Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 138 Reshuffle and Crisis!

"Even the White Bear Gate was destroyed?"

Lu En couldn't help but be a little surprised when he looked at the information about the Steel Society that Adolf had collected as quickly as possible. At the same time, countless characters crossed his mind as Lucas read every bit of it.

"Yes Master!"

Adolf said respectfully on the side: "The entire White Bear Sect, as well as the Violent Bear Society formed by Mo Long, have been replaced by the Iron Society. Most of the backbones and masters have been killed and injured. Except for their president, Mo Long, a few others are still running away. middle."

"The entire violent bear society is a thing of the past."

"It surprised me that."

Lu En shook his head and sighed, flipping through the information in his hand. There was a page that densely listed the key masters of the White Bear Clan and the Violent Bear Society, but most of them had a note about death or capture at the end. He glanced at ten lines and quickly found out Found the information I needed.

"Li Qinhu: Master of the White Bear Sect (Dead)"

"Qiu Luo: White Bear Sect cadre (dead)"

"Nellie: Leader of the Violent Bear Club (Dead)"


A series of familiar or unfamiliar names to Lu En appeared in bold font at the end, which also made him understand how much reshuffle had occurred in the underground forces in the entire Southwest Province after he left Lucas.

On the first page, most of them were people from the White Bear Sect, and they were also the disciples who gathered around Li Qinhu. Lu En once broke in alone, knowing that many of those people could only be regarded as fighting enthusiasts. Li Molong's desperate men They were still far behind, so most of them died on the spot in the sudden attack.

On the second page, they are all the key members of the Violent Bear Club under Mo Long, and the number of survivors seems to be more than that of the White Bear Clan.

"Mo Long: President of the Violent Bear Club (whereabouts unknown)"

"Rita: Moron's Only Daughter (Whereabouts Unknown)"

"Wulisi: Moron's Wife (Dead)"


"It was almost uprooted. How could Steel be so strong?"

Lu En closed the file and asked. Just looking at these key personnel who were almost dead, he also knew that the so-called Violent Bear Society, the former hegemonic force of the Southeast Province, had no chance of turning around.

"Previously, the Iron and Steel Association had been at a disadvantage in the battle with Mo Long, but this time they seized the opportunity of Mo Long leaving his lair. It was almost a desperate move. They would be caught off guard when they hit the violent bear, and they were ruthless in killing people. I will never let it go!”

Adolf didn't have too many emotions. In fact, the reshuffle of underground forces is a very normal thing. Even the official attitude is tacit approval. It is impossible to allow one force to continue to grow and develop.

Lu En did not speak anymore. In fact, he was not familiar with the White Bear Sect, and even had some grudges with Nellie. However, his promise to Li Qinhu also failed to come true due to a series of changes that followed. He did not expect to die so soon. The two were confused.

"But how did Nim get involved with Moron, and with their strength, there are corroders in this Iron Society?"

Lu En asked with a frown.

Adolf shook his head.

"That's really weird. With Nim's strength, he won't be chased by some ordinary people anyway."

"Pay attention to them first but don't alarm them. If necessary, you can give them some help."

Lu En thought about it for a long time, and finally decided not to come forward for the time being. Nim is like a troublemaker who will follow him wherever he goes. Moreover, after learning his identity as a night watchman, Lu En will not act rashly. Who knows? There's something else hiding behind this guy.

For example, it's quite weird to be chased by some ordinary people now.

"In addition, the search cannot stop and we must find the two people I am looking for as soon as possible."

Lu En emphasized the last sentence, and Adolf nodded solemnly.

Another day passed, and there was still no trace of the black-robed man and the boy. However, Nim and others, who were secretly watched by the vampires, gradually fell into crisis.

The reason was that Mo Long's injuries were getting more and more serious. They did not dare to go to some big hospitals or regular hospitals for fear of attracting attention, so they privately found a black clinic for treatment. Who knew that Gang Gang would have thought of this a long time ago? , secretly posting a bounty, accompanied by warnings and threats.

So as soon as the clinic doctor treated Mo Long's injury, he sold them out. If Delina hadn't had a keen sense of smell again, they would have been blocked.

But for now, their situation is not much better. The place where the three of them are staying is a small hotel, which is operated without a license. There is nothing they can do about it. Under the influence of Delina, Nimu was also wary and distrustful of the authorities, and did not dare to register with his real identity. Molong had been on the federal wanted list since the collapse of the Violent Bear Society, and all three of them were now invisible.

The Iron and Steel Society seemed to have locked onto their scope and began to gradually narrow the scope of their search.

"Damn it, these guys are like candy, you can't get rid of them!"

Delina lowered the curtains. Even though she didn't care about ordinary people, she was a little panicked when she saw the members of the Steel Society going door to door looking for people. Originally, with their strength, it would be easy to deal with such a scene, but unfortunately, At this juncture.

Nim's gains in the last nightmare world were so huge that he entered the transformation period early and began to shrink his strength for brewing. Delina, who had just been bound to him and was so undead, also entered a low ebb. The originally extraordinary combat power Martial arts master Mo Long was seriously injured again.

"If you are discovered, you should leave first. Their target is me!"

Mo Long sat on the edge of the bed, wrapping bandages on his hands in circles, with a calm expression: "I will try my best to create opportunities for you. As long as I die, they won't make things difficult for you anymore."

"That's a good idea!"

Delina's eyes suddenly lit up, but before she could smile, Nim had already begun to shake his head, and his face showed determination that would not be distinguishable if thrown into a crowd: "I will not give up any of my companions. Don't worry, Uncle Molong. We will get out safely!"

"You're out of your mind!"

Delina held her forehead and sighed helplessly. She knew that nothing good had happened since she picked up this big bald man covered in blood on the road.

Knock knock knock.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly, which shocked the three people in the room at the same time. Delina and Nim reacted very quickly, and quickly stood on both sides of the wall behind the door, staring at the door warily, while the sitting ones Mo Long also stood up in a flash. No matter that the wound on his chest burst again, he quickly and quietly approached the door and listened.

knock knock

The knock on the door sounded again. Several people looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. If those guys from the Steel Society had discovered them, they would have broken in long ago. How could they knock on the door slowly? But if it wasn't the Steel Society, then it would be Who is it? Did someone else knock it wrong?

Mo Long's whole body tensed up, and he suddenly opened the door. A smoky black shadow rushed towards his face, sinking into his forehead at lightning speed, and then several figures broke in from the outside.

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