Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 129 I brought new life!

Those who can become the elders of the Spiritual Religion Group are already top giants in various industries, or have excellent resources. Therefore, although they were panicked for a while by Su Na's sudden headshot, some people quickly regained their composure.

"Are you Su Na, Downton's subordinate?"

Although he considers himself to be the gold medal fighter of the Order, not many people actually recognize Suna, and there was one missing not long ago. However, as Downton's old enemy, Yax is always ready to take him down. , still hesitantly called out Suna’s name.

"Downton man, what does he want to do?"

Some elders in the crowd let out angry roars. Although they had gathered to cut off a large piece of flesh from his body, hadn't this been done yet? Is Downton's plan to fight them to the death?

"Speaking of which, I really haven't seen that old guy from Downton?"

Su Na glanced at her and said with some confusion, but then shook her head: "But it's not important anymore. I have nothing to do with him here. Everyone, I am here for peace!"

A mysterious smile appeared on Su Na's lips, and she walked toward the conference room. The blood shadow beside her followed behind her, while the remaining people stayed outside and closed the door with a bang.

The good sound insulation effect immediately blocked all sounds from the outside world. Only the numerous elders and councilors gradually retreated as Suna slowly approached.

"Who are you and what is your purpose?"

There were voices in the crowd. Perhaps they thought it was too embarrassing for so many people to be forced back by a woman. A middle-aged man squeezed out of the crowd and stood in front of Suna. It was he who made the questioning.

"You can call me, Lord of Blood!"

Su Na glanced at everyone, and the color in her pupils quickly filled the air. Lu En took over Su Na's body in an instant, and looked at these people through her eyes. There is no doubt that there are many talented people who are often seen on TV or in newspapers. The faces I saw were either a certain tycoon, the head of a certain family, or a successful self-made entrepreneur.

For example, the middle-aged man Sensi in front of Lu En was called the most successful entrepreneur in the past twenty years. He built a business empire from scratch, but in the Spiritual Religion Group, he was just one of the councilors.

"Lord of Blood?"

Senxi looked at Suna solemnly, with doubts flashing in his eyes. He did not join the Spiritual Cult for the purpose of immortality or extending his life. He still had some years to live, so he was not so eager at all. He just took a fancy to the resources the sect had. and connections, and didn’t know much about the supernatural side of the Order.

Of course, even the elders who know the most about the extraordinary world have never heard of the name of the Lord of Blood, but this does not prevent these people from pretending to be amazed that they have heard it for a long time. An old voice sounded from the corner.

"So Lord Blood Lord, why are you here? Is there any Spiritual Religion that can help you?"

Su Na cast her gaze, and the people in front of her quickly dispersed, revealing an old man sitting on a chair, with wrinkles on his face like orange peels. His body was thin, and the skin close to the bones was covered with age spots. This is an elder who is about to step into the grave, and he is also the oldest elder in the Spiritual Religion Group.

The original Spiritual Cult was formed from them, but the founders who were unwilling to die are now with the loess, and he is the only one left who is still lingering.

"No, no, no, I'm not a bad person. On the contrary, I brought you what you dreamed of!"

Suna held up a finger and wiggled it, grinning.

"Everyone from the Spiritual Religion Group, many things in this world are unequal, but there are also many things that are equal, such as time and death!"

As soon as his words fell, almost everyone's heart beat faster, as if they had been hit several times with a hammer.

"No matter you are a king or a beggar, you are astonishingly talented and rich as any country, and your power is unparalleled, in the end you cannot escape the coming of death. All you have left in the world is a pale name. How cruel this is. Something!”

"But now, I want to give you a chance, kneel down and surrender to me, and you will get everything you dream of, eternal life!"

Su Na's tone was very seductive, but the response was not as enthusiastic as she expected. Although she had stimulated the effect of the evil spirits' whispers, the people who could stand here were all mentally strong and decisive. It is unrealistic and impossible to expect them to bow their heads after hearing this.

Of course, there was no thoughtless expression of doubt or ridicule. Everyone remained silent and looked at Su Na with various eyes. The atmosphere fell into an unspeakable silence.


After a while, someone finally broke the deadlock. It was the oldest elder. With half his foot in the coffin, he not only did not want to die, but also had an increasingly strong desire to continue living.

"What will it cost me?"

His voice was hoarse, and he stared at Suna, as if he could see Lu En hidden behind her eyes.

He doesn't have much time left. According to the doctor's judgment, he can live for another two months at most. This is under the premise that he has taken many medicines developed by the religious sect to increase his active life span. Although his current life span has exceeded Most people, but who would be willing to die if they could live?

"Loyalty, and a little side effect!"

Suna smiled brightly and dazzlingly.


The elder spoke decisively, without asking any more questions. He stood up from the chair rather decisively, then fell to the ground with a plop, and lowered his head towards Suna with difficulty.

"Great Lord of Blood, I am willing to be loyal to you forever, and ask you to grant me a new rebirth!"

He didn't think about the price he would pay, nor did he think about Lu En deceiving him, because the god of death had already raised his scythe against him, no matter what the consequences were, even if he turned into a monster in the end, grew tentacles or even He was willing to have his claws even changed beyond recognition.

As long as you can survive!

In this world, there are many people who would not hesitate to choose death for other things, but there are also many people who would avoid death at any cost. The former can be heroes, saints, and warriors, but unfortunately, the elders belong to the latter.

No one stopped him, because everyone had expectations hidden in their hearts. They watched Suna approach the elder step by step and stood in front of him, with red light flashing in her eyes!

"as you wish!"

There was a sound in the void, and then several security personnel standing outside the door suddenly tilted and fell softly to the ground. Blood mist poured out from their mouths and noses, flew into the conference room, and condensed into a drop of bright red blood that fell on the ground. Suna's fingertips.

"You will be reborn, my servant!"

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