Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 201 Weirdness and Absorption!

In a dark ruin somewhere, surrounded by the same dilapidated houses, covered with dust, and occasionally skeletons fell in the corners.

This looks like a ruin that has been abandoned for a long time without any life, but the figure walking among it knows that there is something more terrifying than a monster inside.

"Yeah, why don't we just wait for him to come to us in a safe place?"

A cat-faced mask exuding black energy floated in the air, murmuring incessantly around Delina.

"Nim suddenly entered and was not near us. There must have been an accident. He may have been in danger. We must save him!"

The girl's face was full of determination, which was different from the real world. At this time, some black lines appeared on Delina's face, and several sharp black joints sprouted from the shoulder blades and closed together.

Holding a black dagger in his hand, he looked around vigilantly, walking and walking, as if he was avoiding some invisible monster, and whispered: "If you don't want to, just go back and stay, or else just keep quiet." , don’t attract those guys!”

"How can this be done? I made an agreement with the elders to protect you!"

The masked girl Nuo Xia immediately stretched out her two small sleeves and crossed her arms over her non-existent waist, speaking with confidence: "Don't worry, Delina, I will protect you and save that big fool!"

"I am not a person who lives in vain!"

The mask girl suddenly filled the air with black air, separated into several masks, floated to the top of her head, and made a posture of raising her eyebrows and looking into the distance.

"Haha, where did you get your confidence?"

Delina was almost amused, and then her expression changed. She suddenly leaned down in the corner and grabbed the masked girl: "If there is a situation, don't say anything!"

Click click click.

Countless small and dense sounds slowly came out. In front of Delina, a dilapidated house was quietly opened, and a slender foot stepped out of it, wearing faded jeans and white sneakers, with a white and delicate ankle exposed. .

"I'm leaving first, remember to be good at home!"

An unpleasant sound sounded like a knife cutting glass, and then the foot that stepped out suddenly turned into a dense brown foot, with spots that looked like blood spattered on it, and it walked out alone.

Yes, there was just one foot that kept changing its shape, and a strange sound that suddenly appeared.


The old and echo-filled answer sounded from the room, and the foot began to move. After more than ten steps, it suddenly disappeared into the air.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, as if nothing happened.


After a few more minutes, Delina carefully walked out of the corner and continued to move forward. When she passed by the open door, she couldn't help but take a look inside.

The room was dirty and shabby. On the cabinet near the door, a girl's head with disheveled hair was placed on a worn-out pottery plate. She was looking at her calmly, and then her eyebrows, eyes and corners of her mouth were curved.


Surrounded by countless angular ice crystal-like objects, from time to time some blue light spots, as if alive, were flying around his body.

This was not the first time Lu En encountered such a scene, so he was not panicked at all.

These are all fake, or even though they really happened, what he sees and feels now is only the most profound memory of the original owner.

After eating the bunch of irradiated grapes, Lu En felt a strong warmth surge through his body, and then the scene in front of him changed and he came here.

Although he could neither move nor speak, he was just a quiet bystander, but the mirror-like environment around him still allowed him to clearly see the appearance of the memory subject.

That's a dragon!

A creature that looked like it was made of ice crystals, with a body that was either round or angular. It had a ferocious and majestic head, a streamlined body, and huge wings curled up behind its back. Everything was similar to the dragon in Lu En's impression, so it was directly attracted by it. He is called Dragon.

Since there was no reference, Lu En didn't know how big the ice dragon was, and it seemed to be in a sleeping state all the time. Two long streams of white air spurted out from time to time, covering the ground with a layer of ice crystals.

Lu En knew how the surrounding environment came about.


Suddenly, there seemed to be rolling muffled thunder from the horizon, getting bigger and louder. The surrounding ice crystals cracked at the same time, and tiny debris danced.

The sleeping ice dragon was awakened and stood up, as if to see what happened. The next moment, the ice crystal above its head suddenly shattered, a meteor-like red light expanded rapidly, and the memory stopped abruptly. gone?

In the blood field, Lu En opened his eyes, and there was still a bit of confusion in them.

There is no doubt that the prototype machine he obtained from Dr. Wiley was made from a certain archbishop-level creature. Luen originally thought that he would be able to obtain more useful information, but the result was disappointing.

This ice dragon with the strength of an archbishop was killed without even seeing clearly who the enemy was. Perhaps it even felt aggrieved, so this memory left the deepest impression.

Lu En shook his head. This was probably the most worthless memory fragment he had ever gotten. He didn't even know how he died.

But what kind of power could it be that could easily kill an archbishop-level being, a legendary apostle, a pope-level person?

Or higher? !

Is there such a powerful being among the Night Watchmen?

Countless questions came up, and Lu En buried them in his heart, and a sense of urgency arose.

He must seize this opportunity to maximize his strength.

The prompts in the corner of his eyes slowly emerged:

"Spirit +10"

"Physical strength +10"

"Agility +10"

"You have obtained some information"

There are no skill points that Lu En expected, and no skills, but Lu En is provided with a full 30 attribute points. The materials in this prototype seem to have been processed. Lu En can feel that although it is violent, it is very pure.

"But the most difficult to improve agility has increased by 10 points, which is also worth the money."

Lu En moved his body and felt a significant enhancement, but he didn't know how much it was enhanced. Although he had a food spirit, this was not a digital world after all. It was impossible to give him a note of how many tons of strength or how many people's strength he had later.

In short, just keep getting stronger!

Lu En took back the blood field. Although the innate ability of the Lord of Blood could not be upgraded, if there was enough vitality, it would be faster than using skill points to improve. Now it was transformed into a thin blood line, surrounding his side.

He flapped his wings and flew quickly towards the island. Behind him, the huge sea monster corpse slowly sank into the water, forming a huge whirlpool.

The island was not big and could be circled in a few minutes. There were only beaches and rocks, and a strange tree that looked like a stone grew in the middle. If Luen hadn't felt some vitality, he would have really thought it was a stone.

At this time, there were many green-scaled fishmen corpses on the island. Under the tree, several trembling fishmen were lying at Nim's feet, screaming.

One of them screamed for a while, and suddenly picked up the spear in his hand and stabbed Nim, and then was quickly twisted into a twist by the translucent tentacles around him, and died miserably.

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