispered in Luen's ear, but he didn't need to introduce him. Luen could also sense everything around him through life force induction. The entire research institute was much larger than he thought. The entire underground was dug out like a honeycomb. space, but the number of people was smaller than he thought.

Counting security and various research service personnel, according to his vitality induction, there should be no more than a thousand people in the entire institute.

After all, this is just one of several research institutes of the Spiritual Religion.

"Can I still sneak in?"

His head was lowered, but his voice came clearly to Kenlie's ears, who immediately shook his head slightly.

Being able to sneak in here is already the limit. If you go any further, you will be exposed 100%. Apart from other things, Pros has no permission to enter in the first place. What's more, the Twilight Guards are just pretending, and they will be exposed as soon as they check.

"Okay, you all stay away"

"My time has begun!"

Lu En grinned, and the Sword of Judgment with green flames quickly appeared in his hand. His body suddenly expanded and disappeared with a bang!

Bang! ! !

The next moment, a huge flaming sword was spinning into the crowd. Lu En held the sword in both hands, as if a demon had descended. The first two security guards were cut off by him, and blood and internal organs were scattered everywhere!

"Enemy attack!!!"

A shrill scream suddenly rang out from the team, and the remaining people who reacted immediately pointed their guns at Lu En, spraying out tongues of fire. The deafening smoke and flying bullet casings instantly turned the place into a battlefield, making people unable to help themselves. The blood and heartbeat begin to speed up!

"Get out of the way!"

Walter grabbed Marlos, and the two of them quickly rolled into the elevator. Then Pross and the young man who fled in a hurry followed them and got in, leaving only their old arms and legs. Kenley looked frightened and moved around in heavy protective clothing.

He originally wanted Lu En to let him go first, but Lu En was so quick and easy to do it. Now that stray bullets are flying all over the sky, he doesn't dare to stay outside no matter how courageous he is. Who knows if one of the bullets that suddenly flew in will be the result? He was just like the two unlucky researchers who came over.

One was hit in the back, and a hole as big as a bowl appeared in his chest, and he fell down on the spot. The other was slightly better, holding his broken leg in the corner and wailing incessantly, and the white ground was instantly soaked with blood.

Da da da!

A security guard pulled the trigger tightly with his finger, aiming at the figure who was obviously huge but extremely flexible. He was on the verge of collapse. What kind of monster is this? ! !

The bullets chased Lu En and shot bullet holes on the ground. Occasionally they hit his body, but were quickly squeezed out by the muscles and healed. At this time, his figure was like a ghost, quickly shuttled among the crowd, bringing with him a swarm of bullets. In the bloody storm, every swing of the sword or even a slight movement of a finger can take away a life. In the blink of an eye, there are only a few people standing in front of him.

This can no longer be called a crushing, but a massacre!


The white light in the corridor instantly turned to blood red, a long siren sounded throughout the institute, and a voice shouted:

"All security personnel, intruder found at the exit!"

"Warning, an intruder is breaking in!"

Lu En immediately felt a large number of vitality units approaching him quickly, and among the remaining security personnel, one of them suddenly roared and rushed towards Lu En with his waist bent!

"cover me!"

His eyes flashed with a desperate luster, and he was holding the grenades on himself and his collected companions in his hands. He actually planned to sacrifice himself to die with Lu En!

Da da da!

Several intertwined tongues of fire suddenly hit Lu En, and the remaining people pulled the triggers on him desperately. One even approached him as if he was desperate, and the bullet casings kept bouncing on the ground under his feet!

"Come on, bastard, kill me if you dare!"


Begging for a hammer, Lu En's eyes turned cold. The Sword of Judgment had already come out of his hand and nailed the man directly to the wall. The flying bullets dragged the two chandeliers above his head and blew them away. The corridor was half dark in an instant. But in this instant, the security personnel holding the grenade rushed to Lu En's side.

"Let's die together."

There was a soft hissing sound mixed with a strong roar. Lu En looked on with cold eyes, and suddenly flew up with a kick. The man flew back like an arrow from the string, still holding a grenade that was about to explode in his hand!


The remaining security personnel suddenly showed fear and ran away.

boom! ! !

Violent roars were swept along with the debris shock wave. Lu En stood firmly on the spot, two huge dark red wings sprouted from his back and staggered in front of him. After a burst of crackling, everything returned to calm.

The bodies lying on the ground in front of him were all corpses. The air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke. A twisted dent appeared on the alloy wall, surrounded by splattered flesh and blood. A tattered figure fell underneath. .

"Even if I give you a chance, you can't kill me."

Lu En quietly looked at what he had caused. Countless roots-like bloodshot threads suddenly spread along the ground under his feet, submerging into the corpses and blood on the ground. Along with the creepy sucking sound, the vitality he had consumed was gradually replenished, and in his eyes The red glow almost overflowed.

Click, click, click!

The sound of hurried footsteps in the distance quickly approached. Lu En summoned a sword of judgment again, and at the same time, the angel of judgment slowly emerged behind him, his head pressed against the ceiling, each of his four arms holding the giant sword, and the blazing blood flames spread rapidly in the void. Spreading, compared with before, the current Battle Angel can hardly see the sense of illusion, more like it is composed of some kind of dark red substance.

Battle Angel's face also changed from being very similar to Lu En's, to almost looking like they were printed from the same mold, looking down at the surroundings with an indifferent expression.

"Over there, I found the target!"

A cry of surprise was accompanied by harsh gunshots. The killing time was far from over. Lu En brandished the Sword of Judgment and crashed into the crowd without mercy. Several people hiding in the elevator behind him looked dumbfounded and almost couldn't help it. Dare to believe your eyes.

"Is this kind of strength at the bishop level?"

Dr. Kenley's lips trembled as he murmured to himself: "How could the Order provoke such a monster?"

Halfway through, he suddenly came to his senses and looked at Walter and others: "With this kind of strength, you can completely make the cult succumb head-on. Why do you want to attack the research institute? Do you want to fight to the death with the cult?"

A bishop-level evil spirit invader is enough to make the sect surrender, so why attack the research institute that is the lifeblood of the Presbyterian Church?

"My lord is very interested in your Twilight Guards."

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