Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 167 Look, this is the Holy Light! (Please subscribe!)


Lu En reacted instantly. While he was confused, he also ignored the disguise and directly burst into the middle of the old seal with supernormal speed and grabbed the monster's claws.

"come out!"


Just as Lu En was about to pull him out of the whirlpool, the monster with the wolf-dog head let out a shrill scream. Lu En's hand suddenly let go, and a bloody claw was pulled out by him, and it was all disconnected from the joints. The monster Then he plunged into the whirlpool, and his breath quickly dissipated.

This means that the summoning ritual has failed.

what's the situation?

Lu En held up the skinned claw of the monster in his hand, and was a little dumbfounded. Although he imagined many situations, some of his rituals failed, some of them succeeded, and the monster came out to attack him, or he fell down and bowed down, like Cu'alun. so.

But what is the operation of running away as soon as you see yourself?

He has obviously disguised himself very well. Whether it is breath or mental fluctuations, they are no different from ordinary people. He has even hidden his own power. Could it be that this monster is afraid of humans?

Or was there something exposed that I didn't know about?

After thinking for a long time, Lu En could not think of anything else besides proving that the method was indeed effective and simple, so he simply decided to try again.

The blood that had been used once had been mixed with the dust on the ground, and had lost its luster. Lu En waved his hand to disturb the pattern of the old seal, and then chose a new place to start sketching.

This time he compressed his breath to the extreme, and exuded panic, weakness, and pitiful mental fluctuations to attract more powerful monsters.

By the way, the claws left behind by the monster warrior's broken arm were thrown in as a sacrifice.

The ritual is very simple. Even an ordinary person can communicate with many existences of the Old God Legion as long as he follows the steps. If you don't consider the consequences of a sudden loss of sanity, it is not a problem to do it three or five times a day.

This is also the reason why many worlds block and destroy knowledge about the Old God Legion. It is too dangerous. All intelligent creatures have some kind of self-destruction or death-seeking ability. Even if they know that it is the key to the gate of hell, many people will not be able to help but try it. try.

It was still that mysterious space, and Lu En's spirit still caused countless riots of thoughts. This time Lu En learned his lesson and did not take the lead in contacting other thoughts. Instead, hesitant fluctuations appeared, which was actually filtering. Powerful monster.

Although after the ceremony is successful, it has no binding force on both parties, at least now, it is a two-way choice.

If Lu En did not take the initiative to contact them, these thoughts would not be able to force Lu En to come.

However, being unable to force does not mean that he cannot be influenced. Countless thoughts sent out seductive mental fluctuations towards Lu En, trying to lure him to summon him. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been overwhelmed by these fluctuations.


Suddenly, some thoughts that came into contact with Lu En scattered around, and a thought that was much stronger than the surrounding ones squeezed in, sending out strong mental fluctuations towards Lu En.

Specifically, it is nothing more than tempting options such as being able to help him, giving him great power, or taking revenge.

But for ordinary people, this intensity is no longer a temptation, but a hypnosis.

You are the one!

Lu En was overjoyed, quickly made contact with this idea, and completed the summoning ceremony.

The sacrifices in the old seal quickly disappeared and turned into powder. A vortex that was nearly twice as big as before emerged, from which slowly emerged a radiant human figure with white wings on its back, like an angel.

His whole body was shrouded in dim light, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly. Lu En felt a reassuring warm power gradually spread, and a soft voice sounded in his ears.

"Poor human being, tell me your purpose, and the great Cantos can fulfill all your wishes."

Wrapped in layers of light, countless eyeballs appeared on a ball of soft green flesh, looking around. From time to time, small tentacles protruded from the body, or some fang spikes emerged, slowly approaching the road. kindness.

"Can I wish for anything?"

Since the other party wanted to compete with him for the statuette, Lu En was naturally not to be outdone, his body was trembling slightly, and the expression on his face looking at the angel was both excited and a little fearful, and finally turned into a mixture of excitement and greed.

"Of course, my child, the great light will always protect you!"

The monster raised several tentacles, and the angel stretched out his palm, seemingly wanting to touch Lu En's head.

Lu En calmly took a step back, dodged the palm, raised his head and clenched his fists, his face extremely excited!

"I want to rule the world, I want a lot of money, a lot of beauties, and a lot of food!"

The angel's figure stagnated slightly, and then he flapped his wings gently and floated in front of Lu En.

"Of course, the great light will fulfill all your wishes, it only requires you to pay a small price!"

"What price?"

Lu En's expression changed, as if he noticed something, and slowly moved back.

"It's just a trivial thing."

Countless eyeballs on the ball of flesh were staring at Lu En, exuding strong covetousness and malice. Suddenly, several tentacles stretched, and countless densely packed tiny teeth appeared on them. The voice was still extremely soft.

"Just let him fill his stomach!"


The tentacle suddenly fell on Lu En's shoulder, and the many tiny teeth wriggled and tightened, trying to penetrate deep into the flesh, but with all their strength, they could only make small pits on the surface of the skin.

Not even a scratch was left!

Lu En looked down at his shoulder, and then at the meaty monster that was obviously dull. Countless eyeballs were all looking at him. All the disguised expressions on his face disappeared, leaving only a calm look.

"Exactly, I also want to change my wish!"


The meat ball monster suddenly retracted its tentacles and let out a cry of terror. The Holy Light Angel in front of Lu En suddenly turned into a ball of light and tried to fly away in a blink of an eye.


However, Lu En's acting with it was not only because of his bad taste, but also because he was afraid of making the same mistake again. Therefore, when the vortex on the ground had disappeared, he suddenly took action and pinched the meat ball in his hand.


The soft and glorious holy light disappeared in his hand, and was replaced by a monster that would lower one's sanity just by looking at it. Countless eyeballs, tentacles or teeth were squeezed into a mass of green flesh, and greasy mucus dripped from time to time. Struggling.

"So weak?"

Lu En squeezed the monster hard, feeling some alien energy trying to invade through the skin. However, as soon as it penetrated, it was torn into pieces by the power surging in Lu En's blood, as if he was squeezing a very tough ball. Plasticine that also squirms.

There was a slight doubt in my heart.

In that mysterious space, he clearly felt that the monster's mental fluctuations were not weak. Why was his strength so small?

"Powerful existence, I am willing to surrender to you and sign a contract with you!"

The meatball seemed to be very frightened, struggling in Luen's hands, and emitting waves of mental fluctuations, begging Luen for mercy.

"No need, you are too weak."

Lu En had no expression on his face as he activated his soul-eating ability. In the blink of an eye, the meat ball turned into black ash and fell from his fingers without even having time to struggle or scream. What was left behind was not food, but a ball. shimmer.

"You have obtained the skill enhancement material: Light of Deception!"

"Look, this is the Holy Light!"

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