Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 288 Welcome back to the real world!


The black vortex, which was shrinking rapidly, was squeezed to an exaggerated degree by the giant bird using its body, even beyond the scope of the entire theater, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

Of course, the black-feathered giant bird, as the initiator, did not seem to want to do this.

"My lord."

The giant bird, which was originally lying outside the theater and was quite similar to the head that was sticking out, seemed to be of the same species. Seeing this scene, it was still excited. A force burst out from its body, and it actually tore the green light outside and raised its head, but then its expression, like the old man, fell into a sluggish state.

I saw that on the neck of the black-feathered giant bird, an extremely strong arm emitting an extremely bright aura was tightly pinching it. Looking at its appearance, it seemed that he was grabbing the black-feathered giant bird and forcing it outside?


The whole process seemed to be extremely unfriendly to the black-feathered giant bird. The edge of the black hole was obviously sharper than any substance in the world. It scraped off a layer of feathers and even skin and flesh on the outside of the giant bird, revealing its bloody and even bony body underneath.

The broken feathers and flesh of the black-feathered giant bird turned into black gas, clinging to the edge of the black hole, making a hissing sound. This was the truth of the black hole being forced open!


The head of the giant bird was pressed by this arm, squeezing it outwards, and even after rushing out of the black hole, it forced a big pit on the ground. The controlled giant bird naturally did not sit still and wait for death. Countless feathers shot into the depths of the black hole like sharp swords, and struggled hard to get rid of control.


The scene in front of him was beyond the old man's imagination and beyond his solution. Therefore, after swallowing his saliva, he no longer had the slightest thought of stopping it, but instead retreated madly.

"I know this is impossible. These guys really messed up!" Countless vines grew around him, digging a big pit in the ground near him. The old man jumped into the pit without caring about his posture. The dense vines immediately wrapped him up and disappeared underground. "Wait!" At the same time, not far from Rota City, several figures wearing black leather jackets and red gloves suddenly stopped. The leader squinted at Rota City for a long time, and his face gradually became solemn. "Something is wrong, retreat!" On the other side, there were also several black-haired and black-eyed figures who were quite similar to Lu En. After a moment, they came to the same conclusion as the red gloves and evacuated resolutely. The only difference was that among the evacuated team, a nimble figure suddenly jumped out and quickly approached Rota City. Grand Theater. The huge black vortex had swallowed up the entire theater area, and the huge black-feathered giant bird had half of its body completely exposed, but the situation was too horrible to describe. It was like putting your hand into a sharp and red-hot iron ring. Not only did you wear it on your hand, but you had to force it open. This was probably how the Black Feathered Giant Bird felt now.

Half of his body exposed to the black hole seemed to have been peeled off several layers of skin. Black air filled the air, and his struggle was also weak and listless.

Because the expansion of the entire black hole was completely at the cost of consuming his original power!

In other words, he was using his life to maintain this passage to the real world!

This was a far cry from their plan.

"What went wrong?"

The Black Feathered Giant Bird still hadn't figured out what had happened. After the passage was opened, he was already confused when he met two other beings of the same level. Then, when the three of them scrambled for the passage to reality at the same time, a melee broke out, and he was suddenly pushed to the front.

In fact, it didn't matter if he was at the front. He even thought about destroying the passage directly after he got out and blocking the way out.

But as luck would have it, just when he saw the light, the passage was destroyed first!

Then he was grabbed by someone and forced out. He couldn't even retreat. The arm holding his neck was like several mountains piled up together, surging with an irresistible force!


Suddenly, his head, which had been raised high, slammed to the ground. He felt extremely ashamed and humiliated. He raised his head to the sky and let out a huge roar, and then was stepped on by a foot.

"Don't scream so loudly!"

A low and teasing voice sounded, and suddenly three strong hands emitting the sun's light stretched out from the black hole, grabbed the edge of the black hole, and pulled it out with force!

The originally huge black hole was expanded again, revealing a tall and majestic figure. One hand pinched the neck of the giant bird and pulled it out, while bending over and squeezing out of the black hole with difficulty.

It was Lu En!

Endless light emanated from his whole body, as if a scorching sun had risen again in Rota City. Whether it was the giant black bird staring at everything in amazement, or the swarm of insects that had just gathered and were fleeing madly, or the green vines remaining on the ground, they were all like water droplets in the sun, evaporating quickly.

Not only that, the ground under Lu En's feet actually began to bubble, taking on a dark red color like magma. Some monsters that were born in the blood mist and tried to get closer based on their instincts died instantly.

"This feeling.?"

Lu En frowned and immediately restrained his explosive aura. At the same time, he looked around. The thick blood mist was surging, giving him an extremely close feeling. After he appeared, it surged over him like a tide.

"Is it my blood domain?"

Lu En was a little unexpected. When he was in the passage, since he had no sense of the outside world, Lu En had already envisioned various possible scenarios, including throwing the giant bird out first to stomp on thunder, and erupting auras all over his body to deal with possible emergencies. danger.

After all, from the appearance of the passage to the sudden appearance of the other two monsters, everything looked very strange and had to make him wary.

After he came out, he found that this seemed to be his home court?

The entire city is actually covered by the Blood Realm, and the huge blood energy contained in it, could it be that those guys from the Blood Clan massacred a city in order to save me?

Lu En's eyes widened and he thought of some possibility.

However, his movements did not stop at all. He grabbed the neck of the giant black-feathered bird and pulled it out with all his strength. Suddenly, a sharp roar came from the passage, and then a shadow with flashing red light suddenly emerged. .


But before he could take a breath of fresh air, he collided head-on with Lu En's shining fist, and was suddenly smashed out again. Some of the limbs that were originally clinging to the edge of the black hole, like legs, suddenly cracked and broke into pieces!

Caught off guard, the roar suddenly faded away.

"It's a pity that I can only deal with one now!"

Lu En shook his head, and then used all four arms to stretch the neck of the giant black-feathered bird nearly twice as long, and pulled it out of the black hole with a roar, grinning and showing a mouth full of white teeth.

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