Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 190 Do you want to be a hero for a few seconds?

"How long until the ceremony?"

"It will take five minutes at the earliest!"

"Where's the upward exit?"

"There were too many corrosives and out-of-control ones rushing in. We were blocked below. The two presiding judges were entangled. The output index has reached the limit and we cannot escape from the battlefield!"

"An unknown energy barrier appears outside the headquarters, and Judge Herbert is trying to break through!"

"Outgoing support personnel encountered unknown attacks and suffered heavy casualties!"

"The federation sent a communication requesting that the accident be handled as soon as possible to reduce the adverse effects!"

"The first-floor structure was severely damaged and there is a risk of overall collapse!"


One bad news after another reached his ears, causing this middle-aged man with sparse hair to pull his hair in pain, and bloodshot eyes appeared. Red Gloves members came and went with uneasy faces, among which The atmosphere was filled with great tension.

Being knocked at the door of the headquarters in the Imperial Capital, let alone happening, many members of the Red Gloves had never even thought about it.

"Where's the director? Still haven't been contacted?"

"Communications in the director's area are completely blocked, and as usual, they don't carry any communication tools!"

A red-haired woman kept sliding the tablet in her hand, spitting out increasingly bad news about the current situation.

"Damn it, this is definitely premeditated. Only a few people know the director's whereabouts. There is a traitor among us!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, inserted his fingers into his hair, and pulled his scalp, trying to calm down.

"How is Dr. Willy? He should be in a safe area, right?"

After a few seconds, he asked again.

"All surviving personnel have been notified, every effort has been made to protect Dr. Wiley, and access to the nearest shelter has been granted, as long as"

As the red-haired woman spoke, she suddenly stopped and looked up at the middle-aged man with shock on her face: "The doctor has not arrived at the shelter. The positioning shows that he is near the exit on the second floor!"


The middle-aged man stood up quickly, not even noticing that a few strands of blond hair appeared between his fingers: "Why are you there, protecting him?"

"The mortality rate for members approaching the doctor reaches 80%!"

The red-haired woman's eyes widened: "This means that the doctor is being hunted by people. The target of these people is Dr. Willy!!!"

"Impossible. Dr. Willy's information is top secret. How could they know, by the way, the prototype that the doctor is building?"

"Still in his hands"

The middle-aged man's movements were sluggish, as if time was suddenly frozen. After a few seconds, he seemed to be suddenly activated and jumped up!

"Activate the emergency plan, open all shelters, all members, move down, hurry up!"

"Notify the federal government so they can prepare!"

The middle-aged man's tone was trembling and his face was pale: "Be prepared for the upcoming volcanic eruption in the imperial capital, or a major earthquake, or even a powerful natural disaster such as a flood!"

"I think you have found the wrong person?"

Hidden behind Lu En, Dr. Willy looked at the woman in front of him, his head shrunk with fear on his face, but his palm involuntarily held the pendant on his chest that Lu En noticed.

"I'm just an ordinary scientist, and my name is not Willy, my name is Foster!"

"I'm sorry, I have no interest in playing games with you. Kill this man and take him away!"

The woman pointed her slender finger at Lu En, and an ax whirled towards Lu En's head. The other monster took a big step and grabbed Dr. Willy with its huge palm.


The ax made a big hole in the wall, and the big hand reaching for Willy was in vain. Luen twisted and nimbly avoided the attack, and by the way, he grabbed Willy's shoulder and led him out together.


The woman raised her eyebrows, and the two monsters beside her roared in anger, and rushed towards Lu En with their axes.

"Stop, or we'll die together!"

For Lu En, there was no pressure to dodge such an attack, but there was no need to dodge at this time, because Willy suddenly ripped off the pendant from his chest, held it in his hand and shouted sharply.


The two axes stopped above Willy's head, and the strong wind they carried made the man's face hurt. This was not because the two monsters were afraid of death, nor was it because the woman stopped them, but simply because they had the thought of not being able to harm them. Willie's orders.

"You know what this is, and you know the consequences. Let us go, or I will activate it and no one can run away!"

Sweat beaded on Willy's forehead as he stared at the woman who suddenly appeared. The latter smiled sweetly. Not only did she not have any panic on her face, she walked slowly towards Willy.

"I would be happy if more than half of the people in the imperial capital could be buried with me."

Lu En's pupils shrank suddenly and fell on the ball in Willy's hand.

"Who are you and why do you know?"

Willy's expression changed drastically. These and even his identity should be classified as top secret. Even if not many people inside Red Gloves knew about it, let alone this sudden force.

"I know, there are many more. If you want, we can keep talking, but first, you have to come with us. Believe me, you will get far more resources than in the Red Gloves. Study what you want to study. everything of."

"This is the dream of all scientists, isn't it? Dr. Willy, you are a genius and should not be restricted!"

The woman walked closer and closer, with a smile on her face that said she had everything under control: "There is no need to think about delaying time. The fastest night watchman will arrive in three minutes?"

"Those who know this information must belong to the top or even the core. It is not difficult to find out. Is it worth paying such a price for me, an ordinary person?"

Willy said coldly, putting one hand behind his back and twitching his fingers at Lu En.

"Even bishop-level evil spirit armor can be developed. What's not worth it?"

The woman exhaled like blue, and suddenly flicked her fingers, and two black lines attacked Lu En and Willy at the same time, but the one aimed at Willy's wrist was aimed at Lu En's head.

"Take it!"

But at the same time, Willy also moved, turned around and suddenly thrust the ball in his hand towards Lu En, and then rushed forward, trying to help Lu En block the attack.

"Like activating your weapon, activate it and I've deactivated it!"

Needless to say, Lu En already felt that what he took in his hand was like a ball of restless flames. A wave of power spread along his arm and rushed into his body. A fierce conflict suddenly broke out with the power of blood!

This force was overbearing and overbearing. When it was released, it also tried to absorb all the vitality in Lu En's body. With the strength of the blood, it actually felt unstoppable.

This is a higher level of power than the bishop level!

call out!

The two black lines stopped abruptly in front of Willy. The woman's expression changed at first, and then when she saw Lu En was stunned and motionless, she relaxed again and grabbed Willy's shoulder.

"It seems there are still many smart people."

She stopped and smiled at Lu En: "Without a tailor-made energy storage device and armor, this thing can suck you into a mummy in less than ten seconds. You made the right decision not to activate it."

"How about you give me your things and I'll let you live?"

"What are you waiting for, activate it and kill these monsters!"

Willy stared at Lu En and yelled: "Would you choose to be a coward for the rest of your life, or be a hero for a few seconds? Uh-huh!"

The woman's waist-length hair was like a living thing, blocking Willy's mouth. The woman looked at Lu En, who was motionless, and her smile became even brighter: "I swear in the name of God, if you give me the things, you can leave safely. No deception!”

Under the woman's softer smile and Willy's increasingly desperate eyes, Lu En raised the hand holding the ball, then looked at the woman's white palm, and changed the ball from his right hand to his left hand. .


The woman's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It almost capsized in the gutter, and it would have been funny if he blew himself up!"

Under the confused gazes of the two people, Lu En moved his right hand, and a ball of blue fluorescence emerged. He pinched it away, and then grinned.

"Actually, I don't know how to activate the red gloves."

Suddenly, a dark red color began to spread in his left hand, and blue light seeped out from between his fingers, and was pressed back by Lu En.

"But I have a better solution!"


Countless dark red wings spread out in layers from his back, and continuous blood flames accompanied his side. Lu En's body gradually grew taller, and a blood-based gold-patterned robe was draped on his body. Two more arms emerged from behind, and two At the temple area, two eyes suddenly opened again.

"And I prefer my method!"

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