Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 287 This farce ends here!

City of Rota.

The Rota Grand Theater, originally a landmark building, completely collapsed at this time, even affecting the surrounding buildings, leaving a large stretch of ruins, which will surely exist in the memory of tourists in the future.

If after this incident, there will still be tourists who dare to come here.

Although the Federation, the Eastern Empire, and other countries all chose to downplay or suppress the matter, how could such a big matter be completely suppressed, and it gradually caused waves in the international community.

In this situation, it is even more suspicious that the Glory Federation and the Eastern Empire, two behemoths that almost dominate the two poles of the world, announced an emergency joint military exercise in the Moros Sea and sent a fleet to blockade the entire Moros.

However, neither the Federation nor the Empire can make this matter public, because it means that the social order they have worked so hard to weave will fall into an unprecedented crisis or even collapse.

Whether it is for a country or an individual, exposing the existence of the supernatural world will not be a good thing.

Back in the city of Rota, although the surrounding areas were severely damaged and in ruins, the Grand Theater at the center of the explosion was still strangely intact.

This may be attributed to the giant red-eyed bird that keeps circling in the sky and spreads its wings to cover the sky. On its wings, messy feathers and blood are constantly spilled, and several vines are entangled to form a giant spear, which is deeply submerged into its body.

"Give up, your plan will not succeed!"

On a tall building not far away, countless green plants grew wantonly, completely covering the building. Finally, bright flowers bloomed on the top floor, and the rich fragrance filled the surroundings, causing the monsters pouring in the blood mist around to move. Gradually it became dull, and then some tiny roots penetrated into the body.

The voice came from the top floor. An old man with sky blue pupils, thin hair, and green robe looked at the giant bird bathed in blood in the sky with a compassionate expression.

"You are just some infiltrated existences and do not have real bishop-level strength at all. Why do you need to overdraw your souls like this?"

As he spoke, he sighed, and the vines around him quickly tangled and formed, turning into several huge spears and shooting towards the Grand Theater.

"Don't even think about it!"

The giant black bird hovering in the sky actually made a mixed sound of men and women from its throat. With a roar, its claws landed on the wall of the Grand Theater. Its huge wings flapped and knocked away the incoming spear. Broken feathers and Flesh and blood immediately spattered.

If you look carefully, you will find that on the neck of the giant bird, some tiny vines are spreading and growing between the feathers, making the giant bird's body tremble.

"A self-destructive existence is not worthy of redemption!"

Seeing this, the compassion in the old man's eyes finally dissipated, replaced by a cold and stern light. With a wave of his hand, the spear inserted into the giant bird exploded, forming a ball of emerald green light, and quickly wrapped the giant bird in it. Inside!

Boom! !

The giant bird that was originally struggling to hold on was now like a camel that had been crushed by the last straw. It opened its sharp beak and screamed. The emerald green light seemed to be extremely corrosive, making its feathers and even its body begin to corrode. Dissolve quickly.

But the strange thing is that under the giant bird's melted body, there are not bones or internal organs, but clouds of black air that are pouring out quickly. The old man shook his head and looked into the open theater without the protection of the giant bird.

Countless blood-colored mist condensed together as if it had substance, forming a constantly rotating whirlpool, and in the whirlpool, some figures in black robes could still be vaguely seen.

The blood mist shrinking and squirming in the entire Luota City seemed to be caused by this large whirlpool. The old man's face changed slightly, and he no longer hesitated. The vines on the entire high-rise building began to tremble, and then peeled off from the wall, moving toward the big building like a tide. The theater surged through!

Endless green vines, like ferocious pythons, instantly destroyed the blocking buildings in front of them into ruins. Just as they were about to approach the Grand Theater, a small buzzing sound suddenly came from the sky.


From the blood mist, a large black area looked like mist, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a torrent of countless small insects. They collided directly with the advancing vines, and the rustling sounds immediately became loud.

These bugs have strong black shells and sharp teeth. Although each one is no bigger than a grain of rice, when gathered together, they possess incredible terrifying power. The vines that spread unstoppably are directly swallowed up by them. .

Not only that, these insect swarms even spread in the opposite direction of the vines' growth, gathering in the air to form a huge human face, roaring at the old man.

"Let her go!"

"This is not good!"

The old man's brows suddenly frowned, and his eyes fell on the bloody vortex in the grand theater. In its center, deep darkness could be vaguely seen emerging, and strange auras emerged.

“Maybe, it’s actually possible to succeed!”

Suddenly, a blue halo suddenly erupted from the old man's side. The torrent formed by countless tiny flying insects seemed to have encountered an irresistible hurricane, and was blown to pieces in an instant. Buildings collapsed, and smoke and dust filled the sky.

And the figure of the old man strode out from the billowing smoke and dust!

"But it's just a possibility!"

His eyes narrowed, and the surrounding smoke and dust fell on his side, as if blocked by an invisible barrier. As if teleporting, every step he took was tens or hundreds of meters away, and he was quickly heading towards The Grand Theater is close by.

And in some of the covered gaps on the street, countless weeds and even big trees were growing crazily, intertwining a green passage around him. Amidst the roar, several big trees that seemed to be old were actually waving their branches. , pulled himself up from the ground and smashed the thick wall of the Grand Theater.

"This farce is over!"

The next moment, the old man's figure appeared in the grand theater, and several emerald green lights flashed. The men in black robes gathered in the bloody vortex immediately fell down like wheat, and the bloody vortex immediately shattered.


Outside the Grand Theater, the giant bird that saw this scene suddenly showed strong anger and unwillingness in its eyes. Seeing that the deep black hole in the center of the vortex was about to disappear, it even screamed in despair.

However, the next moment, the old man's eyes suddenly widened, because in the black hole that was about to disappear, a sharp object suddenly appeared. With a loud noise and roar, the black hole was forcibly opened, and a black feather stood up like a halberd. The head of the big bird popped out of the hole!

An overwhelming, indescribable terrifying power instantly enveloped the old man's body, making his body as stiff as a sculpture.

"How can this be?!"

However, no matter how unbelievable he was, this giant bird, whose head alone was as big as a room, was still squeezing out, making the black hole bigger and bigger, and then exposed the... one tightly held on its neck. big hand!

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