Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 118 Pioneer and Sam (Please collect and recommend~)

Most of the time, the brain circuits of scientists and investors are not on the same channel.

For the research on the power of evil spirits, the Presbyterian Church's requirement is to eliminate side effects as much as possible, even if the effect is extremely weakened, it does not matter. For them, if this can allow them to live for a few more years, then hundreds of millions of funds will be invested. It's worth it.

If money could buy life, most people would be willing to go bankrupt.

Of course, it falls specifically on these scientists. They have studied much more than what the Presbyterian Church requires. After all, before this, they have never thought that extraordinary power still exists in this world. With abundant funds, they can respond to all requests. It is simply the paradise that all scientific researchers dream of!

As a result, many curious ideas began to appear. Although many suicide attempts were banned by the Presbyterian Church, some research also received the acquiescence and support of the Presbyterian Council. The most typical one is that there are already a few studies in the extraordinary world. The famous Twilight Guard.

Pioneer is naturally one of the projects, and it is an extremely dangerous project!

"I am personally responsible for this project. I don't know which fool ordered it to be activated!"

Director Mediterranean looked at Lu En with a horrified expression and said quickly: "This is pieced together by several out-of-control Twilight Guards devouring each other. There is basically no possibility of manipulation. The vitality is extremely tenacious. Be careful!"


Before he finished speaking, a thick tentacle smacked towards Lu En!


Lu En threw the director casually, and the Battle Angel waved his arms. The two swords of judgment were intertwined in front of him, and he cut off the tentacle effortlessly, spewing out purple-black liquid!


The broken tentacles were still jumping on the ground, and the pioneer like a big octopus suddenly roared, and the layers of chrysanthemum-like mouthparts were opened at Lu En. No eyes, nose and other organs were seen, and the other tentacles were waving. It was like an out-of-control bus crashing into Lu En!


But then the two tentacles he stretched out to Luen were cut off. Then Luen was merciless, wielding the sword of judgment as if making a sashimi, cutting the pioneer's tentacles into pieces, and the last one The sword flew out and sank directly into its huge mouth!


Although there was no ghost fire that inspired the Sword of Judgment, it was obviously not very pleasant to have such a big sword inserted into the mouth. The Pioneer let out a shrill scream, and the disgusting black liquid was sprayed out from the mouth crazily, and the balls squirmed. The same body began to squirm backwards.

Some lively tentacles fell on the ground and crawled towards it, and soon connected to it. The vitality was indeed as tenacious as the director said, but the strength was much worse.

"I'm so happy for nothing, I really thought it was a Grand Priest level!"

Lu En walked into the Pioneer with the Sword of Judgment. The latter looked much more honest and kept walking back, but his speed was not as fast as Lu En. Soon Lu En cut off all the tentacles again and turned into a squirming mass. meat balls.

"Absorbable material detected, do you want to absorb it?"

The palm of his left hand radiated hot heat, and the food spirit reminder appeared in the corner of his eye, and then another line of small words appeared.

"It is detected that the goal of the job transfer mission is met. Do you want to carry out the job transfer mission?"

"Of course, change jobs!"

If you don't change jobs, it will be useless even if the food spirit refines the food and eats it. Lu En naturally knows how to choose. After silently chanting, a hot heat quickly spread from his palm to the pioneer's body, and gradually revealed a dark red color from the inside to the outside. color.

Although in the eyes of these scientists, the Pioneers have surpassed ordinary Twilight Guards and are evil monsters of the Grand Priest level, in Lu En's eyes, this patchwork of things is more like a complete failure. Maintaining this form should be the result of these people's great efforts.

How many priest-level monsters add up to become the Grand Priest?

This is not a card synthesis game. It is considered extremely lucky not to explode out of control.

The Pioneer trembled crazily and tried to escape under Luen's hands, but the forced extraction of soul-eating souls quickly destroyed its resistance. Its swollen body gradually shriveled up, and finally turned into a puddle of rotten flesh-like material and fell to the ground, exuding an intimidating emanation. The stench was unbearable.

"Hunting Ten Priest-level Corruptors (1/10)"

This time, no food appeared. Lu En only felt a warm current settling in his body. At the same time, a reminder appeared in the corner of his eye, and one-tenth of the task was finally completed.

"It's a pity, if only those two Twilight Guards had come later, it would have been a waste of two priests!"

Lu En looked back and saw that the director who had been thrown to the ground by him was rubbing his fat butt. At this time, he was surprised that he could stuff two fists into his mouth, blinking his eyes and looking confused.

"Since you are the director, you should be familiar with this place."

Lu En looked at him and asked.

"Of course, I'm actually not very familiar with you!"

The director subconsciously accepted the words, and then reacted and saw Lu En pointing forward as a matter of course: "Very good, you lead the way, find all the Twilight Guards, and I will let you go!"

"The elders will kill me, can you let me go?"

The director looked sad. He had always been engaged in research work. When had he encountered such a thing? As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an arm behind Lu En raising the sword of judgment, and he suddenly jumped up!

"No, no, no, I'll lead the way, lead the way!"

Death is inevitable now and not necessarily death later, any normal person would make a choice. Under the threat of death, he immediately became honest and began to lead Lu En, and used his authority to open some gates and gradually go deeper.

"By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is?"

Halfway through, Lu En asked him.


The bald fat director is very frugal with words now.

"A very common name."


Following the direction of the pioneers, there were traces of destruction along the way, and some bodies of armed personnel were twisted and fell to one side.

These were originally to stop Lu En, but they were killed by the suddenly out-of-control pioneers without distinguishing between enemies and enemies, and were completely dispersed. Lu En followed behind Director Sam and soon came to a closed door.

The walls here are made of silver-white alloy, which is extremely strong. Bullets can only leave small pits on them. Lu En tried to use the sword of judgment to scratch them, but only left some traces. It is almost impossible to destroy them as a whole.

After all, the institute was built so deep underground, and the Spiritual Cult must have spent a lot of effort. If it could be destroyed easily, it would have collapsed countless times.

However, the strongest fortress is often breached from the inside. Lu En was watching from behind, and Director Sam could only grit his teeth and take out his ID card. At the same time, he verified his fingerprints and pupils. The closed door opened silently, and what came to him were two black gun muzzles!


A security guard looked a little surprised, looking at the chubby Director Sam standing at the door: "You are not... Be careful!"

The next moment, he saw Lu En behind Sam, and his face suddenly changed. At the same time, Sam also heard Lu En's low roar in his ears!

"Head down!"


The Sword of Judgment flew past his scalp!

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