Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 269 I get to see the real savior!

"Tata people, Saur people, Rus people."

"They all got the punishment they deserved, but it was not enough. Our power was only able to attack some small villages and strongholds, especially the Rus, who occupied the city."

In the dark environment, voices came out, and some dots of fireflies shone around, but only these figures in black robes could be seen, and the huge statue of gods still stood in front of them. A deep terror seemed to accompany them. The sound of voices is brewing and growing.

"The divine punishment potion given to us by the outsiders is still enough, but our manpower is no longer enough."

Finally, the voice concluded.

"I want you to contact other tribesmen. What's their reaction?"

An old voice sounded, followed by footsteps. Under the dim light, only one brown eye could be seen, exuding a terrifying look.

"They are unwilling to join us. They would rather be bullied by others. They only know how to hide and endure. They don't even dare to resist in the face of killing. Instead, they accuse us of violating the beliefs and traditions of the Serbs!"

The voice responded, with strong dissatisfaction and even contempt in his tone.

"They have completely lost their courage, thinking that they will be accepted if they kneel down, but they don't know that their current status is all due to our resistance. Without our sacrifice, they would have been slaughtered like animals. All gone!”

"The glory of the Ser people, the glory of the previous kings and gods, have all been trampled into the filthy quagmire by them!"

As an ethnic group that once ruled the Moros, the decline of the Ser people has external causes, and naturally there are internal causes, that is, splitting. From political system to ethnic group, and even beliefs, the north and south have different food and customs, and they are all divided into large and small differences. The hostility between them is no less than that of other ethnic groups.

The Ser people who believe in Indra are the most stubborn and active group among them. They operate throughout the territory of Moros, rescue their oppressed compatriots, and retaliate against those who oppressed them in the same violent way. Their tribe tried to reunite the Serns as a whole.

However, this is obviously an impossible thing. Neither inside nor outside Moros will allow the Sers to rise again, so their road was particularly difficult until a mysterious force screened them.

"In that case, let them devote their last effort to the coming of Indra!"

The one-eyed old man spoke faintly and looked at the figure in front of him: "I remember that there is also a gathering area of ​​Ser people in Rota, the largest city in Moros."

"Yes, they are willing to exist as vassal slaves of the Rus."

"Then let's start with them. The new world doesn't need such Cyrs."


Suddenly, the door of the house was slammed open, and a breathless voice sounded!

"Elder, Moroha is back!"



Everyone in the room was shocked and rushed out without caring about anything else. As expected, they saw a tall and burly figure standing beside the bonfire in the distance.

Some Serbian women and children gathered around dispersed far away, and only adult men surrounded them, their faces full of nervousness.

They couldn't help but feel nervous. Upon closer inspection, the strong figure standing by the campfire was actually emitting a subtle red light, and his surface skin was like broken ceramics, with spiderweb-like cracks all over it. The muscle fiber tissue can be clearly seen.

The red light shines through these gaps.


Seeing this shocking scene, even the elders and others who were mentally prepared couldn't help but stop and shout.

"It's me, elders."

A deep and deep voice sounded, and the one-eyed elder was suddenly startled.

"You, your injuries?"

"Everything is fine. The great destroyer of worlds, Indra, saved me with his divine power and gave me great power!"

The sound of heavy footsteps appeared, and Moroha's eyes flashed with scarlet light as he stared at the crowd around him.

"And I came back to spread the true faith of my Lord!"

"What did you say?!"

The one-eyed elder was shocked. Before he could react, a hurricane was blowing around him, and Moroha stopped beside him.

"I have seen the real destroyer, savior, and mother of darkness, and what you believe in is just a despicable false god!"

Meanwhile, Moros, where the Tatar villages were destroyed.

"This, this is the power of adults!"

Seeing the blood mist that enveloped the entire land and continued to spread, Malos and the people behind him were all horrified.

Out of some mysterious feeling, when Bai Lin appeared in the world with the blood domain, many vampires and the blood spirit Suna immediately felt its presence. However, during the subsequent investigation, they were unexpectedly surprised. Unexpected difficulties.

Even relying on the huge energy of the Vampire Clan, the specific location of Bai Lin could not be found. Moreover, during the investigation, they were intercepted and warned by an unknown force. After losing Lu En, the Vampire Clan Council, which lacked high-end power, He immediately chose to cease operations.

Of course, secretly they still sent out the most powerful team today, led by Malos and equipped with extraordinary equipment. They secretly investigated and followed the induction all the way here. Who knew they would find this amazing scene!

"Why is this? Could it be that someone stole your power?"

Malos looked at the rapidly spreading blood mist and felt a sense of fear. No matter what, such a big movement would definitely not be hidden from anyone. If the blood mist was allowed to spread, tens of thousands of people would die!

Maybe all vampires will be implicated by that time!

"No, I need to notify the council immediately!"

"Hmm, this weird feeling?"

In a piece of squirming greasy flesh, Lu En was surrounded by red light and frowned slightly.

What he is currently in is the inside of the body of the sea monster. As he thought, the inside of any creature is fragile. And after experiencing a new way of death, Lu En also It can be regarded as a successful penetration into the enemy's interior.

After passing through the long throat full of sharp teeth, Luen had finished healing before it fell into the stomach. He held the Halberd of Annihilation and directly opened a hole in the sea monster's flesh and blood, drilling deeper.

Based on the vitality induction, Lu En went all the way to Huanglong and smashed a heart larger than his body into pieces. Only then did he discover that this huge sea monster actually had eight such hearts all over his body!

The one he destroyed could not cause decisive damage at all, and the vitality was extremely tenacious. Not long after Lu En turned around, he found that the destroyed heart began to heal automatically again, and the annihilation energy could only be suppressed for a while.

Lu En also tried to spread the blood field, but it was ineffective against low-level enemies. It was much less effective against this sea monster. It was not useless, but Lu En probably wanted to use the blood field to completely kill the sea monster. If so, it will take at least a week.

Not to mention a week, even one day is enough for the situation outside to change drastically.

However, there are always more solutions than difficulties. After thinking about it, Lu En decisively gave up destroying the heart and instead headed towards the opponent's brain. Wouldn't he be able to do it if the sea monster also had eight brains?

But at this moment, he had some strange feelings.

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