Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 117 Coping!

After leaving Lucas, Lu En realized how difficult it was to find the Corruptor.

The reason why he could encounter corrosive people just by wandering around Lucas was entirely created by the Trigona and the Red Gloves. As the situation in Lucas calmed down, Lu En found his biggest dilemma. It turned out that the target could not be found.

His strength was enough to crush all the invaders from the Grand Priest and below, but he fell into the embarrassment of having nowhere to exert his strength. This also made him realize that there was no way he could find evil spirit invaders with his own efforts. It is different from finding a needle in a haystack.

He needs to form a force to help him. It doesn’t need to be very powerful in combat, but it must be well-informed. Such old forces are undoubtedly the best. He first thought that the Baimon family was enough, but after getting to know more deeply, he discovered that the Spiritual Religion Group That's the real behemoth.

But only in the secular world, in the supernatural world, the Spiritual Religion Group is undoubtedly a younger brother, which just meets Lu En's requirements.

Moreover, he felt that the ten priest-level corrosives in his job transfer mission should fall on the Twilight Guards of the Spiritual Religion. His only hope was that the Spiritual Religion would be more powerful and allow him to collect ten places.

"Team 3, Team 3, please answer when you hear it!"

In the monitoring room, the monitoring officer holding the communicator was sweating profusely, with obvious fear on his face. He shouted twice and then slammed it on the table!

"The third team has also been wiped out. Everyone retreats and protects the laboratory and experimental subjects!"

"Lock down the entire institute and close all doors!"

In just a few minutes, several heavily armed teams were wiped out one after another, and no one was spared. This has never happened since the establishment of the institute. Even in the previous corrosive riots and infections, there have never been such large casualties. !

"Damn it, we don't have the authority to close the door!"

"The intruders have begun to move towards the third area!"

A staff member next to him made some operations, hit the keyboard hard, and knocked over the coffee next to him: "Damn it, only the elders and directors have this authority!"

"Where's the director? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Hearing this, another staff member suddenly became excited and looked at the half-blacked-out screen in front of him. In one of the split screens, a group of armed men were protecting a fat man with a Mediterranean hair heading towards the control room. He couldn't help but feel relieved. It took a breath, but then, the split screen next door suddenly went black!

"No, Team 8, move back and stay away from the third area. The intruder is coming towards you!"

He grabbed the communicator suddenly and shouted loudly.

"Received, we are retreating to the fifth area, please keep us informed of the situation!"

There was a voice coming from the communicator, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps, and not long after, fierce gunshots came from it!

"We're being targeted!"

Someone shouted in terror, and then another voice said: "Protect the director, let them go first!"

"Da da da!"


Fierce firefights and low-pitched loud noises sounded almost at the same time, and then everything became eerily silent. Only the sound of heavy footsteps gradually approaching, and the director's horrified cry: "Don't, don't kill me!"


Communication is interrupted.

Everyone in the monitoring room was stunned. After a while, one person trembled and said: "All, all destroyed?"

"This is less than thirty seconds!"

A long-trained armed team was destroyed like this, casting a shadow of death over everyone's heads. After a while, another person swallowed his saliva: "The other party must have some kind of sensing method, otherwise it wouldn't be possible." Maybe they found us so quickly!"

"The director is in his hands now, what should we do?"

"Are there any other instructions from above?"

"I think we should retreat!"


After the shock, the entire control room suddenly became noisy like a vegetable market, until a staff member with the highest status slammed the table, stood up and looked around!

"That's enough. The elders and reinforcements are already on their way. No matter how many people die, they must be withheld by me. All armed personnel, security personnel from the fourth to the twelfth district, and vigilance personnel have all evacuated their posts and headed towards The intruders attack and see if they can rescue the director, plus!"

"I have been authorized by the elders to activate all the Twilight Guards, targeting the intruders. At the same time, I have begun to awaken the Twilight Guard commanders, Dawn Knights, Pioneers, and in short all experimental projects. Be sure to block the intruders!"

"But Dawn Knight and Pioneer are still undergoing experiments."

Someone mumbled and spoke, but before he finished speaking, he was shot in the head with blood splattering everywhere!

"Do as I arranged immediately. The institute will be destroyed and everyone will die!"


"Are you the director of the institute?"

Lu En scratched his chin and looked at the fat bald man dragging a bloodstain on the ground. His round body was almost squeezed out of the white coat. He lightly snapped his fingers, and the sword of judgment in a dark red arm disappeared. He grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

"Then tell me, where are your dusk guards?"

Lu En's eyes flashed red, and with the withering corpses all over the ground, the director felt like he couldn't control his bladder. He didn't dare to hesitate at all in response to Lu En's inquiry: "Type 7 controllable experimental subject, uh , that is, the Twilight Guards in your mouth, are usually in an inactive state and are stored in the fifth to tenth areas. To activate them, they need to be accompanied by professionals, otherwise they will easily lose control. Are you here to save people? of?"

As he spoke, the director suddenly thought of a possibility. The Spiritual Religion Group had captured many invaders, and many of them were members who were favored by some small organizations. They had also been invaded before, but Lu En's strength was undoubtedly the best among them. !

"No, I'm here to kill someone!"

Lu En grinned and felt that the large points of life force that had dispersed began to gather and approach him again. He couldn't help but praise: "It seems that the cohesion of the Spiritual Religion Group is really good!"

He killed several teams like he was chopping melons and vegetables, and the remaining people were still able to muster the courage to attack him, which ordinary mercenaries and grass-roots teams could not do.

"Total closed training plus hypnosis and brainwashing, and finally with a little drug assistance, this is the first thing I researched to ensure that most people are absolutely loyal to the cult!"

The fat director in his hand had a look on his face. After saying a few words, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He quickly covered his mouth and looked at Lu En in horror, fearing that he would get angry and kill him.


Lu En was a little surprised, but he didn't originally intend to kill the fat man. Researchers are so rare. Maybe if he kills a hundred armed men, the Spiritual Religion Group will smile and shake hands with him, but if he kills all the researchers, It will definitely completely anger the elders who hold the power.

The next moment, Lu En frowned and found that the large spots of light surrounding him suddenly began to scatter in all directions, and some even suddenly went out. Then, a muffled sound gradually came from directly in front of him.


The rolling muffled sound got closer and louder, and then Lu En saw a monster similar to an octopus rushing over, causing chaos all around, and four or five tentacles with suction cups clinging to the wall. Above, facing Lu En, among the layers of sharp teeth, a white coat stained red with blood was vaguely visible!

"It's a pioneer!"

The bald director screamed and hid behind Lu En!

"It's out of control, those idiots, these are Grand Priest-level corrosives!"

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