Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 133 Encounter (please vote~)

In the blue sky, two groups of clouds of different colors are entangled and surging with each other. From a distance, it looks just a little weird. However, the closer you get, the suffocating sense of oppression and crisis will be felt. Even if it is Ordinary people also experience inexplicable heartache and heaviness.

Some animals with keen senses have fled far away, except for some crows hovering in the sky, which shuttle and die in the clouds from time to time.


Suddenly, a thick lightning flashed between the clouds, and then the black cloud seemed to be torn apart, and a gap appeared in an instant. With sharp eyes, Lu En saw what seemed to be huge wings passing through it, followed by countless black feathers like It fell like snow, accompanied by hot dark red magma!


A small ball of fiery red light passed by Lu En and landed on a big tree nearby. The area in contact instantly became charred black, and the water evaporated rapidly. Finally, it ignited with a bang, and billowing black smoke was emitted, mixed with With a slight smell of sulfur.

Is this an archbishop-level fight?

Lu En was a little dazed. He came here with the intention of picking up the slack, but now it seems that he can't even see clearly the means of fighting between the two sides, and he doesn't know who is the advantage and who is the disadvantage. Even if he has achieved something, After reaching the bishop level, he still has no power to intervene.

The gap from bishop to archbishop seems wider than I thought.

Lu En raised his eyes and saw that many trees around him had been ignited by the falling magma. The falling black feathers seemed harmless, but if they fell on any plant, they would quickly wither from the roots and fall over. Next, in just a short time, a large area of ​​virgin forest and the creatures in it have suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, the clouds are still gradually moving, expanding the scope of destruction. Or for the two fighting parties, they have tried their best to converge, but the aftermath of the splash is enough to cause irreversible damage to the surrounding ecology.


A large and noisy flock of crows fell from the black clouds and swooped down towards the burning forest below. They were surrounded by thick black air. Lu En saw a few flying towards him, leaning over and jumping from the tree crown. Below, the crow flew over his head and rushed into the burning tree.

The blazing flame suddenly rose to a high level, but the next moment it seemed to be just a flash of light, quickly shrinking and extinguishing. A crow staggered up from it, its hair was dark red, and fluttered its wings in a difficult posture and flew away.

It's the Archbishop of Dark Crows with red gloves. Is he putting out the fire?

If he still has the energy to consider these things, does it mean that he actually has an advantage?

Lu En's mind was racing, but his eyes fell on this crow. There was no doubt that this was an extraordinary creature or simply the power of the dark crow. In any case, it could be regarded as a soul-eater. What a wonderful meal.

He wasn't sure whether his action would attract attention, but considering that there were so many crows flying out, it would be inconspicuous if one or two were missing. Thinking like this, he was already following the crows not far away, and was about to take action. , suddenly a long scarlet tongue stretched out from the front of the crow, and rolled it down with a snap.

Someone got there first?

Lu En reacted instantly, stopped and released his life force sensor. However, he did not sense any abnormality. Instead, he sensed the life force of two ordinary people not far away.

However, it is abnormal for two ordinary people to appear in this place.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and did not come closer. Instead, he stepped back a certain distance. Those who could hide his vitality induction were either dead and without vitality, or they were not weak enough to cover themselves up completely. Lu En was not sure whether the other party had Other means can discover oneself.

It was not a good decision to start a battle with an unknown enemy on the battlefield where two archbishops were fighting.

He did not forget that there should be strong men from the Three Gods Cult and the Red Gloves here who are constantly paying attention. The virgin forest is so big that it is naturally impossible for them to completely seal it off, but once a fight breaks out, the movement will definitely not be small.

Of course, it was impossible to retreat. Lu En closed his eyes and sensed it, and suddenly climbed up a big tree next to him nimbly and silently. In the branches of the tree crown, a tree hole as thick as an arm was clearly visible. Without hesitation, he reached in and caught a shivering squirrel.

The strong sense of oppression coming from the sky made all animals that could escape choose to flee. However, this squirrel was too timid and was frightened and fainted in the tree hole, and was then caught by Lu En.

"The division of blood spirits is entirely under your control. You can have more or less, but there is a limit to the number. It cannot exceed three at most!"

Lu En murmured to himself, and a tiny bit of red light appeared on his fingertips, and sank into the squirrel's body. The latter's trembling body immediately relaxed, and his breathing became steady. After about half a minute, he opened a pair of small bean eyes. , a little red light appeared in the center.

"Fortunately, it can still be recovered, which can be considered a good detection method."

He let go of his hand, and the squirrel immediately stood firmly in the palm of his hand, and then jumped up on his shoulders with its big fluffy tail, looking left and right, with agile eyes. How could the squirrel's self-awareness be compared with that of humans? If possessed, As a human, Luen still needs to be patient and gradually gain control, but the squirrel only thinks about eating, sleeping, or mating, which is simply outrageous.

Thinking about it this way, if evil spirits possess animals, then the difficulty will be reduced by more than half, and the strength of lions, tigers and other beasts can even crush humans. Why do humans have the most invaders?

This question flashed through Lu En's mind, but he didn't delve into it. With a thought, the squirrel jumped out from his shoulder, landed firmly on another tree branch, and then quickly crawled forward with its short legs. Go and head towards the location of the two humans sensed by Lu En.

Soon, Lu En discovered his target, because the other party did not hide it at all, standing carelessly in the forest, still discussing something in low voices.

A total of three people appeared in front of him, two men and one woman. One of them, a man and a woman, looked young and dressed normally. They wore jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt. The woman also wore a sun hat. At this time, the two of them were squatting down and poking at a crow with dark red hair with tree sticks. They looked quite curious.


Perhaps because of being irritated, the crow that landed on the ground opened its mouth and spat out a ball of fire. The young man who was in high spirits was startled, screamed and stepped back, seeing the sparks about to hit his face. A palm suddenly stretched out from the side.


After a soft sound, the sparks were extinguished, and a tall man in black robes appeared next to him with a calm expression.

"be careful."

"Yes, mentor!"

The young man was still frightened and bowed his head respectfully to the man in black robe, while Lu En was shocked at the same time.

This man was wearing a black robe and didn't look like a good person, not to mention that his entire exposed head was bare, with no hair or eyebrows. He looked quite weird, but Lu En was paying attention. It's not these, but a big mouth full of fine teeth is clearly visible on the other person's forehead!

Another bishop-level strongman?

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