Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 165: Falling into a trap and the terrifying canned herring...

Chapter 165: Falling into a trap and the terrifying canned herring

The next day.

"Thanks, Luen!"

Standing at the entrance of the carriage, Nim looked at Lu En with gratitude in his eyes, and even wondered if he was too suspicious, but in the end he just opened his mouth and said goodbye to Lu En.

The responsibility and mission he carries are destined to bring disaster to everyone around him, whether it is his parents, friends, or good people who helped them along the way, etc. If Lu En really treats him as a friend, he will Don't have too much contact with them.

"I want to confirm again, Nim, are you sure you want to do this for a guy who deserves to die?"

Lu En stood quietly outside the carriage, with no one around. One of the members of the Blood Tribe Council was a railway tycoon, so it was not impossible to mobilize a special train to the imperial capital for a few people.

In the Federation, what big capitalists can do is far beyond the imagination of many people.

"No matter whether he deserves to die or not, he is still my companion!"

Nim had made up his mind, so he didn't look forward or backward. Even Delina gritted her teeth and stood behind him. Her expression looked like she wanted to beat him up. The strong negative aura made the masked woman on the side tremble.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat him, she would have tied Nim up with a rope and dragged him away.

"I will never give up on any of my companions!"

Nim looked into Luen's eyes with a firm expression and a strong tone.

"Then, I wish you good luck. In the Imperial Capital, my people can't give you much help, but if you need it, you can contact us at any time."

Luen said, and Nim nodded: "I will."

He turned around and took Delina and others into the carriage. Soon, the train was humming and moving slowly. In order to keep it confidential, there was no service staff except the driver on the train. There were only three of them in more than a dozen carriages.

Lu En squinted his eyes and watched the train gradually go away. Walter walked up next to him, his expression a little hesitant.

"Sir, the Imperial City is not within our sphere of influence. If they contact us, they will be exposed easily."

"Don't worry, he won't contact us again."

Lu En turned around and left.

"Nim, this guy is indeed more suitable to be friends with."

After learning the news about Mo Long, Nim said he was impulsive or stupid, but he chose to save people without hesitation. He wanted to save a man who was destined to die in the imperial capital, the headquarters of the Red Gloves, and the capital of the entire federation.

On the premise that it was 100% a trap, even Lu En would not dare to say that he could do it.

But even so, Nimu did not accept Luen's help, but only requested that they be sent to the imperial capital.

Because people are still searching for them in the entire Camp City, and the mask girl Nosha is seriously injured and has temporarily lost the ability to change her appearance and even gender at will.

However, from the information Lu En obtained from the nightmare fragments, he knew that as long as the main mask of the creature he named Mist Face was not damaged, other masks would soon be replenished.

It just seems to need to absorb human life force.

Not only her, but Delina also needs to absorb vitality if she wants to maintain or even improve her strength. I don’t know if Nim knows this. I think she should know it. Otherwise, with the characteristics of matte face, the speed of strength improvement will not be slow.

At least Delina's strength won't last so long, and she has just entered the threshold of the dean level.

"But if Nim doesn't commit suicide, how can I help him in times of need?"

The corner of Lu En's lips curled up. If he could save his life again, Nim would have to believe in him.

Talk about it.

Lu En's expression suddenly changed, and he thought of some possibility.

With Nim and the others alone, there is no doubt that this time they are in trouble, and there is no possibility of saving anyone. However, Lu En has not forgotten that every once in a while, a strange red light will appear around him, followed by countless nightmares. Monsters swarm out.

That guy, wouldn't he want to cause some big events in the imperial capital to fish in troubled waters, right?

After seeing Nim off, Lu En did not rush to follow him, nor did he return to Camp City where the riots had not yet subsided. Instead, he drove straight to a wilderness outside the city.

Speaking of which, the federal emergency measures were indeed proficient. Less than three hours after the incident, an unknown terrorist organization issued a statement claiming that it had released hallucinogenic poison gas in Camp City and was standing in a war-torn area. The resistance forces of the small country made demands to the Federation.

Moreover, the Federation responded quickly and immediately sent troops to support the government forces of the small country. It attacked the anti-government forces or terrorist organizations that had occupied half of the country, successfully diverting most people's attention.

Due to the characteristics of nightmare monsters, most people in Camp City follow others' opinions. Even those residents who saw monsters were mentally induced to believe that they were hallucinating.

After all, only you can see the monster, and no one else can see it. What is it if it's not an illusion?

Compared with the existence of various unreasonable phenomena and monsters in this world, most people are more willing to believe that these are hallucinations and conjectures caused by some external factors that cause insanity.

It's just pitiful for the small country's resistance organization, which is always very stubborn and opposes the federation's interference in internal affairs. Now, whether it's the federation or the international community, there are all voices condemning them.


The car drove outward along the road, and soon it was surrounded by withered grass and land. Then it slowly stopped. Lu En opened the car door and walked out, signaling Walter and others to drive away temporarily.

Having learned the lesson from the durian last time, Lu En did not dare to open the herring can in a crowded place this time.

After he ate the particularly strong-smelling durian in one go last time, the smell from that room lingered for several days. A servant who went in to clean the room even fainted from the fumes. The situation was extremely tragic.

But what he got this time was not only the infamous canned herring, but also a specially enhanced version of the food spirit. To be honest, Lu En felt a little uneasy.

Especially when he wants to eat this thing into his stomach.

Walter parked the car about a hundred meters away from Lu En, but after thinking about it, he still motioned for them to stay further away, further away, until it turned into a black dot.

He stopped breathing and took out the can directly. He didn't use any tools. He pinched it lightly with his fingers and squeezed hard. The edge of the lid naturally tilted up. At the same time, an extremely strong and indescribable stench floated down the wind. Out, the blink of an eye fills the surrounding area.


Lu En finally understood the power of the so-called enhanced version of the food spirit. Even if he held his breath, there was still a stench that passed through his pores and rushed straight to his brain. He instantly felt an unparalleled sourness, and his tear ducts were severely stimulated. With his His physical condition made him burst into tears in an instant!

Oh no!

Some birds that inhabited the wilderness flapped their wings violently and fled away in panic, stumbling. The same was true for some insects. Lu En even saw a hibernating snake emerging from the ground without warning. He hesitated and swam away from him.


There was movement on the ground not far away from him. A marmot screamed and dug a hole with its claws. It crawled out of the ground unsteadily. Perhaps it had eaten too much for the winter and had accumulated too much fat, so it was slow. Not fast, but getting slower and slower.


Under Lu En's eyes, the marmot foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground. Its small pearly eyes revealed deep despair for the world.

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