Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 137 News and whereabouts!

"This is really magnificent, a model of the protagonist!"

Even Lu En couldn't help but sigh after closing the book, and his attention to the Three Gods Church was raised to another level.

However, the people of the Red Gloves may also pay more attention to it. According to the information revealed by the blood clan, they have been exerting pressure within the Federation and have taken direct action to cancel the legal missionary rights of the Three Gods Church!

This is an extremely sinister move to cut off the firewood from the bottom of the pot. Once the legal missionary rights of the Three Gods Church are cancelled, the next step will definitely be to be listed as a cult and suppressed and eliminated based on the scale of their organization, facing a double counterattack from the secular world and the extraordinary world!

So it's better not to provoke anyone, but not the official institutions.

Lu En shook his head secretly. He didn't know why the Three Gods Church and the Red Gloves, who seemed to be close allies, suddenly stabbed each other, but many people were happy to see this, including him, because it would involve the attention of these two behemoths at the same time, leaving them no time to care.

In particular, many eroders or other organizations who knew the inside story have begun to stir.

Near the evening, Walter and Adolf came together and brought Luen an unexpected news.

The two elders went to Camp City in person and used the energy of the entire Blood Clan Council to investigate the two people Luen was looking for, but they have not found them yet. Instead, they found two other people by accident.

Two acquaintances of Luen.

Nim and Dalina!

"Are they also in Camp City?"

Luen remained calm on the surface, but was actually surprised: "Does Red Glove know this news?"

He did not forget that not long after Nim disappeared, someone came directly from the imperial capital to find his whereabouts, and it seemed that he attached great importance to it.

Of course, based on the three words "night watchman", Luen also guessed the reason why Red Glove was nervous and concerned.

"I don't know, because we also discovered their traces by accident, and they are still being hunted!" Walter said. He remembered that Luen had mentioned to him that Nim was his friend, so after learning the news, he immediately came to report to Luen.

"Who is hunting them?"

Several forces suddenly emerged in Lu En's mind, including the original sect of the Three Gods, etc., but when Walter spoke, all his guesses fell through.

"It's the Iron and Steel Society!"

"The Iron and Steel Society?"

Lu En was stunned: "Where did they come from?"

Walter explained respectfully: "It's an underground force in the Southeast Province. In fact, they were hunted down just by chance. The main target of the Iron and Steel Society was the former underground ruler of the Southeast Province, Mo Long!"



In a dim alley, the back door of the underground bar was slammed open, and three figures quickly jumped out of it and disappeared. Half a minute later, there were chaotic footsteps, and a group of burly men with short hair and tattoos rushed out, looking at the empty streets and roaring angrily.

"Damn it, they ran away again!"

A bald man with a face full of flesh and a height of more than two meters was furious. He turned around and slapped a middle-aged man next to him and flew away, cursing: "Didn't you say you could keep it stable? Is this what you mean by keeping it stable?"

"I don't know either!"

The man in the middle was wearing a gray suit, his hair was combed shiny, his face was pale, and he covered his face with tears: "I really didn't say anything, didn't reveal any flaws, and the wine was drugged, but there was a girl among them, and they ran away after a few words!"


The strong man kicked the man in the lower abdomen and knocked him to the ground again, his face ferocious!

"You'd better pray that what you said is true. If I find out that you are the one who tipped off, your whole family will have to compete in swimming with sharks!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hot-tempered strong man glared at his men around him: "Why are you all surrounding me? Go find someone. If you can't find them, swim back!"


The crowd immediately scattered in panic, and began to look for them with bitter faces, praying in their hearts that they must not run into them. You know, in order to catch these people, almost half of their companions have been sent to the hospital or morgue. This is not looking for someone, it's simply giving up their lives!

"God bless, after I finish this job, I will honestly apply to go back to farming. It's too scary to be in an organization!"

A man with a sickle tattoo on his shoulder, who looked honest, muttered and looked straight ahead, quickly passed through the alley, completely ignoring the exits leading to other directions, and on the other side of the wall, the three people with high hearts breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"It's okay, it should be safe to go this way!"

In the dim night, Nim's face looked much more mature and stable than before, and he whispered to the two people beside him. Next to him was Moron, who was gritting his teeth and looking fierce, and clenched his fists so tightly that his joints turned blue and white.

"That hateful guy, who is still a disciple of my White Bear Sect, actually betrayed me. Wait until my injuries recover."

He looked down at the blood-stained bandage on his chest and whispered bitterly: "Those who betrayed me, I will make them pay the price!"


There was an undisguised sneer from the side, and Dai Lina said with a slightly sarcastic tone: "The entire White Bear Sect is gone, and you still want to make a comeback. How many people do you think you can fight alone?"

"If it weren't for our adults saving you, you and your men would have gone to see God now!"


Nim frowned and glanced at Delina, who immediately shrugged: "Okay, I know, just shut up!"


Mo Long was not annoyed at all, or he had long been accustomed to Delina's cynicism over the past few days. Hearing this, he just sneered: "I have done too many bad things, and I guess God will not forgive me, but I must take revenge!"


He punched the wall next to him, a fierce light shot out from his eyes, and then turned to look at Delina and Nim: "I know you are not ordinary people. If you are willing to help me, I still have some hidden property worth about I can give you tens of millions!"

"No need, you should keep your money to buy yourself a good cemetery!"

Delina glanced at Nimu with her beautiful eyes: "That's why I decided to save your life because of my kindness. When the transformation period is over, no matter how steel is, they will not dare to attack us again even if they have ten courages."

"But if you want revenge, I have a way, all you need is..."


Nim interrupted her, stretched out his hand to support Mo Long, and walked deeper into the alley.

"Let's go, it's not safe here."

"Hmph, I don't even know how to recruit wings. No night watchman can fight alone. Such a good opportunity."

Delina was left stamping her feet behind her, looking a little crazy.

"He's still a bad-ass guy. Why can I meet such a weirdo? No, I can't let this guy go. He's a martial arts master. The most important thing is that he's ruthless. We need people like this."

She made up her mind and quickly followed the two of them, gradually moving away.

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