Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 268 The beginning of disaster!

"Something's wrong, retreat!"

Realizing that something was not going well, more than one person was in trouble. Soon, the respected priest, who held a leadership position in the village, issued an order for everyone to retreat.

But it was too late.

These Sers are not just here to die, but death is actually a kind of relief for most of them. More importantly, they can take revenge on the Tatas. Even if they die, they still Want revenge!

Click, click, click!

Countless strange sounds rang in their ears. These Tatas were horrified to find that the Ser people they had killed suddenly stood up again!

The reason why they stood up instead of coming back to life is because the corpses of these Serres are now shrunken and shriveled, with almost only the skin sticking to the bones, and the heads look like skulls. , with protruding teeth and a stooped body.

No one would think that these people were still alive, especially when their eyes were still glowing red.

"The devil, the devil of the heathen!"

As a political system, the priests, who enjoy dual secular and religious rights in the village, let out a shrill roar that was not like a human voice, and then pointed towards these mummies.

"Kill them, destroy these devils!"

The fanaticism for faith allowed several Tatas to overcome their fear of monsters, roaring and attacking these monsters. Bullets or blades fell on these mummies one after another.


These corpses were as fragile as they looked on the outside. They were extremely vulnerable. Their limbs were flying and they fell to the ground one after another. However, before the Tatas could breathe a sigh of relief, they discovered that a bloody mist suddenly filled the air among these corpses. .

The long-awaited smell of blood rushed into their noses in a violent way.

The blood mist spread extremely fast, and like a living creature, it actually went against the direction of the wind and swept towards the Tata people, encompassing them all in the blink of an eye, causing a large sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

Although they didn't understand what happened, it was obvious that this would not be a good thing. The Tatas who were originally united suddenly panicked and fled in all directions, trying to get out of the blood mist, but a worse situation happened.

Those mummies with glowing red eyes seemed to have come to life again within the scope of the blood mist. They moved quickly and agilely, just like a pack of hunting wolves in the wilderness, rushing toward these Tatas.

"Be gone, you devil of infidels!"

The Tata man holding the steel fork was strong, and he was also the first to realize that something was wrong and ran wildly. He was about to break out of the blood mist, when suddenly, a thin shadow rushed towards him from the side, roared, and stabbed out with a fork.


The sharp steel fork stabbed the figure through without any accident, and did not come out from behind. But what he didn't expect was that the other party seemed to have no feeling. Regardless, the body hanging on the steel fork was pulled out. A horrifyingly big hole bit into his neck!


The bright red flesh and blood and half of the throat were torn off by the mummy, and blood suddenly surged out. Under the severe pain, the man suddenly burst out with all his strength, let go of the steel fork, grabbed the head of the mummy, and forcefully It was pulled out!


The headless mummy swayed and fell to the ground, while the Tata man with half his throat missing, after a flashback explosion, also covered his neck and collapsed!

And at the last moment of his life, he suddenly saw that on the mummy that fell to the ground, in addition to the hole on the chest, there was also a wound in the lower abdomen that was obviously stabbed by a steel fork, and he suddenly felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

"Is this retribution?"

The divine light in his eyes gradually flowed away along with the blood spurting from his neck. The strong body of the Tata man gradually began to shrink like a mummy. However, the blood spurted from his body did not dissipate in the blood mist. Instead, they squirmed together and gradually pulled out a terrifying human form.

After absorbing the vitality and blood of these hundreds of people, the blood mist began to spread at an extremely fast speed, and gradually engulfed the Tatar village in front of them. After a burst of screams, there was no other movement.

Birds in the sky, hibernating animals hiding underground, beasts returning home at night, and even the grass and trees on the ground, all objects containing vitality will either wither and die or undergo strange changes in the blood mist. .

With these subtle but steady replenishments of vitality, after the blood mist completely enveloped the village, it continued to spread wantonly across the land, leaving everything it passed withered and dead.

There are countless mummies, blood shadows and even more terrifying and weird shadows, wandering among them, moving into the distance as the blood mist spreads.

"Hiss, this effect is much stronger than I imagined!"

On the high hillside where the blood mist had not spread in the distance, the young man with green broken hair covering his eyes took a breath of cold air. Even with his fierceness, seeing this scene, he felt a chill in his heart, but Others around him obviously didn't feel this way.

"That's it, that's it, that's what we want!"

"The great mother of darkness, Indra's divine punishment, cleanse this useless and filthy world!"

Beside him, some Serres in black robes were trembling with excitement, their eyes showing strong hatred. Only the one-eyed old man at the head was a little calmer and took a deep breath.

"Moroha, are you ready?"

He looked at the man in black robes next to him. He was a burly man, over two meters tall, with a tattoo on his forehead. He opened his mouth and hesitated twice before nodding firmly.

The moment he opened his mouth, he could see that only half of this burly man's tongue was left, and there were hideous scars on his cheeks. His eyes were firm and full of faith.

"The great Mother of Darkness will create a new world, and the Cyrs will become the masters of the new world again!"

There was enthusiasm in the eyes of the one-eyed old man, and he led the remaining men in black robes to retreat in a hurry before the blood mist came. Only the strong man Moroha was left standing there, standing like a statue.

"A bunch of lunatics, really unreasonable!"

The green-haired man shook his head. This was also the reason why he was chosen to come into contact with these Ser people. If he were not ferocious and crazy enough, he might not be able to suppress this ethnic group that was already on the verge of madness. Moreover, the spread of the Indra belief would only add fuel to the fire. Oil encourages these behaviors, and even young people have a hard-to-understand feeling.

Along with the transformed blood domain, there were also white scales handed over to these Ser people. The agents believed that this should be a derivative of the blood mist or one of the spreading nodes. It could control these blood mist to a certain extent, so Do things conveniently.

But what did these Serres do?

They actually cut off the bloody flesh from Bai Lin's body, and then buried it in their own bodies. In this process alone, countless people died, and the remaining survivors had to enter the blood mist to experience the final test.

They hope to use White Scale's flesh and blood to become the controller and node of the blood mist, and regard it as the only way to survive God's punishment.

In this world, there are beings who can no longer be considered human beings, who are extremely nostalgic for their human identity, and there are also beings who can’t wait to abandon their human identities and embrace a new world.

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