Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 127 Belated remarks from Sanjiang!

To be honest, when Xianyu published this book, he never thought about going to Sanjiang. His current mood can only be described as happy, happy, and frightened.

For Internet writers, Sanjiang is like a medal and honor, proving that their hard work and dedication pay off. After learning the news from the editor, Xianyu was so happy that he could hardly sleep, but Xianyu Yu knows that I am able to go to Sanjiang only because of the support of readers. Thank you all!

But immediately afterwards, there was also worry and panic, because Xianyu is very self-aware and knows that this book has many, many shortcomings. Many readers also put forward valuable opinions. In terms of plot and various treatments, Xianyu We are working hard to improve, but nothing can be done overnight. The first book of Xianyu cost more than 200,000 yuan and has not yet been signed, so I had no choice but to cut it off. I have accumulated a lot of experience, but it is still far from enough. I hope everyone can give more to Xianyu. Time, let me present a better and complete story to everyone.

Not to mention, Xianyu’s amateur coding speed is neither fast nor slow, so hurry up and start coding. After all, you can’t stand coding all night every day. After all, a dog’s life is at stake.

But in the end I still have to say, I love you, and I have to say it twice more!

I love you all!

I love you all!

(Well, after that, I would like to ask for a collection recommendation~)

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