Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 191 Prototype of natural disaster and double happiness monster! (Please give me a monthly su

Chapter 191 Prototype of natural disaster and double happiness monster! (Please give me a monthly subscription recommendation -)

When you lift your foot and prepare to crush a small ant to death, you find that the ant suddenly turns into an elephant. Please ask for the specific psychological shadow area at this moment.

The woman's inner feelings now are roughly similar to the above-mentioned topic. Her smile is stiff, and at the same time there is an indescribable fear in her heart. This is a sense of oppression originating from the life level.

In a sense, those above and below the bishop level can be regarded as two different species.

"In this form, a level 10 creature?"

Because he was an ordinary person, Willy felt relatively little pressure, but he was still stunned as he watched Lu En's voice change, and couldn't help but mutter to himself.


However, the moment he opened his mouth, the woman woke up from the shock instantly. Without saying a word, Willy's hair was tangled into a rice dumpling, and she quickly backed away.

"Stop him!!!"

Knowing her bishop-level strength, she didn't even have the desire to confront Lu En. She screamed, and the two axe-carrying monsters beside her hesitated a little, but still rushed towards Lu En.

"This look looks a bit familiar."

Lu En took a leisurely stroll and walked forward. Many red streamers emerged from the wings on his back, lingering around. As soon as they touched the wall and the ground, there were extremely sharp scratches, like countless sharp blades.

Blood control!

One of the innate abilities of the Lord of Blood, the power of blood is contained in the blood and can change at will according to Lu En's will. It can be soft or hard, long or short, but like other abilities, it requires a large amount of blood as a prerequisite.

Therefore, matching this ability is another talent of the Lord of Blood: Blood Domain.

If Lu En is willing, he can cover an area with a diameter of about three kilometers centered on himself with blood mist, absorbing the blood and even vitality of all living creatures in it, just like the previous research institute of the Spiritual Religion Group, a Ordinary people would be sucked into mummies within a few minutes of entering.

And various monsters controlled by Luen will also be derived from this, such as blood shadows and zombie monsters.

The strength has reached the bishop level, and it already has the flavor of a mobile natural disaster. If Lu En drives the blood field and walks around the imperial capital, the disaster it will cause is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, there were very few Luen, or even basically no territory. However, with only blood control, the two Grand Priest-level monsters were no different from the Believer-level monsters in his eyes.

It's all a matter of one move.


The two red lines broke through the obstacle and easily penetrated the axe-carrying monster's forehead. After Lu En passed by, they quickly turned into a pile of withered bones, and the extraordinary power contained in the body was absorbed and collected.

The woman was not slow, but Lu En was faster, and faster than him were the bloody streamers around him that were like living creatures, swimming flexibly, like sharks that smelled blood, and rushed towards the woman!

"You are from the original sect!"

The woman's face was extremely ugly, but she did not show despair. Instead, she screamed. From the ground beneath her, countless vine-like objects spread along the ground towards Lu En.

She seems to have mistaken Lu En's identity, or it cannot be said to be a mistake. There is no other strong bishop-level person who can maintain human consciousness except the original sect. The others are either evil spirits or out-of-control people.

Except for the Tritheism, they have another power system.

"A useless struggle."

Lu En didn't make any other moves, he just walked forward. The vines near him withered quickly, dried up, and were then smashed into pieces by the bloody streamers. Facing the incoming streamers, the woman loosened her grip on Willy's hair. , went straight to greet him.

The result was no surprise. The woman's waist-length black hair was scattered all over the floor. The blood-colored ribbon was only slightly blocked before it continued to wrap around her.


The wall next to it shattered, and a short, fat human figure wearing a God's mask jumped out, holding a war hammer, and rushed towards Piao without hesitation, blocking the woman behind him with his body.

At the same time, two more axe-carrying monsters smashed the wall, blocked Lu En's front, and chopped down on his head with giant axes!

Isn’t it over yet?

Lu En frowned slightly, and squeezed the ball tightly with his left hand. The two axe-carrying monsters felt their eyes blurred. Lu En's huge body disappeared, and then he felt the world was spinning, and the two bodies without heads suddenly collapsed. Fall to the ground.


The next moment, Lu En appeared in front of the woman, pinched her neck, and the other two hands on his side pulled away the remaining hair, and rescued Willy.


Then Lu En exerted a little force with his fingers, and a crisp sound suddenly came from his hand. The woman's head suddenly tilted to one side unnaturally. She opened her mouth to say something, but a large amount of blood foam came out.

Bloody ribbons came from all around and wrapped around the woman. This woman, whose name Lu En had not even asked, just died in his hands, and her body would soon be gone.

Although her own strength is not weak, and there are several Grand Priest-level monsters around her for her to control, in the face of absolute power, everything is in vain.


Lu En's eyes suddenly moved. Instead of shrinking, the figure of the woman wrapped in a bloody ribbon began to expand violently!


A fair and slender arm tore open the ribbon and poked out from inside. Then under Lu En's eyes, it quickly expanded and turned into dark red, like the color of a blood clot after condensation.

A rustling low whisper sounded beside him, and the blood-colored ribbon exploded into a blood mist. A face emerged from it, wearing a pale mask of God, with eyes full of hatred.

A figure similar to those monsters of the Catholic Doomsday Sect stood up, with a slender figure and obvious female characteristics. There were two mysterious bulges on the chest, and long black hair fell down like a waterfall, dragging on the ground.

The only difference may be that although this monster's eyes are full of resentment and unwillingness, the moment it appears, its figure begins to retreat quickly and quickly moves away from Lu En. It is not brainless like other monsters, but has its own thoughts and will.

Even though her form changed drastically and her strength increased dramatically, she still had no idea of ​​fighting against Lu En.

"What are you looking at?"

But she wanted to escape, but she also wanted to ask Lu En if he would agree. She reached out and made a move, and countless blood-colored streamers fused with each other on her side, and suddenly stretched, forming a large knife dozens of meters long, which Lu En held and chopped down!


The blade followed the monster's head without any hindrance, split it into two parts, and fell to the ground. The next scene was a bit unexpected. There were no internal organs, no bones, or even blood inside the cut flesh. There was only The squirming flesh sprouts!

The monster that he split into two actually grew the other half of its body at the same time, and its speed did not decrease at all. It ran away in two different directions, both looking exactly the same.

Double happy monster?

Lu En flicked his fingers, and the dozens of meters long knife turned into a bloody streamer and lingered around, but he did not choose to pursue it again.

First, there is obviously some kind of power hidden in the opponent's body, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to solve it for a while. If he did not have the ball in his hand, Lu En might still try using the food spirit, but it is obvious that the importance of the two is not at the same level.

And the second and most important, there is not enough time.

It is estimated that in a minute or two, Red Gloves will summon the night watchman. The time left for him now is used to run away.


Grasping Dr. Willy, Lu En no longer had any worries and rushed all the way. The streamers around him were like sharp knives tearing apart all obstacles. He quickly arrived at the place where he landed. The big worm with several heads in the distance was still devouring everything. I am ignorant of my surroundings.

However, for those who are out of control, animal nature has dominated everything. This is not surprising. With a leap, Luen jumped onto the first floor. However, what hit him was a black hole-like whirlpool in the distance!

There was a black dagger stuck in Nim's chest. Root-like black lines spread all over his body along the dagger. He was lying in a big pit covered in blood. A figure fluttered in the air and looked at the black hole emerging behind Nim.

clang! ! !

The bell rang, and Lu En smelled danger.

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