Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 128 I have tolerated you for a long time! (Don’t mess with women)

The headquarters of the Spiritual Religion.

Or it cannot be said to be a headquarters at all, because such an organization that is destined to be impossible to be strict does not have a fixed headquarters at all. They are more like a consortium of many families and consortia, pieced together for the same purposes and interests.

Therefore, the place now called the headquarters is a manor donated by one of the elders, and for the first time, most of the elders and members of the Spiritual Religion Group are gathered there to discuss a major matter.

How to divide the assets of the Downton elders who were taken away by the Federation.

No one expected that Downton would actually hit the muzzle at this time. Although they had all heard that the Three Gods Cult and the Red Gloves were fighting fiercely recently, and they had real fire with each other, they did not expect it to reach this level.

An elder in the spiritual sect, he and his family control many companies and conglomerates. A big shot who stomps his feet and keeps many people awake at night has become the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Even if the person can be fished out afterwards, this operation is enough to severely damage his vitality. Those who are closest to the water will get the moon first, and other people in the sect will naturally not be merciful. Compared with this, the invasion of the research institute It’s simply not worth mentioning, let alone the fact that this is Downton’s responsibility.

Therefore, Poulos and others, who were originally escorted to the manor under strict guard, were in a state of being ignored.

"What's going on with this guy? He's probably going to die!"

Dr. Kenley looked like an ordinary old man after taking off his protective clothing. He looked at Pross who was curled up on the ground with skin as red as a cooked prawn and made a worried sound.

"It would be better if he died. I wish I could kill him with my own hands!"

The young man squatting next to him and leaning against the wall spoke in a vicious tone. Looking at Pross, his eyes almost burst into flames. He originally had a great future and had even caught the attention of the elders. Now, he can only save his life. What a blessing.

For those in power, no matter whether you were forced to betray or not, all they see is the result.


Kenlie glanced at the young man with disdain, and quietly took a few steps away from Pross again, hiding behind the young man. They were now locked in the same room, and the environment was not bad, but Pross was in a worrying state, and the young man was worried about it. This was quite a relief, and he gritted his teeth, but Kenlie gradually had an ominous premonition.

As an expert who specializes in the power of evil spirits, Kenlie has done a lot of research on corroders and evil spirits. Therefore, he can tell at a glance that Pros is in a bad state. Combined with the previous intruders, the answer is almost obvious.

"Asshole, please don't be what I think."

Kenle shrank his head and stared at Pross, muttering to himself. Suddenly, he noticed that the curled-up former's body twitched violently, and then he put his hands on the ground and slowly climbed up. The large blue and black blood vessels on his arms were bulging. stand up.


Pross's neck bones made a hair-raising sound. His body with his back to them did not move at all, but his head turned 180 degrees. His face was also covered with exposed blood vessels, and he stared at it intently. Two people.


The young man was instantly frightened by this scene. He screamed and backed away wildly, but Kenlie had already hid behind him and pushed him in front of him. At this time, Pross suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse:

"look into my eyes!"

Only a fool would look into your eyes!

The young man didn't care much. When he heard this, he immediately lowered his head and even closed his eyes. Then with a pop, two blood arrows shot out of Pross's eye sockets and penetrated his head!

thump! thump!

There was a dull sound of falling to the ground. Pross and the young man both fell to the ground. The large amounts of blood flowing out of their bodies gathered together, and the human face stood out, forming a bloody human shape. Standing between the two people, with facial features Just three dark, deep holes.

"Help, help,!"

Kenlie was so frightened by this scene that his arms and legs burst out with strong strength, and he rushed to the door and slapped the door hard!


The sound of sticky footsteps came from behind. After a few beats, there was still no movement outside. Kenlie looked back in despair and saw the blood shadow already standing behind him. His legs gave out and he fell to the ground with trembling lips and tears. The snot flowed out together: "You said, you said you would let me go!"


Blood surged from Xueying's mouth like a black hole. He tilted his head and glanced at Kenlie a few times. Then he smashed a hole in the door and squeezed his whole body out, leaving Kenlie behind the door with a look of disbelief on his face.


"What monster?"


Screams soon rang out from the manor. Blood Shadow's speed was not slow, and his route was very clear. Some people who bumped into him along the way were mercilessly drained of their blood and turned into mummies, which immediately triggered a continuous commotion. , and after absorbing a large amount of blood, the appearance of the blood shadow solidified slightly from the initial fluid, and its strength and speed increased greatly.

Puff puff puff!

Bullets carrying great kinetic energy passed through his body, leaving behind small holes that quickly disappeared and evaporating part of the blood. In just a few minutes, all the blood shadows were wiped out at the entrance of the manor. guard and opened the door.

Half a minute later, several black cars drove quickly from a distance.

"Oops, elders and councillors, we have been attacked!"

When the panting security guard suddenly pushed open the conference room door, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone inside. Of course, the subsequent reaction was different from what the security guard expected.

"Guards, where are the guards!"

An old man who was speaking was furious. He didn't notice what the security guard said at all and shouted, "Didn't we say that no one is allowed to disturb us? What are you doing?"

"Idiot, there are intruders!"

He didn't hear clearly, but the others near the door heard it clearly. They jumped up from their chairs almost at the same time and ran towards the door. However, they only ran a few steps and immediately began to retreat at full speed, with horror on their faces.


A terrifying blood shadow let go of the corpse in his hand, which had turned into a mummy, and blocked the door of the conference room. There were footsteps and faint gunshots approaching not far away.

Their armed forces in the manor were not as tightly deployed as those in the research institute. The biggest resistance force was the bodyguards brought by these people. However, facing the black muzzles of the guns, most of the bodyguards who had not even seen their employers decisively chose to surrender.

So the advance of Suna and others was unexpectedly smooth. With the blood shadow leading the way, they actually blocked the high-level leaders of the spiritual cult and caught them all in one fell swoop!

The tall Su Na led people to walk over from a distance, with high spirits. Although he could be regarded as a senior thug of the Spiritual Cult, anyone in this conference room could change her fate if they spoke, and now it was her turn to decide the fate of these people!

"Can I kill people?"

Su Na stood at the door of the conference room, looking at these surprised and unbelievable eyes, and suddenly a thought surged in her mind, and Lu En also understood what she wanted to do in an instant.

"If it's one or two, it doesn't matter." Lu En replied, and he would naturally give preferential treatment to his blood spirit.

"No need for so many, one is enough!"

Su Na's eyes quickly locked onto a figure in the crowd, with a cold light flashing in her eyes, and suddenly pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger!


A figure fell to the ground and his head exploded.

"Dead fat pig, you actually want to sleep with me, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

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