Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 166 (True): Knowledge: The Army of the Old Gods!

How to eat a canned herring?

Many people have many methods, but Lu En feels that none of them are as simple as his own.

The first step is to open the can.

The second step is to pour it all into your mouth.

The third step is to swallow it.

It was a perfect three-step route. Lu En's only regret was that his throat was a little smaller, otherwise he could have saved the first step and swallowed the can in one gulp, which was simple and quick.

Of course, as to why the great King of Blood turned pale afterwards, as if he had lost too much blood, it is a personal dark history, who will die!

In short, Lu En solved the matter perfectly and got what he wanted.

"Stamina +6"

"Strength +5"

"You gain the trait: Nightmare Creature"

"You gain knowledge: The Legion of the Old Gods"

"You gained 1 skill point"

As expected, the Pale Fang did not disappoint Lu En, giving him a full 11 attribute points, which made up for some of the consumption he had spent on condensing the Blood Face. At this moment, his four-dimensional attributes also became like this:

"Spirit: 5.2 (52)"

"Stamina: 5.8 (58)"

"Strength: 5.2 (52)"

"Agility: 4.7 (47)"

While maintaining human form, the power he can exert is one-tenth that of the Blood Lord, but even so, he can be considered invincible under the Bishop.

Under the same circumstances, Nim would only be stronger than ordinary people without transforming. Of course, conscious experience and the like were not included in this.

In addition, of course there are weapons. It is worth mentioning that Lu En gradually collected some information about the Red Gloves through the growing vampire clan, and discovered that the biggest difference between the Red Gloves and the Corruptors is that from low to high, except for the Night Watch , all seem to be taking the path of relying on external objects.

Through certain methods, they can attach the power of evil spirits to some tools or weapons, thereby allowing the holder to become a powerful transcendent. Of course, the disadvantages of this are also serious. Not only will the holder be affected by evil spirits, The power continues to erode and alienate, and each use consumes one's own life force.

Although they use tools, Lu En feels that humans are more like tools.

But this is not without its benefits. Regardless of whether it is cruel or not, this allows the red glove personnel to be replenished at an unusually fast rate, and the combat power is basically stable, thus maintaining the overall situation of the entire federation.

In other words, is this an assembly line type that produces extraordinary beings in batches, or is it a one-time thing that can only be used for a few years?

Everyone who joins the Red Gloves understands these consequences, but every time they suffer a major loss, their personnel can always quickly replace it. These are no secrets in the extraordinary world.

The Red Gloves were so powerful that they suppressed the entire extraordinary world of the Federation. Even the original sects were forced to go underground. In addition to the high-end power of the Night Watch, they relied on countless ordinary people who were brave and unafraid of death.

In this world, all the peaceful years are just because someone is carrying the burden for you.

Unconsciously, Lu En's thoughts were a little wandering, but he quickly gathered them back and continued to look at the rest of the harvest.

"Characteristics: Nightmare Creature!"

"This is the legacy of a powerful creature that allows you to transform yourself into a special species: a nightmare creature!"

"Warning, characteristic conversion will be rejected by this world, please choose the host carefully!"

"Warning, the characteristic conversion will force the host's profession to be changed to: Nightmare Lord, please choose the host carefully!"


Lu En originally thought that the so-called characteristics were insignificant, but after taking a closer look, he suddenly took a slight breath of cold air. This thing simply wanted to switch camps on its own!

Without hesitation, Lu En chose not to. Not to mention being rejected by the world, just the forced transformation of himself into the so-called Nightmare Lord already made him feel disgusted.

Moreover, the name of this profession sounds like a second-hand job or something for the masses.

"Due to continued rejection from this world, the characteristics of the nightmare creature will dissipate in about three hours. The host is asked to make a decision as soon as possible."

A reminder appeared in the corner of his eye, and Lu En didn't even think about it.

"Let it die."

If this thing doesn't dissipate, will it still be there for the New Year? Lu En is crazy to change his characteristics and become a so-called nightmare creature.

With such a precedent, Lu En didn't have much hope for the knowledge he would gain and glanced at it hastily.

"Legion of the Old Gods!"

"Although it has been forgotten by all living things and even the world, the traces of the old gods' past existence are indelible, and the Legion of the Old Gods is one of them."

"You can use any sacrifice to summon these creations, dependents, descendants, and related objects that once belonged to the old gods."

"Currently summonable object: ****Creation: Ruler Ku'alun!"

"Demand: None (unilaterally paid)"

"Restrictions: None (can be summoned at any time)"

"When you get this knowledge, you get the key to destroying the world!"

"Be careful, this may attract the attention of some great beings!"

A lot of mysterious and complex knowledge emerged out of thin air in Lu En's mind, as if they had originally existed, but were now brought back to life by him, and these were undoubtedly methods to summon the so-called Legion of Old Gods!

A drop of water, a piece of paper, or a wooden board can be used as a sacrifice for summoning. If you are lucky enough, you can even summon it using the air.

But this does not mean that it is a good thing. On the contrary, the simplest part of the entire ritual is the summoning, and the most difficult thing is how to survive after the summoning is successful.

As long as you can survive, you can try to solidify the stable summons and pay the price to help yourself attack the enemy.

Pale Fang and Ku'alun have a similar relationship, but this random summoning method is destined to have very little restrictions on both parties. Therefore, when Ku'alun saw Luen, he chose to betray White Fang without hesitation.

Even with the knowledge Lu En gained, if he summoned Ku'alun, he would not have to pay anything at all. The other party had already brought his own dry food and was ready to respond to his call at any time.

It feels like suddenly inheriting a million-dollar fortune and getting a loyal old butler. It's very subtle.

Lu En felt the knowledge emerging in his mind, and couldn't help but feel eager to try it. Mainly because he suddenly realized that if he could summon a powerful monster, it would be a good thing for him.

Isn’t this food delivered to your door?

Thinking of this, Lu En decisively chose to deflect and let Walter take him to a remote underground parking lot.

This is the underground of a building to be demolished. There is dust and garbage everywhere, and there are several long cracks on the walls. It is a veritable dangerous building. Even homeless people do not dare to live here, but this is exactly what Lu En wants.

He couldn't wait to test his conjecture.

The preparation work was very simple. He only needed to use blood to draw some patterns called old seals on the ground. This was easy for Lu En. He didn't even need to do it himself. He controlled the blood to outline the entire pattern on the ground.

It looks like countless eyes or tentacles are entangled together. Looking at it for a long time will make people feel dizzy, and then produce some inexplicable impulse.

This is also the price for mortals to obtain this knowledge. In the process of contact, their reason and thoughts will gradually be reduced and distorted.

No power is without consequences.

After drawing the old seal, Lu En glanced at it, pulled a plastic bag from the garbage nearby and threw it in. Then he closed his eyes and began to communicate with the Old God Army according to the description of this knowledge.

If various ritual spells, spices and essential oils are supplemented, the success rate of beginners will be greatly increased. However, Lu En naturally does not need it. He emits weak mental fluctuations, disguises himself as an ordinary person, and vibrates at a certain frequency. Soon , he felt that his spirit seemed to extend infinitely, breaking through countless barriers and arriving at a mysterious space.

It was like a small fish falling into the water. In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts surged around him, rushing towards him like a violent shark. The one closest to him was also the fastest, and it immediately made contact with his spirit. and answered his call without hesitation.


The garbage bag in the middle of the old seal quietly turned into a ball of powder, and then the pattern outlined by the blood seemed to come alive. The cement floor twisted to form a vortex, and a bright red claw that looked like a skin stretched out from it, and then Resembling a wolfdog's head, six scarlet eyes are neatly arranged on both sides.


As soon as it stretched out its head, the monster became extremely excited. It opened its mouth and roared, and tried hard to climb out of the whirlpool with its claws. Then it turned its head and all six eyes fell on Lu En.


The next second, the monster shrank its head, closed its mouth, and retreated violently into the whirlpool.

The last chapter was supposed to be one hundred and sixty-one. I can’t change it back. I’m really a little dizzy.

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