Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 293 Old man Lu En gives away treasure!

Different geographical environments and cultural backgrounds, even if they are produced by the same power system, are completely different things.

To be honest, after hearing these titles, Lu En felt that his painting style suddenly changed, and a strong aura of classical fairy tales immediately emerged.

If Lu Guang had not immigrated and was in the Eastern Empire, would I have thought that what I traveled through was actually a certain fairy world?

Lu En even diverged his thinking and thought of other aspects.

However, Lou Yue, who was kneeling on the ground and regarded him as a living immortal god, didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing this, he immediately replied: "Yes, if senior is willing, I will immediately report it to the bureau to build a temple for senior and offer incense! "

She immediately climbed up the pole, and now she was like a senior, with an extremely humble attitude.

"Which force is in charge of you in the Yong Dynasty now?"

Lu En did not answer her, but asked another question.

"The Heavenly Sword Bureau has replaced the previous Daluomen!"

Lou Yue quickly replied.

Never heard of any of them

Most of the forces that Lu En knew about were within the Federation, such as the Red Gloves, the Night Watch, the Primitive Sect, etc., and due to the implicit confrontation between the Federation and the Empire, even if they obtained information, most of it was to discredit the Empire, and even more so. Don't talk about extraordinary forces.

"How does the current Tianjian Bureau compare with the previous Daluomen?"

However, the artistry of language lies in this. After hearing Lu En's inquiry, Lou Yue did not become suspicious at all. On the contrary, he was even more sure that this was a newly born immortal god who had just woken up. More importantly, it was powerful.

She watched helplessly as this senior fought with a powerful demon god and finally destroyed it. Due to the relationship between level and vision, she only thought that the disappearing black-feathered giant bird was directly killed by Lu En.

It seems that this senior's behavior is biased toward the right path. If he can be allowed to join the Tianjian Bureau,

Just thinking about it, Lou Yueguang couldn't help but tremble with excitement all over his body. Not to mention anything else, as long as he drags this senior into the Heavenly Sword Bureau, this achievement will not only banish the immortal, but even jump to the third level. Not to mention that this will create some incestuous feelings with Lu En, and he will be able to walk sideways in the future.

"Compared to the Great Luomen of the previous dynasty, the current Tianjian Bureau is the most powerful imperial institution in history. Half a century ago, the previous dynasty was so incompetent that foreign enemies invaded and barbarians invaded the imperial territory, while the Great Luomen Door"

"never mind."

But as soon as Lou Yue started speaking, Lu En lost interest. Compared with emitting mental fluctuations and being able to convey his meaning simply and quickly, the language seemed too lengthy and complicated.

He doesn't have much time to spend here.

Lou Yue only felt her wrist loosen, and a dark blue jade bracelet originally worn on her wrist suddenly flew up and fell into Lu En's hand. After a slight scream, it turned into pure mutton-fat white jade. White color.

The soft and pure light radiates from the bracelet, giving people a sense of peace and strength.

"We are destined to meet each other. Just consider it your fate to meet me!"

The bracelet was held by an invisible force and fell in front of Lou Yue, but Lu En's voice had a vague meaning. Lou Yue was suddenly startled, but did not dare to raise his head, and just shouted softly: "Senior, senior? "

After another half minute, she slowly raised her head, but there was no sign of Lu En. A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on her face, and then she focused her eyes and saw the bracelet in front of her.

"Is this an immortal weapon?"

After picking up the bracelet and rubbing it for a moment, Lou Yue's expression suddenly changed and she took a deep breath!

"The Eastern Empire and the Heavenly Sword Bureau are quite interesting!"

And somewhere Lou Yue couldn't see, on the other side of Luota City, Lu En's figure slowly appeared, stroking his chin and looking thoughtful.

Of course, he was not playing the role of an old man delivering treasures on a whim. In fact, the evil spirit hidden in Lou Yue's bracelet was directly annihilated by him, and then stuffed into it with part of his own aura.

Although there is only a small amount, for Lou Yue, it has been able to greatly enhance her various attributes. Wearing it all the time has the effect of subtly strengthening the body. For ordinary people, this is already an artifact that can be used without any choice, and there is no No side effects at all.

In other words, if there were any side effects, they were all caused by Lu En's thoughts.

However, the most important function of this bracelet is not that. It is a token, or an alternative communicator.

Due to the characteristics of Lu En's aura, anyone who sees Lou Yue will be attracted to the bracelet immediately. No matter how she hides it, it will be useless. This can ensure that the bracelet will fall into the hands of the right person. .

In the eyes of any archbishop-level being, he can immediately understand the meaning of the bracelet, and can even contact Lu En through the aura on it.

This is Lu En's true purpose!

As the saying goes, if you don't worry about the future, you will always worry about the short term. Although he successfully returned to the real world and killed a night watchman first, for Lu En, how to find archbishop-level enemies to feed the spirit and body for refining in the furnace? Still a problem.

And it's a big problem.

The archbishop level is no better than the bishop level. These are basically existences that only appear in myths and legends. Not only are they difficult to find, but even if they are found, they may not be acted upon rashly.

Now Lu En knows that there are powerful archbishop-level forces in the Federation. One is the Night Watch, and then there are the Original Sect and the Three Gods. The former is located in the nightmare world, and the middle is mysterious. Lu En once tried to put a nail in it, and so far. There was no news and disappeared into thin air.

As for the Three Gods Religion, well, after the experience of the Black Sea, Lu En felt that it would be better not to provoke him until he figured it out. There was no guarantee that a being beyond the archbishop level would pop up one day and hunt him all over the world.

Moreover, there is really a divine shield behind the Three Gods Religion.

In this case, maybe changing your mind, changing the environment, going to the Eastern Empire to do something, and looking for new ingredients and enemies is the right choice.

But first, you have to establish a connection with the forces within the Eastern Empire. If possible, finding an identity to pretend to be is the best thing to do.

While Lu En was thinking, he kept walking forward, walking through the dirty alleys and corridors. If you observe carefully enough, you will find that his footsteps are actually always stepping on the air a few centimeters above the ground. of.


All the doors he passed along the way were opened by powerful force before he arrived. Whether they were old wooden doors or alloy-cast metal doors, they were all twisted open like twists.

After the last door was destroyed, Lu En finally followed his senses and saw the fish-man Bai Lin who was imprisoned in a metal coffin with a look of despair, his last remaining family member in the Black Sea. .

"It seems the mystery has been solved."

Lu En sighed, stretched out his index finger and pressed it lightly. The alloy coffin containing the white scales quietly shattered into powder and scattered on the ground.

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