Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 279 Massacre and Lu En/Shen Jun? (Third update!)

Chapter 279 Massacre and Lu En and Shen Jun? (Third update!)

"The tragedy that happened in Rota has attracted attention from all walks of life."

"The Empire and the Federation accuse each other of suspected biological or chemical weapons released by the other side."

"So far, no terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for this, and the Joint Investigation Organization has dispatched an investigation team."

"In Moros, the same situation is still happening one after another, with more than one million people affected, triggering large-scale panic, and some refugees began to spread to surrounding cities and countries."

"Cordero, next to Moros, has sent troops to maintain the border and deny entry to refugees, and both sides are seeking the intervention of international humanitarian organizations."


In the dead silence of the city of Rota, a noisy radio continued to broadcast news, and kept changing channels as the owner adjusted it.

This is a high-rise building in a slum. The protruding antenna can pass through the blood mist and receive signals from the outside world. In fact, except for the absorption of life force, the blood mist does not cause any damage to other things.

It's just that without the existence of life, everything around it seems meaningless, exuding a sense of death and decay that is visible to the naked eye.

However, miracles always happen in everything, even the dead city of Rota is no exception.

"The day after the disaster happened, I seemed to have found the person who brought them."

"People from the outside can't come in. I don't know if the people inside are still human beings. Anyway, I want to find the truth of the matter and avenge my parents, grandma, and sister!"

The rustling sound of writing stopped, and in the room, a dark-skinned little boy rolled up his pen in a tattered notebook and put it on his chest.

If you observe carefully, you will find that he has no protective measures at all. He is just moving and breathing freely in the blood mist. Wisps of blood mist even penetrate into his body through his pores, undergoing some slow but irreversible transformations. Or evolution.

Blood can bless those!

Life is a superposition of miracles, and in the city of Luota, which is filled with blood mist, it is both expected and reasonable that a favored person who can adapt to blood energy appears.

But obviously, the Blood Domain did not give the little boy the same authority as White Scales, but only transformed his body and spirit, and his sense of autonomy was obviously not on the same side as those of the Sers.

"I'll find out the truth soon!"

The little boy had a determined face. For children living in war-torn areas, precocious maturity is a good quality. He reached out and took off a set of black robes from the wall. The little boy put it on himself slowly and chaotically.

He made this crudely out of a large piece of black cloth in an already deserted store, and his goal was naturally to sneak into the Serres.

Wearing a black robe, the boy's figure and face were completely shrouded. He quickly climbed down from the attic, and then started walking on the street with a stiff and silent pace that he had observed before, and looked around from time to time.

The originally bustling streets were now deserted, and thick blood mist filled every corner, making the little boy feel like he was the only living creature in the entire city.

This is of course an illusion.

A soft rustling sound came from the top of his head. The little boy trembled and couldn't help but raise his head. A large number of hands and feet squirmed and climbed flexibly, passing quickly past the wall of the floor above him, leaving behind a series of palm prints with mucus.

"It's a new monster!"

He was horrified in his heart. Although he knew that these monsters would not attack him, he could not help but feel scared. He walked quickly and soon came to a tall building.

Rota Theater!

Although the entire Moros is in a war-torn place, something funny and paradoxical is that the city of Rota is actually a tourist city.

Thanks to the strength of the Russians and good international relations, the city of Rota can be regarded as a rare safe place for Moros. It attracts tens of thousands of tourists every year, most of whom are from the Federation and the Russians. , itself is a branch separated from the Federation.

Therefore, the entertainment industry in Rota City is actually very developed, and the Grand Theater is one of the landmark buildings. However, it is also deserted now. The boy trotted cautiously and walked quickly towards the gate.

"I clearly saw those before."

His body suddenly froze, and his mouth opened wide in surprise. At the entrance of the Grand Theater, the men in black robes he had seen before, who were suspected to be behind everything that happened, were like torn rag dolls. The same, body parts were scattered everywhere in the doorway and corridor, and there were huge and deep claw marks on the surrounding walls and ground.

It was like having just experienced a massacre!

"Wake up, he's awake!"

"Go call the doctor!"

The pale ceiling and dazzling lights made Lu En couldn't help but reach out to cover his eyes. He opened his eyes in confusion, and saw a familiar but unfamiliar face approaching.

"Thank God, Shen Jun, you finally woke up!"

A female voice that couldn't restrain her excitement and even cried sounded, which made Lu En a little confused.

"Shen Jun, who...wait, isn't this my real name, the name before I traveled through time?!!"


Like a flash of thunder, Lu En recalled everything in an instant, time travel, evil spirits, eating spirits, nightmare world, Nim, and sea lizards.

Everything went through his mind like a movie, but he felt strangely alienated, as if he had watched a real VR movie, and finally settled on the face in front of him.

This is a girl who is not beautiful, but is extremely delicate. Moreover, Lu En also knows that under her delicate appearance, there is still some violent tendencies. This is his girlfriend, and she is the one who has already discussed marriage. kind.

"Little Fluttershy?"

Lu En instinctively uttered her name from his mouth, then turned his eyes and looked around: "Where am I? I shouldn't be?"

"Of course this is a hospital!"

Xiaodie held Lu En's hand tightly, tears flashing in her eyes: "Why don't you cherish yourself so much? You stay up late and work overtime every day. Do you know that it is easy to die suddenly? If you die, who will I marry?"

"Am I not dead yet?"

Lu En always felt that something was not right, but his brain lost its calmness. Countless thoughts kept pouring out like waves in the sea, one after another, making it difficult for him to concentrate on thinking.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If it hadn't been discovered in time, you would have died a long time ago. Now you are not lying on a hospital bed, but in a funeral parlor!"

Xiaodie stared at Lu En and said, "And I have already informed my uncle and aunt. They are on their way over. The doctor said that you should take good care of yourself during this period. It is best not to use your brain, otherwise you will not be able to be saved if you fall into coma again." "

"my parents.?"

Lu En's blank expression obviously did not satisfy Xiaodie, and he pouted and said: "You have been in a coma for a whole day, and you seem to be stupid. I have told you not to stay up late playing games."


As he was talking, the door to the ward was suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked in quickly, followed by a beautiful girl in a hurry.

"I just said that good people have their own destiny. Shen Jun, you finally woke up. Just be fine!"

The middle-aged man's face was full of concern, and the girl behind him also had a worried face. He wanted to step forward, but Xiaodie calmly blocked his position and blocked him from behind.


Lu En frowned, feeling more and more strange.

For the sake of the third watch, give me a vote! Please beg for help!

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