Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 200 Nimu becomes more courageous with every setback!

Luen is no stranger to nightmare creatures.

From the spider monster that Nim met at the beginning, to all the other ones that followed, Lu En had dealt with a lot, and at the same time he had learned a lot of experience.

Lu En felt that apart from the characteristics of nightmare creatures appearing in the real world, looking at individuals, a single nightmare creature is not an opponent of evil spirits or corroders.

They gave Luen the feeling that they were like some extremely ferocious beasts. They relied entirely on their strong bodies, extraordinary strength and speed to fight. Almost all of the invaders Luen encountered had unique abilities. , with obvious extraordinary characteristics.

Moreover, many corrosives still retain human intelligence, and combined with various strange abilities, they are much more difficult to deal with than nightmare creatures.

Of course, on the other hand, the number of nightmare creatures is much greater than that of corroders. When Nim was in Camp City, the passage was opened, and the random monsters that rushed out flooded half of the city, and there were many more. A powerful patriarch or even a bishop.

As for the corrosives, Lu En also saw it with his own eyes. The corrosives lurking throughout the imperial capital, together with the monsters controlled by them, and the out-of-control ones, were enough to flood the area where the Red Gloves headquarters was located. The time is not proportional at all!

Therefore, after two moves, Lu En understood that the sea monster in front of him was the same as the big spider he encountered for the first time. It could not use any extraordinary power. In other words, their extraordinary power was different from the previous one. The unusually large body, the power and speed it brings, and so on.

When encountering enemies of the same level, especially those below the bishop level, there is no doubt that the larger the size, the greater the advantage.

Just like being at the peak of the Grand Priest, Nim also has the ability to control water. It has taken a lot of effort to deal with the relatively huge snake mother in the water. If he were to deal with this sea monster, it would be impossible to do it.

He fought around the sea monster for a long time, maybe just to scratch it, but if he was thrown by the sea monster's tentacles, vomiting blood would be the least serious consequence.

This is the advantage brought by size. Before reaching the bishop level and the extraordinary power in the body is greatly enhanced, facing this kind of monster, one must either turn around and run away, or one can only aim at the vital points.

However, in front of Lu En, the pressure brought by his huge body was almost non-existent. To him, this was just a target. From the moment the sea monster swallowed the first blood shadow that explored his path, the outcome was already there. Destined.

Not to mention the giant spear transformed by the power of blood, which could be stabbed through the sea monster's open mouth with extremely precise accuracy.

Then it exploded with a bang.

A huge amount of blood mist began to spread, covering the sea monster's huge body on the sea surface and underwater. Nim, who was confused in the sea, hurriedly avoided it. The blood field gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Bang bang!

Green blood and visceral fragments gushed out from the sea monster's mouth. It kept flapping its tentacles in the water, struggling to death, but its movements became slower and slower. When the sea surface emerged from the past, you could only vaguely see a few huge tentacles floating on the sea surface.

"Is this the strength of a bishop?"

He was stunned, looking up at Lu En, whose figure had been floating high in the sky, as light as a cloud, and felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart.

Nim didn't have any special feelings about anyone else, not even the Archbishop, but Lu En, who obviously got extraordinary power at about the same time as him. Calculating it carefully, it was his first time entering the nightmare world, even more powerful than Lu En. Earlier, it turned out that every time they met, he could only look up.

"Delina said that in every era, the Nightmare Son is the absolute protagonist. Why would it not work if I put it here?"

Nim was confused, and then saw the water surging, a monster with a body like a beehive floating over, shrinking into a ball, surrounded by countless flying snake corpses.

"Sorry, I stole your blame."

Lu En's voice came over, and his body was slowly descending. Nim was unwilling to continue looking up at him in the water, so he simply jumped out and stepped on the sea as if he were walking on flat ground.

"The monster you kill is yours, there is nothing you can't steal."

He glanced at Lu En, and suddenly a cry for help rang out in the distance, and then he saw Dr. Willy running away like a rabbit on a small island in the distance, followed by a group of green-scaled murlocs.

If those murlocs hadn't had webbed feet, making it difficult for them to walk, he would have been caught up long ago. But even so, Willy was still in danger due to his old age and frailty.


"Someone come and save this genius of mine!"

Nimu's eyelids twitched, but he still turned around and ran towards the island. The water waves pushed him under his feet, making him faster.

"Wait, Lu En, I won't fall behind you!"

Nim secretly gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Although not long had passed, his mentality was completely different from before.

Delina often said in his ears that he was the last hope of the world and the protagonist of the era. There was no doubt that it had a huge influence on him. At the very least, his competitive spirit began to grow strongly.

He actually has a secret that he has not told Lu En. As long as the power of giving back is enough, it will not be a problem for him to become a bishop or even an archbishop, because he has no bottlenecks.

This is the true horror of the Nightmare Children and the Night's Watch!

Behind him, Lu En also withdrew his gaze. Both he and Nim were full of confidence in themselves. With the existence of soul-eating spirits, even if he was the Nightmare Son, he didn't feel much pressure.

The Blood Domain continues to expand on the sea. Lu En can feel abundant life force flowing, turning into blood-colored filaments and sinking into his wings. These can be converted into the power of blood, and can also be used to expand the Blood Domain, but Lu En decided to increase his reserves of blood power first.

Lu En gained a lot from this huge sea monster. If an adult man was used as the unit of measurement, then this time he gained at least as much life force as tens of thousands of people.

It can be said that you become rich instantly!

"Sure enough, this is the most suitable place for me and Shi Ling."

Lu En slowly fell into the blood mist, letting the blood domain block the outside sight, feeling excited in his heart.

If we were to change to the real world, we would either have to massacre ordinary people, or we would have to look for those powerful corroders. How could the nightmare world be so enjoyable? To Lu En, this place was filled with treasures, like a rat in a rice vat!

The Blood Lord is a profession that requires accumulation. The more vitality you have, the more blood power you will have, and your various abilities will become stronger and stronger. Apart from anything else, if you encounter a sea monster again now, Lu En will wave his hand. Who can withstand dozens of giant spears like before that can be condensed?

"But these monsters are obviously coming for Nim. This guy is really a qualified monster attractor!"

Lu En landed in the middle of the sea, restraining the blood domain from spreading so as not to cover the island. The power of blood condensed into a recliner, allowing him to sit down and reach out to take out something from his arms.

"But in the nightmare world, the real master who is not allowed to hunt him will pop up, so we still have to strengthen our strength as soon as possible!"

He stared at the object in his hand, which was a bunch of crystal clear grapes, about a dozen of them, each one was extremely round, like the top pearls, except that they looked green.

It looked like a bunch of irradiated fruit from the prototype that Willy had handed him.

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