Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 134 Baptism!

Lu En felt a little subtle.

Why did he meet a strong man who was also a bishop as soon as he came out of the mountain after breaking through to the bishop level?

However, he immediately realized that it was not that he was lucky, but that he was now in the battlefield between two powerful archbishops. Without the strength of a bishop, he did not dare to come and take a peek.

From bishop to archbishop, and even the levels above, every step is a qualitative change. There is no such thing as a leapfrog challenge. Even Lu En, who has a golden finger, does not dare to have this idea.

Not to mention anything else, the natural disaster above his head covered an extremely wide area, and the scattered aftermath could cause irreversible damage to the surroundings. He had no room to intervene, and he had no way to become the Lord of Blood.


At this moment, Lu En suddenly heard a loud noise in the air, and then the thick black clouds like ink were suddenly torn open, revealing a huge black crow, with a substance that lingered all over its body. Black air and even the void were twisting around it, and a huge scar appeared on the chest and abdomen. Black blood was dripping downwards, but it disappeared soon after it fell.


As soon as the black crow appeared, it raised its head and let out a scream. The canopy of the jungle below was suddenly suppressed by an invisible sound wave, and countless leaves fell. Lu En's head was dizzy, and he shook hard before he came back to his senses.

Countless thick black chains appeared out of thin air from around the black crow's body, penetrating the void and submerging into the red clouds in front of it. It also flapped its wings at the same time and grabbed at the clouds with its bare eyes!


A clear sound of impact sounded, and Black Crow's protruding claws were blocked just after they penetrated the dark red cloud. Then a red light penetrated into Black Crow's chest at lightning speed, and a large ball of fiery red magma suddenly emerged from Black Crow's wound. gushed out, causing it to let out a shrill scream.

"It's pointless, Dark Crow, you've already lost!"

A deep voice emerged, and then the dark red clouds quickly shrank, and a tall human figure wrapped tightly in dark red armor stood steadily in the air, with flaming red ripples under his feet, holding a flaming sword. .

"You must abide by our agreement!"

The humanoid didn't look good either. The armor was full of scratches, but it was much better than the black crow. Two red lights lit up in the eye sockets, and he looked at the top of the black crow's head.


On the top of the huge black crow, stood a figure with a single claw standing on top of the crow's head. Hearing this, he snorted coldly, and then, together with the huge black crow at his feet, quickly faded into the air, as if being erased by an eraser. except pencil drawing.

"Three Gods"

The reluctant voice gradually dissipated, leaving only the Archbishop of the Three Gods Religion standing silently in mid-air.

And below, whether it was Lu En or the strange man in black robe not far away, all had solemn expressions on their faces, trying their best to control their auras and not daring to make any rash moves. A real strong archbishop stood above his head, simply It's frightening.

However, this strong man from the Three Gods Religion didn't seem to pay attention to their thoughts. After standing still for a moment, he began to walk towards the distance at a very fast speed and soon disappeared from Lu En's sight. Below The flames in the forest were all extinguished the moment he left, leaving only wisps of smoke.

Lu En didn't know much about this, but it was obviously a protracted battle that finally ended with the victory of the Three Gods. However, the strange thing is that the way the Dark Crow Lord left did not look like he was willing, but more like It's like being forced out.

It's just that based on the state of these two people, there is no room for Lu En to make mistakes.

Fortunately, it is not all without gain.

Lu En possessed the squirrel and stared at the three people diagonally below through its eyes. After a few more minutes, and it seemed that it was confirmed that the strong man from the Three Gods Sect had left, several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, of course, mainly the two Boys and girls, the sound of exhalation is extremely obvious.

"Teacher, who won?"

The girl wearing a sun hat looked a little baby fat. She was not pretty, but not ugly either. She blinked and looked at the men in black robes curiously. There was a dense canopy of trees above their heads. Even if there wasn't, with them It's hard to tell who is winning and who is losing.

"Three Gods."

The mouth on the black-robed man's forehead suddenly opened, and a gentle and magnetic voice came out, which was in sharp contrast to his appearance. However, both the boy and the girl in front of him seemed to be used to it, and turned a blind eye to this scene that could scare ordinary people crazy.

"Didn't I say that the Secret Law Society has always been our enemy? How could we be defeated by the Three Gods? Didn't the Night Watchmen among them claim to suppress the entire world?"

The girl spoke curiously, and Lu En's eyes suddenly narrowed, knowing who they were.

The Federation's Special Affairs Office is commonly known as the Red Gloves and the Hounds, but their predecessor organization is actually the Arcana Society that the girl mentioned!

There have been only two organizations that can compete with the Secret Law Society and have been fighting endlessly since ancient times. One has followers all over the continent, has always preached that divine power is higher than royal power, and has unified the mainland. The Zhengyi Sect, the other, It is the original sect that split from it!

Lu En has not had much contact with the Zhengyi Sect. Those people seem to be only interested in preaching and brainwashing, but this weird style of painting is undoubtedly the original sect.

"These followers of the Lord of Lava are not weak either."

The man in black robe didn't seem to want to say more. After replying lightly, he turned to look at the two of them: "This time I am here for your baptism. The power left by the Dark Crow is enough to complete the baptism for you. In addition, there are also members of the Three Gods Sect." That strong man, but I don’t recommend him because we don’t know much about the Three Gods Religion.”

"You can make a choice as to who comes first. The remaining strength of a strong archbishop is enough to lay a solid foundation for you, but you must bear the risks yourself."

After the man in black robe finished speaking, hesitation appeared on the young man's face, but the girl wearing a sun hat next to him was determined!

"I'll go first, mentor, I won't fail!"

Her face was resolute, and her face was full of determination. The man in black robe nodded when he heard the words, and did not look at the young man next to him who opened his mouth but made no sound. Instead, he directly grabbed the crow with dark red feathers on the ground. A big mouth full of fangs appeared in the palm, swallowed the crow whole and chewed it for a while, then spit out two streams of red and black air. The red gradually solidified into a drop of magma, while the black turned into an erratic feather.

"You choose!"

The man in black robe looked at the girl, who gritted his teeth and looked at each other a few times, then reached out and grabbed the black feather.

"I choose the power of the Night's Watch!"

The black feather was grasped in his hand, and it dispersed into black energy again, and suddenly penetrated into his body along the arm. Countless small black feathers emerged from her body in an instant. The girl suddenly trembled, and her teeth chattered. There was a noise, and his eyes gradually turned white.

"Resist the impact and temptation and stay true to yourself. This is the first step!"

The voice of the man in black robes sounded in the girl's ears, seeming to inject some courage into her. The veins on her long and fair neck were exposed, and she was breathing heavily.

"I definitely will.!"


Feathers scattered all over the sky along with the rain of broken flesh and blood. Before she could finish her words, her whole body exploded, showering the boy next to her who was caught off guard. His expression suddenly froze.


The black-robed mentor sighed softly and shook his head.

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