Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 280: Wouldn’t you know if you die once?

"That's it, you take a good rest. Everyone is waiting for you. When you are ready, you can report directly to the general manager's office."

"Okay, okay."

Lu En saw off the boss of the company who came to visit him in a daze. Lu En himself was still in a fog, but Xiao Die next to him had already screamed and grabbed Lu En's arm and was very surprised!

"Shen Jun, did you hear that? You have been promoted!"

"This time you got a blessing in disguise. Your boss directly promoted you to general manager. God, I can't believe it!"

Xiaodie's five fingers pinched Lu En's arm so hard that it hurt a little, but there was not much joy on his face: "Xiaodie, can you go out for a while? My mind is a little messed up right now, and I want to be alone for a while."

"Ah, okay!"

Xiaodie's face looked a little astonished, but she didn't say much. She silently let go of the door and pushed out. Finally, she closed the door softly and thoughtfully.


Lu En, who was lying on the bed, finally took a long breath, rubbed his temples vigorously, picked up the water next to him and drank it in one gulp, feeling that his chaotic brain was showing signs of returning to clarity.

"But first, is this an illusion, or have I actually not traveled through time and been dreaming?"

"Which one is reality?"

In Lu En's mind, the days on the Blue Star that belonged to Shen Jun and the memories of another world that belonged to Lu En were all mixed together, making him feel confused and not knowing which ones were true and which ones were false. .

"And my power, Soul Eater"

He clenched his fists hard, but the surging power in his body, which seemed to be able to move mountains and fill seas, did not appear. Instead, he felt the weakness of being a mortal that he had almost forgotten.

"I remember that I ended up fighting that golden sea lizard in the black sea of ​​the nightmare world. I seemed to have been attacked. So was this the other party's attack? A realistic illusion, or did it send me back to the Blue Star?"

Lu En looked around. There were some dusty cobwebs in the corners of the white ceiling. The sun was shining brightly outside the window. Fallen leaves were falling in the wind. There was the smell of disinfectant in the air. Even when he squeezed his thigh carefully, he felt extremely painful. Clear.

Extremely true.

"Eating spirits?"

In fact, it is very simple to verify, just call out the food spirit, but no matter how Lu En calls, it is like a mud cow drowning in the sea, and no hint appears in the corner of his eyes.

"Is this really Blue Star? I was just dreaming before?"

Lu En shook his head, trying to recall his experience of traveling to another world, but found that these memories, like a castle made of sand on the seaside, gradually collapsed and drifted, and began to become blurred and missing.


At this moment, the door was suddenly opened slightly, attracting Lu En's attention. He looked up and saw a beautiful girl sneaking in like a thief.

He carefully closed the door again.

"You're not the boss's daughter?"

Lu En looked surprised, recognizing that this was the girl who had just followed the boss. As soon as he spoke, the girl's face suddenly turned red like a ripe apple.

"My name is Du Yue, Shen Jun. Actually, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, I."

There was extreme shyness in her eyes, but she still raised her head and looked at Lu En, and muttered: "I heard that you are getting married soon, so I..."


At this time, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open. Du Yue, who had not finished speaking, suddenly screamed like a frightened rabbit and stuck to the wall, looking towards the door.

I saw Xiaodie walking in first, followed by a middle-aged couple. After seeing Du Yue, her eyes widened immediately. First she looked at her twice, and then she set her sights on Lu En. , his face turned dark instantly.

"Shen Jun, you are actually carrying me on your back and stepping on two boats?!"

"It's not what you think!"

Before Lu En could say anything, Du Yue in the corner screamed first, his eyes fluttering, not daring to look at anyone, and just muttered in a low voice: "Really, it's not what you think."


Lu En felt a huge headache and reached out to cover his forehead. This was like trying to hide something!

Sure enough, if Xiaodie was still doubtful before, she was almost certain now. She was so angry that her face turned pale and her lips turned blue. Lu En felt that if his parents weren't here, they would have rushed to bite him.

"You two, tell me clearly!"

"I don't even understand myself, what should I tell you?"

Lu En was really confused the whole time. Leng Bufan and Du Yue found an opening and suddenly got out of the door again: "Shen Jun, I'll come see you later!"

"Don't run, you vixen!"

When Xiaodie heard this, she became furious and chased him out. Suddenly, Lu En and two very familiar faces were the only ones left in the room.

"Dad, Mom?"

"So my son is still popular. Look at the two girls almost fighting over him!"

After a while, Lu En's parents walked out of the room, with smiles on their faces, especially his mother, who had a hint of pride in her expression.

"Xiaodie is a nice girl, but she doesn't seem to have a very good temper. The other girl is said to be the daughter of my son's boss."

She changed the subject and spoke to Lu En's father in a mysterious way, but was rebuked by the man with a cold face: "Don't interfere in your son's emotional affairs. It's his freedom to choose whoever he wants. What's wrong with the daughter of a big boss? We, the Shen family, don't even bother to marry someone else!" "Look how bad you sound. I'm not thinking about my son. If he marries that girl, he will have to work less for 20 years at least. Besides, I think she looks good and has a good temper." "Speaking of which, don't you think your son is weird, like a wooden man?" "I guess he's pretending to be crazy. I didn't expect this kid to have this ability." As the voices of the people spoke, the footsteps gradually faded away, but they didn't notice that not long after they left, Lu En quietly pushed the door and disappeared. Ten minutes later, on the rooftop of the hospital. Lu En stood on the edge of the roof. The wind was strong and the sun was bright, shining warmly on him. Behind him was a panicked scream and even crying. "Son, don't be impulsive, don't do stupid things!"

Lu En's parents were stopped by several security guards, their faces pale with fear, their voices filled with tears, looking at Lu En's back.

"Shen Jun, I won't force you anymore, come down!"

On the other side, Xiaodie also covered her mouth, her eyes full of fear.

"You want to break up with me, we break up, why do you do this?"

In their call, Lu En, who had his back to them, finally turned his head, with an unprecedented calmness and indifference on his face.

"It's really true, even I can't tell whether it's true or false."

Lu En raised the corner of his mouth, muttered to himself, and looked at Xiaodie: "But it's actually very simple to distinguish the truth from the false. Don't cry, Xiaodie, if I really return to Blue Star, I will also marry you, not the rich and beautiful girl who suddenly popped out."

"Then why do you."

Xiaodie covered her mouth and cried, but saw Lu En shook his head and smiled indifferently.

"Whether it's true or not, we'll know if we die once."

Lu En ignored the chaos behind him and his heart was as calm as water.

Jump, jump!

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